《Last Turn Home》Epilogue - 1 Month Later


I was leaning against the door frame leading into the living room, watching John playing with Addie. He was on the couch, lying on his back with the little girl on his chest. He was cradling the back of her head and holding her into a seated position.

"You're so cute... you shouldn't be allowed to be this cute..." he was cooing. She let out a happy gurgle, her arms flailing upward. "Yeah, I'm talkin' to you... you and that pretty smile... and that pretty little nose... and those eyes..." he laughed.

I laughed too, making my presence known.

"Hey, you're home early," John grinned as I squeezed half a butt cheek on the couch, putting a hand on his stomach so that I wouldn't slide off and land on the floor. "How's Jordan?" he asked.

"Oh my God, John, she's so cute!" I gushed, taking my phone from my purse and showing him a series of pictures with Maisy and her newborn daughter. "It's funny, she's about the same size as Addie... maybe even a little bigger," I laughed softly.

"Look at all of that hair," John wolf-whistled.

Addie gave a loud, unimpressed squeak, demanding that the attention be placed back on her. John made a silly face and she gave him a big, toothless smile.

"Hi there baby girl," I grinned, kissing the top of her head. "Did daddy feed you today?" I asked her but all of her attention was focused on her dad, who was still making silly faces at her.

"I resent that," John chuckled, looking up at me. "I fed her, changed her... twice... and now we were just about to go for a nice long nap, 'cause somebody can't sleep through the night yet," he said, giving Addie an accusing look.


"Tell him, Addie... it isn't your fault, you're just a baby," I said, and it was my turn to use that obnoxious baby voice that was practically all we ever used lately. I was just waiting for the time where John and I would start talking to each other that way out of sheer habit.

I picked Addie off of John and snuggled her against my chest. John stood up and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into a loose hug. We made our way upstairs and into the nursery.

We set Addie down for her nap and he turned to look at me. I loved him so much, and because of him I had a whole new little person in my life that meant the world to me. I couldn't believe how lucky I was, and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life looking up into those dark eyes of his.

"I love you, you know that?" I whispered.

"I know," he murmured against my lips.

We turned towards the crib again and held onto each other, quietly watching our daughter as she fell into an easy sleep.

"So uh, since we've got a bit of spare time on our hands... how about that nap?" John whispered with a crooked grin in my direction.

"I could use a nap," I smiled.

Together we left the nursery, giving our little girl one last fleeting glance before closing the door behind us. We crossed the hall into our own bedroom and fell into bed together, tangled up in each other's arms.

"So now that we've got the baby situation figured out," John whispered in the dim light caused by the afternoon sun trying to sneak through the closed blinds. "Feel like plannin' a weddin'?" he asked/

"I do," I whispered, tipping my chin up so that I could properly kiss him.

A/N: There you have it! I hope y'all enjoyed this novel and if you did, don't forget to leave a vote and a comment! All of the support I've received on this story is insanely appreciated.

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