《Known Stranger》Chapter 28


Sunday, 1:00 PM



Look who is awake!



What are you doing?


Am at my part time.


Isn't it Sunday?


Yes it is but I just ran short

of some money so... Patrick

took over the shop and I joined

one more part time.


I see.



You know it's the convinience

store, I am working and it's

completely empty... Like not

even one customer!

I am so bored.


Then let me call you.


Go ahead.

Call from Taehyung

Accept / Decline


[So, tell me what happened at


[You're still stuck at that!


[Just tell me I am so curious]

[First tell me why were you

drinking yesterday?]

[I was?]

[Dude, you were dead ass drunk]

[I wasn't!]

[You called an Uber to

go home]

[That isn't bad]

[You started off with your

own house!!]


[And you were frowning

that you were pregnant!]

[Okay! Let's stop this]

[Why?? Is someone embarrassed??]



[Tell me why were u drinking?]

[To be very honest I was

so taken aback by the news]

[What news?]

[There is a woman there and

people are saying that

Taehyung is dating her when he

actually isn't.]

[Ya, ik, I read the dispatch]

[And it's even when both the

artists have declined the

statement but now we will

be facing those ships.]

[Ya that's sad but there are

fans that'll always believe

them like you and me!

And basically you don't have

to be so sad about it, it's only

a matter of time]

[They even have pictures that

I have no idea where they got from.

Why will people believe them?]

[Because they love him.

And we love him. A word from him


and we believe it. That's it!

We know he won't lie

to his armies.]



[Thanks for believing in


[Looks like you are really

serious about Taehyung, go

and marry him.

He would love a lover like you]

[He would love to have a

lover like you too]


[What would you do if Taehyung

proposes you??]

[Umm... I don't know..

I love him and I have loved him for

a very long time.. but I don't

think I love him in that way.

I support him like my fam


[So, you would reject him?]

[Maybe! But we don't know and

this is futile questioning]

[Yes, I guess. So, what happened

at Ryan's]

[Hold your seats tight, we are

gonna go through a serious



[So, we reached his house and

his mom was honey sweet.

Like she wanted to talk to me but I just couldn't make myself to reply her. What would I have said, I am not your daughter in law and I am your son's ex?

So, I just concerned myself with eating the delicacies she made. And believe me, it was so beneficial. Whenever she asked me anything, I just stuffed my mouth with the food. But she never complained.]


[So we left his house and his phone beeped that I suppose to be Sasha's message and he asked me to go with him and I just had to]

[Ya I know, you cannot decline him]

[Duh! Listen up]

[ya ya continue]

[She called him to some Cafe and we went there. She was sitting there with sophisticated clothes. Obviously, she is a personal assistant of a senior architect]

[Oh! She is educated?]

[Haha nice one. So, we went to her and she saw me and gave the most grody look. She casually gave Ryan the divorce papers. Like wow!]


[Damn! That attitude]

[Seriously, I was so taken aback. Ryan asked him why she is doing this when he loves her so much. Like he could love anyone!]


[Now what she said further really did angered me!

She said that she never loved him! She loved the man I loved?!]

[What does it even mean!]

[Exactly my point. She said that I made Ryan such a big deal like he was the best man ever and she cannot find any man better than him ever. So, she started to feel the urge to know what a perfect man is!]

[What the fuck!]

[I was feeling the itching urge to swiftly jerk my hand in her direction with intention to cause harm or even an injury but I held back]

[Seriously, I can't believe

your life has more drama than

a serial]

[I know, sad but true. According to her,

when she got to know him, he was not at all perfect. In fact, he had so many flaws. Like how could she say that about Ryan]

[Girl, keep your feelings

straight. Don't dwindle.]

[No. I mean, she just ruined two lives and asking to casually move on! Then she said that I should get back with Ryan and I straight away continued our lie that I am taken]

[That's my girl. Take my kiss

*kiss sound*]

[Eww!! But the matter of fact is she didn't believed in me and started off with asking me about you.]


[I told her how we met coincidentally and some lies that I made up and don't even remember and Ryan just thought that you are a pervert. He started blabbering bulshit and I couldn't take it..]

[So, you slapped him?]

[Not yet. I just got up to leave, he held me by my wrist and tried to snatch my phone to look into our conversations, I was done for him and I don't what inside of me urged me to slap him real hard]

[Oh my God! That's epic!!

Take one more

*kiss sound*]


[He literally had tears in his eyes and it made me feel so bad that I did it. I straight away rushed back home from there.]

[You don't have to feel sad, you did a great job]

[Thanks my violent boyfriend

but I still think, I crossed the line]

[If that's your line, you should

have crossed it days back!]

[OH my God, there's a customer

in this lonely shop, talk to you


[Yes! Bye love]

[Just stop calling me that]

[Why? Aren't you my girlfriend??]

[Okay then baby, my honey, I

gotta leave.

*kiss sound*]

[Y- YAA! T-that's..

That's.. Cheating]

[Haha.. Bye]

Call Ended

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