《Undeniably Claimed》Chapter 9: Talking to Jess


"Alright spill"


Sophia turned towards Jessica who was sitting beside her on the couch. After arriving home today, the red head beauty has been trying to figure out how to bring the conversation about her job to Jessica but wasn't sure how her sister would react. So instead, she went directly to making a dinner for them both. After dinner, she quickly suggested a movie before making a quick escape to the living room.

Jessica looked to her younger sister unimpressed. She received a text from Taylor saying that Sophia had some huge news for her. She was expecting her sister to spill the moment she walked in and was amused to find her trying to avoid whatever was at the tip of her tongue. She smirked seeing her sister slightly worried until now. Sophia kept stealing glances at her and it was clear it was important. Turning off the TV, Jessica rotates her very pregnant belly to her sister expecting an answer. Biting her lip, Sophia fiddles with her finger while her sister can't help but internally giggle at her.

"Okay so I do have some news but it isn't that big of a deal." Glancing at her sister, she doesn't say anything and gives her a look as if saying 'go on'. "I may have become the temporary personal assistant of Mr. Sanford."

Jessica's eyes widening in complete shock. This was not even in the realm of things she was expecting to hear. Taking a deep breath she relaxes her head back on the couch looking to the ceiling.


"So I went to tell Mr. Sanford about the forgeries this morning. Well I kinda dropped them all over his floor so after gathering them, I decided to make a run for it. I mean he helped me gather them Jess but I felt like an idiot. Anyways, he came to my office after and I presented the papers to him."

"Soph... Breathe" Jessica instructed knowing her sister was trying to say it quickly. After hearing a deep inhale with a slow exhale, she continues.

"Jess, he looked so lost..." Sophia was looking to her hands now as Jess studied her. "My mouth ran before I could stop it and I invited him out for lunch."

"Wait- Wait!... You had lunch with the CEO?!"

Jessica looked completely baffled. The man had never even made an appearance other than when he did his quarterly meeting with the heads of the company. Jessica could only remember the stoic expression that was always attached to him. Leave it to her sister to try playing friendly with the boss.

Sophia looked to her sister's expression before rolling her eyes. "He's just another person Jess..."

"No he's not Soph. He controls my-our job."

"He isn't like that"

Jessica flops back against the couch with wide eyes to her sister. The stubborn red head not looking at her and Jess can tell there is more. "What happened at lunch?"

Sophia shrugs, "He ended up taking me to this nice restaurant and we just talked."

"You just... talked?" Jess can't feel like she is missing something.


"After we talked about the checks, he told me he knew who made them. He made a deal with me. He said that once he told me who it was, I would have to replace their position."

"So that means Fletcher was the one responsible." Sophia nods her head in confirmation to her sister. "Mr. Sanford was the one who proposed this to you?"

"Luca isn't what-"

"Who is- Oh no... no, no, no.... NO! Tell me you don't call Mr. Sanford, Luca?"

Sophia turns hearing her sister's accusing tone. She crosses her arms across her chest with a frown. "He wants me to Jess. I told him I wouldn't call him by his first name when other people are around."

Not listening to another word, Jess begins turning trying to get herself up off the couch. After a moment of looking like a bowling pin, she finally gets to her feet making Sophia's gaze follow her before getting up to follow her.

Jessica waddles into the kitchen getting a glass of water and chugging half of it. After a moment she turns back to her baby sister. Her green eyes holding concern and worry. Jess sighs not sure how to feel about all this information. Her stoic boss has somehow become close to her sister in the span of a day. Closing her eyes she takes a few deep breaths before finally looking to her sister.

"Did you tell him everything?"

Sophia knows what she is implying. Looking to the ground, she shakes her head negatively crossing her arms in a defensive manner. She liked the fact that he was having fun with her today. She didn't want to spoil that, she liked that he treated her normally and didn't look to her with pity.


She lifts her gaze to find that exact look on her sister's face. It's not as if she is not use to it but it still irritates her. She shakes her head before walking over to stand by her sister. Both looking forward but both knowing what the other is thinking.

"I want to be me Jess... Not the girl that-"

"I know sis, but it scares me."

Sophia laid her head on her sister's shoulder before turning to peck it gently. "It'll be okay."

Not wanting to further discuss this, Sophia leaves the room walking back to the living room. Jessica taking another minute feeling her pregnancy hormones getting the best of her making some silent tears escape her eyes which she is quick to brush away. Getting her emotions in check, she waddles back to the living room before gently landing beside her sister. The TV is already back on and the prior conversation being pushed to the back as they watch a show together.

Sophia falls asleep in the middle and Jess can't help but look to her baby sis brushing those auburn locks back. A deep sigh escaping as her concerns for her sister come back in full. What will happen if Mr. Sanford learns of all her demons and breaks her? Trying to focus on the right now, she lifts herself up from the couch again with a degree of difficulty before adjusting her sister to lay down and placing a blanket over her. She kisses her fingers before placing them to her sister's head.


