《Known Stranger》Chapter 30


Thursday, 4:00 PM


Sorry, I couldn't text you

for some time.

I lost my aunt.


What? You lost your aunt.

Did you find her?


Kaylie no..........







It's okay, I guess.





Dude, I messed up big



What did you do now?


*inserts screenshot of chat with Ryan*



You really aren't supposed

to laugh!


I am really sorry but how can

you be so stupid?


Duh! I feel so bad now.

I was studying chemistry and

my mind was processing how

formic acid is produced in a

lab, do you think, I was in my

right mind?


Forget it, what's done is done.




You can't do anything.


I think I should console him


But what if he thinks you still

like him?


That's what I was thinking

but I cannot let him be.


I am not sure...


Why do you think I am asking





Cause I am not sure



I think you should console

him. I don't think this is the

right time to think bout this.


Exactly my point.


All the best and convey my



Yeah alright.


Hey are you okay?


I don't know, I feel so



It'll be alright.

You know time is the biggest



It's so good for you to say.

I am really thankful.


It's alright Ryan. Whatever

happened, we were atleast




Call Ryan?

Yes / No

[Hello*heavy voice*]

[You don't have to pretend to be alright with me]

[Kaylie, I never knew she

was suffering that much *muffled cries*]

[It's alright, you couldn't

have done anything]

[Kaylie, I am so sorry to you


[It's okay, I forgive you]


[Umm.. Yes]

[Thank you so much Kaylie. *breath*

I am so thankful]

[Come on champ, cheer up



[Thank you Kaylie]

[You are welcome, Ryan]

[Wanna come over?]

[Actually, I had my job]

[Oh, it's completely alright]

[Okay, then]


[Oh yes!]


[Taehyung asked me to convey

his apologies]

[*sighs*Thank you]

[Bye, Take care]

[I'll try, bye]

Call ended

I felt so bad after having this conversation. He felt so down. No matter what he did to me, he had always been close to his family and I know how possessive he is for them.

The anxiety was getting over me and I couldn't let myself just stand here being selfish when he doesn't have anyone at his vulnerable times. Taking a deep breath, I left the shop, using one of my paid leaves.

I rushed towards the bus stop and took a cab to Ryan's. I opened the door to his house only to find an unknown woman beside him, basically having some private moment when I intruded them. My vision was blurred by my tears as he looked towards me and I turned back.

"Kaylie.." he yelled and maybe some more words that I could not interpret. I rushed back to take a cab as soon as possible as he was chasing behind me and I left.

*Notification: Dispatch

BTS's V dating idol xxxxx, confirmed.

Attached pictures*


Hey dude, are you okay??


I don't think so😔


You'll be alright.

It'll end.


Why do people create these

fake news.

It's so hazardous for idols.


I know right.




You know, he is loved today,

tomorrow and forever.




Sometimes, it feels like

you and Taehyung are the same


It's so lucky of him to have a

fan like you. You see, there are always

people supporting and trusting



Are there any fans like me

who will always support him?


Obviously yes dude, there's a


whole gang, known as Armys.

Let me give you an idea.

Are you on instagram?




Then create a fake account and

search for taehyung.

You will get Maybe a thousand

fan pages there with millions

of positive posts.


I'll see to it right now.


Yeah. Take care.

Thursday, 7:00 PM


I feel so good now.

People really believe in me.

That's why I love Armys

They are so pure.

Hey where are you??


By the way, she is sleeping

and I am answering cause her

phone was beeping tremendously.

Well, I am Patrick, her brother.

If you want to convey any

important info, you can tell

it to me.


No no, it was just something random.

Thanks by the way.


Do you know, why she was

crying her eyes out?

She even took a leave from

her job and I am sure she won't

be telling me.


I am sorry, I don't know.


Oh it's pretty alright.

By the way, who are you?


I'm her friend.


Oh I see.

Okay, good bye.



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