《Undeniably Claimed》Chapter 10: Commanding the Room


"Luca, the men from Stonewall Inc. are in the meeting room."

He looks up as a small smile tugs at his lips. She has been such a breath of fresh air in his overly stuffy office. She had no idea that he was practically drooling over her this morning. Sophia either isn't aware of what attention she draws or just doesn't care. Due to her innocence, he believes it to be the ladder. She was quite mesmerizing as she worked away at the computer. Her eyes completely glued on her task and everything else seeming to not exist. He should know, he stood at his door like a creep for a solid ten minutes and not once did her eyes stray from the computer screen. 

"You ready Tesoro?"

She rolls her eyes but Luca could see the blush creeping to her cheeks. She would never admit it, but he could tell she liked the nickname. He stood up making her eyes focus back on him. He smirked seeing as her eyes gazed over his figure. He was pleased to see that she had eyes for him because he certainly was enraptured by her. Walking from behind his desk towards her makes her eyes finally meet his. He doesn't say anything about her staring and just places his hand to the small of her back guiding her back out of the room. 

He continues walking towards the meeting room still with hands gently placed on her. He has realized how much he likes having her near. It helps calm his nerves when his mind is running rapid. Going out to lunch with her was certainly not planned but it was a delight. It was the first time in a very long time that his mind didn't consume of work. Her voice calling him by name does something to him that he has yet to figure out. He knows one thing... he likes it. 

Sophia steps forward pulling up the door to the meeting room. Sitting on one side are four suited men. They are quick to stand up as he walks forward. Although he wants to come right out and give them hell. He decides to play along a little while longer. He reaches over the table shaking each of there hands before the men take their seats. Glancing over, he finds Sophia standing by the door looking so unsure of herself. He stands and pulls out the chair beside his looking intently at her. She drops her head and scurries to sit down. 

"Gentlemen, this is my assistant, Ms. Andrews."

He watches as all men glance to her but one in particular continues to gaze at her longer than deemed appropriate. Luca clears his throat making the man look to him. His eyes set in a narrow glare with his face stern. After a moment of dead silence and thick tension, Luca finally breaks his gaze taking a seat beside Sophia before tugging on the arm rest of her chair to pull her closer before he settles. 


"I have read your contract gentlemen..."

"We think it would be highly beneficial for both parties."

Luca nods his head not saying anything as he holds up the contract that had Sophia's red writing in the margins before glancing to her. She is still looking at her lap showing how nervous she is. He turns his attention back to these men. 

"How would it benefit Sanford Drake Inc?"

"The earnings of course" The man says with his arms open in a gesture. His eyes gleaming but Luca knows that look. Greed.

"Did you gentlemen know how this company came to be?" 

Luca leans back in his chair as he looks to each of them. Three seem to be confused by his statement but one of the silent men have a smirk on his lips. The same man whose gaze continues to drift to Sophia. 

"It was founded by your father and he then overtook D&R. He then co-named the company from his current wife."

Luca could feel his blood boiling. These men were not only fools, they were idiots. He was about to retort but a giggle made him snap his attention to his right. She had her hand covering her mouth but that didn't stop the sound from coming out or her body from shaking. It was not only he who was looking at her. 

"I'm sorry" She says trying to regain her composure as she looks to the men. All eyes still set on her. "I have to ask, are you guys that daft?"

The men's eyes went wide by the fiery beauty's bluntness. The man in the middle spoke, "Excuse me?!"

"You have made nothing but mistake after mistake upon your arrival today so I have to ask... Are you... that.. DAFT?"

Luca had to hold back a smirk as he turned to the men who seem to be in a state of shock. He turns back now to Sophia resting his arm on his chair with his hand propping up his head. His amusement clear as day as she looks to the men. 

Finally having enough of there stunned silence she reaches for the contract before throwing it at them. The man reached for it before looking down to see what it was. "What is the meaning of this?"

Sophia straightens her spine before crossing her legs clearing her throat. All men still gazing at her. Luca however couldn't help but feel turned on as she commanded the room. She oozed confidence which was the opposite of what she appeared upon entering. 

"Rules of business are quite like the rules of a relationship... And frankly you failed." She shrugs with her ending. 

"How dare-"

"Rule number one" She holds up one finger. "Partners are always equal and balance. Your contract is not that, it favors Stonewall Inc on practically all fronts."

"It does not!" The man says slapping down the contract. 


"It does." Sophia says simply and calm. "Rule number two, relationships only work with honesty which once again you have failed at."