"Love you baby sis"


The following morning comes to quickly and Sophia can feel her nerves running high. She made a smoothie this morning for herself and Jess before leaving the house. Today she wore her hair down again with a black fitted dress reaching her knees. She was nervous to see Luca again. Trying to brush that aside, she focused on her steps as she waved to Sam who gave her a beaming smile and wave back before she made it to the elevators.

She gets on with another few individuals as she presses the button to the top floor. She keeps her eyes forward even though she can feel all eyes on her wondering why she is going to the CEO floor. Each stop relieves others before she makes it to the top floor with an empty elevator. She takes a deep breath as she steps out to the very large floor. The ambiance screams power making her slightly nervous. She steps out and the view of the morning sky line catches her gaze. Her feet unconsciously taking her to look out at the view below her.


She whips around hearing his voice so close. He is quick to steady her. Sophia looks up to see amusement clear in his eyes and his lips twitching with the need to smile.

"Mr. San-"

"Sophia" Her name coming out in a warning.


He smiles releasing her and takes a step back. His eyes then taking in her attire as they linger on her legs momentarily. She bites her inner cheek as she feels her neck warm up. His eyes then snap back up at her with a smirk.

"You're early."

Sophia shrugs, "Better than being late"

Luca chuckles shaking his head. He turns around walking over to the desk that Sophia remembered Fletcher sat at. He walks around and pulls out the chair for her. Clearing her throat, she walks forward taking a seat and giving a small 'thank you'. He leans over turning on the computer monitor. Sophia can't help but inhale his alluring scent. It's very woodsy. She realizes what she is doing and quickly straightens her back in attempt to stop her thoughts.

"You alright Tesoro?"

"Mhmm" Is the best she can do as the blush over takes her cheeks. The nickname still getting to her.

She can feel his gaze for a moment before bringing up some applications on the computer. He begins explaining them to her and where to find everything. As much as she tries, she can't help but only concentrate on his close proximity. It has an effect on her that makes it hard to focus on anything else. He final straightens himself before walking around the desk to the front. Sophia exhales a breath she didn't realize she was holding as her gaze follows his figure.

"As discussed, I will give you the next hour to do your normal routine for Head of the Finances."

"Luca, it may take long-"

"One hour Tesoro..." He can see her itching to talk back but she just nods her head. He sighs leaning forward to her watching as her eyes go wider. "What isn't completed, you may relay to Ms. Wood."

"Yes sir"

He gives her a deadpan look that makes her erupt with laughter. He rolls his eyes and turns before the smile is shown to her. He wasn't aware that Sophia already caught the amusement in his eyes knowing he wasn't mad. Her laughter calm down and she got to work on the checks, and paystubs, she then ran another algorithm for the department on the companies loss assessment and where they were having the most unstable in gains vs losses to see what would show up.

An hour came and she walked to his office knocking gently. Hearing a faint 'come in', she walked in with a tablet ready to see what all entailed for the day. She stood not sure if he would like for her to sit.

"Have a seat Sophia"

She nods taking a seat crossing her legs in the process. Sophia catches Luca's eyes following her legs movement before looking back up at her. She doesn't say anything, "Where should we start?"

"Schedule please"

Sophia looks back down at the tablet pulling up his calendar. "You have a 1 o'clock with Tech Global then a 2:30 with Mr. Sanford Senior. At 3:00, you have Stonewall Inc. Wait.."

She looks up and wonders if he is aware of them coming in. "Anything else?"

"Are you still wanting to meet with Stonewall Inc?"

"Yes" Sophia tilts her head with furrowed brows confused. "I want to make an example out of them. You will also be in attendance."


"My personal assistant is to be with me for all meetings and events unless otherwise specified."

She nods her head in understanding until his words sink in. "Events?"

His smirk making her insides warm. He is extremely attractive. "Yes Tesoro, events and outings will also require you to be by my side."

"Is that normal? Did Fletcher go with you to events as well?"

He doesn't comment but the smirk on his lips remains intact. After another minute in silence of the two just staring at each other, he continues. "You will need to make sure to answer all calls and prioritize them. Set the schedule, confirm the appts, the bookings if required, and any emails that may retain to other partners."

She feels her mood damper slightly. She never thought her years of study, she would end up the secretary. After a moment, she decides this would be a new adventure and should have fun with trying something new.

"Alright" She says with a firm nod before standing up looking to him. "Is there anything else?"

She waits a moment as his eyes drill into her own. His eyes reflecting multiple emotions that Sophia can't clearly decipher. Shaking his head negatively, she smiles before giving one last nod and exiting his office. Walking back over to her desk, she sits down and opens the emails when her jaw drops open. Jesus, that's a lot...

She began replying to the emails not even realizing that Luca had walked over to open his door and stood their momentarily looking to her with a small smile gracing his lips.

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