《Rebirth of Fa Wei Lan》Chapter 1: Choices & Decision


It is raining.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the white marble tomb stone with the engraved names Zhou Ming and Fa Su Lan. My parent's grave...

Gripping at my beating heart, I looked up at the familiar faces. Everyone wore black. Turning back to the tombstone, I touched the cold wet letters. It was then that I noticed my small hands. I looked down at my body and saw how small it was. When tears suddenly fall, I touched my eyes. It felt too real - the tears, my tears.

"Wei Lan, child" My third uncle came behind me and spoke gently. "Do not cry anymore, from now on, uncle will be your father. I will love and protect you as my own"

Those were the same words which had moved me before.

"Zhou Tao, you are not suited for the job. Wei Lan is the heir, as the eldest uncle, I am more suited to care for her"

"Brother Hai, you can't say you're suited simply because you're the 2nd eldest. Wei Lan should live me and my wife. You and Tao both have your own children to raise"

I silently took in the same scene happening right before me. Seeing it all again. Hearing it all again. I realized how naive I had been. To believe they had been fighting for me, when the truth was they were fighting for themselves. I was but a trophy to be won - an accessory to use.

"Enough!" A sharp voice cut through the brother's argument.

I closed my eyes knowing who the voice belong to - my maternal grandfather, Fa He Long.

"To argue in front of the graves, do you 3 have no shame?"

"Honorable uncle, we have concerns for little Wei Lan. Brother Ming would have wanted us to prioritize Wei Lan above everything"


"Yes, honorable uncle, we meant no offense to the dead. We only wants what is best for little Wei Lan"

"Then let Wei Lan choose"

Those same words spoken caused my heart to beat furiously. Once again it was my decision. I can choose who I want to live with.

"Wei Lan, dear" Third uncle voice was soft and gentle like I remembered. "No matter what, I am here for you"

I continue to stand there holding onto my aching heart. My tears blended with the raindrops. In that moment, I realized my dying wish was being fulfilled. Without another thought, I dropped to my knees before father's family - the Zhou Family. I put my head down to my folded hand not caring that dirt and mud are on my clothes.

"Wei Lan?"

I could hear the shock in their voices.

"Why are you bowing? Get up child"

This is my last and final respect to my beloved father's blood family.

"Grandfather, please allow Wei Lan to follow and serve you"

I lifted my head and looked at the old man standing in the back with an old servant holding a black paper umbrella over him. Fa He Long, my grandfather was clearly surprised. Ever since I was little, I never visited him even though he was the last living grandparent I have. Because the Fa family lives in the Jing Province up in the high mountains between two valleys, it was extremely difficult to travel there - so I never wanted to go. Now, I realized how spoil I had been and how sad my mother must have felt for my behavior. So many times, I had the chance to go with my mother and father to the Jing Province to visit grandfather, but instead, I chose to stay home.

"Wei Lan, child, you are the Heir to the Zhou Family, do you not realize your responsibility to_"


"Wei Lan is only a child and unworthy for such responsibility. Wei Lan is willing to give up her Heir lineage to eldest uncle" I tried hard to control the shaking in my voice.

"Wei Lan!"

I saw the smile on eldest uncle face and the shock in second and third uncle.

"Grandfather, please let Wei Lan fulfilled her fidelity to you."

I cried softly - overcome with sadness that I had to relive my parent's death and to realize that once again I was alone. I was afraid that my grandfather would deny my request and I would again live in nightmares with my uncle and worst, meeting Hou Rong.

"Stand up child" Grandfather spoke calmly. "To give up your lineage is no small matters, this choice of yours, are you truly willing?"

"Wei Lan" Third uncle spoke in a panic. "Child, you shouldn't give up your lineage, your father would be heartbroken by such reckless decision"

"Only the capable and skill should take over the Head Position of the Zhou" I said firmly, even through my tears. "Wei Lan is neither capable nor skilled. Uncle, how could she take over as the Head of the Zhou?"

"Wei Lan" Third uncle voice suddenly change - clearly irritated. "Skills can be taught, in a few years, you would be capable as the Heir. Child, if your father hears your words, he will turn over his grave with disappointment. He had always wanted you to be the true Heir of the Zhou"

"No, you're wrong uncle... Father never forced me in the Heir position. He never announced it to the family either that I would take over his lineage"

"If he didn't pass, he would have_"

"If father truly wanted me to be his Heir, he would announced it at my birth"

That was true for any family and the realization surprised everyone.

"Uncle Hai, father always takes you where ever he goes. And when he couldn't, he gives you reins over the family in his absent. Wei Lan had always believe father intention had been having you as the Heir"

Uncle Hai's eyes soften like he was moved by my words.

"Wei Lan is only a child. Wei Lan only wants to do what's left for her parents" I turned to face grandfather once more. "Wei Lan never once showed fidelity toward her mother's father. Only now that father and mother died does Wei Lan know her mistake..."

I went to my knees once more.

"Wei Lan is ashamed... grandfather, if you do not wish for this granddaughter, then take me as your servant... please fulfill my selfish wish"

Again, there was silence. Only the sound of the rain was heard.

"Very well"

My heart skipped at grandfather sudden soft response. I bowed my head in gratitude.

"Wei Lan!"

"Zhou Tao, enough. It seems Wei Lan made her decision. Let the child fulfill her fidelity"

"You would agree since you wanted the Heir title!"

I was not surprised by the outburst and kept silence as my uncles again fought with one another once again.

"Wei Lan" Grandfather's voice was calm and gentle. "Come child"

I slowly stood up and walked to him.

"Zhou Wei Lan! You have forgotten your family name"

My feet frozen in place while my heart went cold.

"My name is now Fa Wei Lan" I gave a low bow to my uncles. "Forgive Wei Lan for her selfish decision..."

I did not look back at the Zhou family as I walked toward grandfather.

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