"We have been NOTHING but-"

"And rule number three... disrespect is volatile both in business and personal relationships."

"Disrespect?? DISRESPECT!" The man roars standing up as his chest rumbles. "Have you not seen the way you are acting young lady?"

"What have I done sir? Have I not given you all fair chances to be honest and respectful?"

The man feeling appalled looks to the CEO who has been silent throughout this whole process. "Are you going to let your assistant run your meeting Mr. Sanford or do you have no tongue!"

Luca feeling his amusement become rage again turns to the young man releasing a dreamy sigh. Further angering the men before him. He quite likes their redden faces. He glances at Sophia who is still looking at the man standing with a straight spine. He likes the way she looks right now. He shrugs in response, "I think she's doing quite a fine job."

Sophia smirks but refuses to look at him at this time as the enraged bull before looks between her and Luca. He clearly has no idea what to say. She decides to finish this as she is done with them. Slowly she stands up straightening out her dress. 

"The terms of your contract were absurd and foolish to believe that Sanford Drake Inc. would ever want to sign. You then further disrespected Mr. Sanford by treating this meeting as a joke. What respectable partner wouldn't know the history of the company he wants to partner with?" 

"You listen here, you little bi-"

"And last but not least" She says interrupting him yet again lifting her hand to stop him. "You are wasting Mr. Sanford's time from partnerships that would actually be beneficial to him."

The man goes to step forward making Luca stand up making all men freeze. His face set in a dangerous expression and the look in his eyes holding the promise to kill. The man then looks between the pair again before a dirty smirk comes to his lips. 

"I didn't know screwing the assistant gave them rights to your balls Mr. Sanford?"

Luca goes to step forward but a grip to his jacket on his back stops him. He continues to glare menacingly at the man. The doors burst open and in comes two security guards. Sophia then goes to stand beside Luca looking to the man who looks like he won some small battle. She doesn't like it. 

"At least he has them"

All heads snap back to her as the guards cough trying to cover a laugh. Luca continues to stand rigid but felt the urge to smirk at her statement as well. 

"Gentlemen, if you could help remove these men from the premises. They have no further business here."

Luca's voice holding an edge making the security team quickly straighten themselves out and walked over as the men gathered their briefcases giving one final look to the pair before exiting. The door clicking shut left the room in silence as Luca tried to gather his thoughts. His eyes still to the now empty wall in front of him and his body rigid. 

A soft touch feeling a hand in his own makes him turn to the woman in charge. His once rigid form softening under her touch. Her eyes holding an apology yet he is unsure as to why. 

"I-I'm sorry Luca. I did-didn't mean to do that. I swear." 

Her eyes were looking alarm and her breathing was staggering. He released her hand and cupped her cheeks quickly. "Sophia, breathe for me."

He showed her what he meant and watched as her eyes trained on his lips as she mimicked his breathing. After a moment she seemed to have calm down but he didn't release her. Her hands were on his sides as he continued to hold her face within his palms. His lips tilting up at her. 

"I am not upset"

"You're not?!" Her eyes widen slightly. He chuckled shaking his head no. 

"Do you know how my company came to be?" He wanted to see how much she actually knew. 

A soft smile graced her lips as she held his gaze. "Your mother, Heather Drake, was the daughter of the CEO's of D&R. Her brother still runs a D&R headquarters out of New York. Your father was sole owner of Sanford Inc. They eventually renamed to represent the equal partnership between the pair."

He smiled fondly. She knew... she actually did do her research. Intrigued, he raised an eyebrow at her. "How much do actually know about me Ms. Andrews?"

A smirk replaced her smile. "Time will tell Mr. Sanford"

He threw his head back laughing before tugging her into his embrace as his arms wrapped around her shoulders. His body continued to shake with laughter as he held her close. He felt her arms wrapped around his torso as well. His laughter finally died down and yet he didn't want to release her. She began to pull away so he relented and released her. 

Her cheeks were flaming red making him smirk unintentionally. "You look quite cute when your all blushes."

Her eyes narrowed on him. He stepped closer placing his lips against her ear. "However you commanding a room... well that was extremely sexy."

He walked around her and glanced back to find her stunned expression. He grinned waltzing out of the meeting room. He may not have been the one to give them hell but he sure as hell enjoyed watching it...

Arriving back at his office, he was surprised to find a visitor in his office. The man turned around revealing himself with a grin. Luca straightened himself out stepping into his office. 


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