《Unseen | ✔》40 | TI AMO


"I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned."

"Hey, Isabelle!" I hear Adam yell from the living room.

"Yeah?" I shout back.

"I need you, now!" Adam yells. I roll my eyes and get up from the bed. My feet pad their way down the hallway into the living room where I find an anxious looking Adam.

"Can I take you somewhere?" He sputters out in a rush. I eye Adam weirdly before cautiously nodding my head.

"Uh – sure?" I reply back, unsure of myself.

"We're leaving in ten, so hurry because I don't want you to miss it," he says. My eyes bulge out of my head and I stand at the edge of the couches dumbfounded and confused.

"Is this a - a date?" I manage to get out, stuttering. Adam softly smiles at me and nods his head.

"Ten minutes?" I ask out in a rush, trying to process the fact that Adam and I are going on a date. Adam nods again in which I only reply by running out the room.

I tap my chin thoughtfully as I try searching for an outfit to wear. Lily would know what I should wear. Sometimes its things like this that make me realise how much apart Lily was of my life. I miss her so much.

Finally, I decide on a denim skirt and white top.

Adam suddenly appears in my line of vision, his eyes warm and a soft smile on his face. His eyes trail down my body, the colour darkening as he takes me. It doesn't matter how long Adam and I have been together for, he still manages to make me fidget under his gaze. Yet, now I seem to enjoy it more than I used to.


I grin at him grabbing my phone from the bedrooms vanity and then walk over to him. Adams' eyes twinkle with excitement as he takes my hand and leads me out the house.

It takes us twenty minutes to get to our destination. As soon as we step out the car, a sudden sense of déjà vu washes over me. My eyes widen in surprise at the sight before me.

"Remember?" Adams' voice rings out my ears. Of course, I remember this place, it's where we shared our first kiss.

I smile warmly at him and nod my head. "Yeah," I croak out, "I remember..."

I gaze at the sunset in awe, my lips parted as I take in the amazing view. "It's beautiful," I murmur out in a daze. I feel Adams' eyes on me as he shifts his feet.

"Yeah," Adam replies, "gorgeous..." I only nod my head in agreement.

Adams' body suddenly blocks my view. I look up into his eyes and broadly smile up at him. He gently cups my cheek and kisses my lips. My eyes flutter closed, savouring the moment.

"Stay like that," he murmurs before letting my body out of his grasp. I stay still, my eyes still closed and my body not moving.

I hear shuffling around before Adam finally speaks again. "Open your eyes, Prezioso..." He whispers.

I open my eyes, blinking several times, trying to get them to focus before I look down at Adam who is kneeling down on one knee. My eyes widen and a gasp escapes my lips.

"Adam," I whisper quite harshly, "get off the ground."

Adam shakes his head, a small smile lining the edges of his lips. I can see the hurt in his eyes though, even if he's still smiling.


"It's not what you think it is, Isabelle," he explains. I stare at him, my face blank and lips set in a straight line.

"Really, Adam, really?" I mutter back sarcastically. Adam rolls his eyes before pulling out a small box.

"Just shut up and let me talk," he argues back. I sigh before letting Adam speak again.

"I'm not proposing, Isabelle, I'm promising," he says in a 'duh' tone. A light laugh leaves my lips and I grin down at him in joy.

"Prezioso, I know I can't promise to be perfect and at the moment, I don't think anyone can. But, just know that I'll try my hardest to keep our relationship alive. You, my dear – dear, Prezioso, are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you're so precious and if I lose you, then..." Adam trails off, quickly shaking his head.

"I promise that this feeling that I hold in my heart right now will stay there forever. Isabelle, will you take this ring as a temporary replacement until we're both ready to get married?" Adam asks, his eyes full of love, happiness and hope.

"Adam," I hoarsely croak out, my voice full of so many emotions. "Yes, oh my god, yes!" I say, jumping into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly and bury my head into his neck.

"Ti Amo, Prezioso," Adam murmurs, his forehead touching mine. "I love you, Precious."

Tears glisten my eyes as sob escapes my lips. For once in my life, I'm not crying out of sadness or pain, no, I'm crying out happiness and joy.

"I love you so fucking much, Adam," I squeal out loud. Adam chuckles before crashing his lips against my own.

A small silence elopes us before I break it, the question bothering me too much.

"Why so soon?" I ask, confusion lacing my voice. Don't get me wrong, I love Adam, there's no doubt about that. With the amount we've been through together, it would be impossible not to, but, I can't help wonder why he wants to ask so soon. After all, we've only been together for four months...

"Lily said she would kick my ass if I didn't profess my under denying love for you. I don't trust Lily, she'll probably run away from hell and haunt my sorry ass for the rest of my life. I'm not really too keen on that," Adam says, a smile wide on his face. I only laugh and shake my head.

"Promise you won't leave me?" I ask almost desperately, after a short silence. Adam nods his head before pulling my body away from him to look me in the eye.

"I promise, Prezioso. Forever and ever..."

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