《Undeniably Claimed》Chapter 1: Meet & Greet


Sophia took of her headset putting it in her bag before walking into the upscale building. The building making her feel miniscule compared to the height it stood at. There were many beautiful buildings in Los Angeles however this building just screamed power and regal. It towered over the other buildings surrounding it.

She took a deep breath and tugged at her shirt. A nice fitted blouse that her sister bought her to wear. She attempted to make her wear a fitted skirt but that didn't fly well. So now she is wearing a pair of dress slacks. Her long auburn hair lying down her back. She has always hated having her hair up and now will only put it up if necessary. Rubbing the blouse once more she pushes through the rotating doors to the lobby. She walks up to the lobby desk where an older man sits.

"Excuse me, could you direct me to the Finance department please?"

The man looks up and his eyes go slightly wide at the beauty standing before him. Her long fire locks glowing the morning sun. Her eyes holding the lightest of green eyes and she had a beautiful smile. He shook his head finally responding to her.

"Yes ma'am. Name please?"

"Sophia Andrews sir."

The man looked up again with a gentle smile. It's not every day a young lady comes in here with manners. It was a nice change to what he usually deals with.

"Please call me Sam."

"As long as you call me Sophia."

He laughs throwing his head back. Looking back he can see a grin on the young woman's face. He stands up gesturing to his left.

"Take this elevator to the 14th floor. Head of the department is Jessica Andrews. She will direct you."

"Thank you Sam, can you tell me will her assistant Taylor be there?" Sam raises a brow at her. "Jessica Andrews is my sister and I am here to work while she is on maternity leave."

Sam slaps his forehead as realization dawns on him. "Of course, how could I have forgotten."

Sophia giggles gently at the man. He is an animated character and he was a kind. She liked him already.

"It's nice to meet you Sam. I'll head up now."

Sam gave a gentle nod of his head still directing her to the elevator. Sophia took another deep breath as she waited by the elevator. A few others standing near her. Only one being a woman who seemed to be focusing on her phone. The other men snickering and talking lowly.

"Dude, she was incredible! Definitely had my head spinning."

She rolled her eyes and saw the woman do the same. The men continued talking vulgar even as the elevator opened up to them. The three men stepping on as she did with the other woman. The girl once again typing away on her phone.

"I bet Taylor wouldn't know what that's all about. She probably doesn't even know what a-"


"I'll make this clear to you Will. I have had my own go arounds.. none of which included you."

Sophia has to bite her lip hearing this. That is when she caught the name, Taylor. This may be her assistant for the next few months. Two of the guys snicker at one of the men. The one, Will, narrowing his eyes at the back of Taylor's head.

"You haven't been so fortunate Tay..." Will says playfully. Sophia cringes thinking that was the worst line she has heard in a while. Looking at the numbers, she realizes she is close to the 14th floor.

"You're right Will." The elevator dings opening the doors as Taylor steps forward. "Although I hear it's hard to do much with three inches."

Sophia's jaw drops as she steps out. The other men bust out laughing as the door's close on them. Sophia follows the woman who has now walked towards the back offices. Just like she predicted, this is Taylor Wood. Thank god! She followed the brunette who seemed to have went back to her phone. The woman stopped abruptly turning slowly to look directly at her.

"May I help you?"

"Yes, are you Taylor, as in Jess' assistant?" The brunette slips her phone in her purse giving the red head her undivided attention.

"That depends, who are you?"

Sophia puts her hand out for a hand shake. The brunette takes it hesitantly. "I'm Sophia Andrews, Jess'-"

"Oh yes! Jess' kid sister. Sorry I forgot she was going on maternity leave this week."

Sophia shrugs, "No big deal. I have to say, I love how you handled that guy."

Her finger going back to point towards the elevator. Taylor just rolls her eyes going into her purse for her keys. "Yea well, you will meet a lot of men hear that think they are god's gift to the world. I hope you have some thick skin."

"No worries there."

Taylor smiles at her opening her office door. She goes to set her bag on her desk. Sophia looking around the spacious office. It is a beautiful office.

"You know, you don't look much like your sister."

"Yea, I was adopted at a real young age." Taylor makes an 'O' shape with her lips.

"Sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's alright no worries." Sophia waves her off still looking around the room. Taylor coming over to stand beside her looking at a painting. "This artist is talented."

"Thank you" Taylor says looking at her own hard work. Sophia's eyes go wide as she whips her head to her before looking back at the painting.

"You did this?!"

"Yes, painting is my hobby." Sophia gives her an incredulous look but doesn't comment farther. "Let me show you to your office Ms. Andrews."

"Eww, please call me Sophia." Taylor laughs nodding her head and taking them out of her office to the one next door. Taylor uses her keys to open the office pushing the doors wide open. Sophia's jaw slacking at the grand design. It looks absolutely splendid. She walks in setting down her bag on the desk while continuing to gawk at the office. Taylor stands by the door watching her amused.


"What do you think Sophia?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Taylor giggles lowly shaking her head. She liked seeing such an honest expression. Sophia walks around looking at the window first before her eyes fall on another piece of artwork. She turns back to Taylor with a knowing smile. Taylor walks into the office with a proud smile.

"She liked my artwork as well."

"You really should consider selling your work. It is absolutely breathtaking."

Taylor's cheeks turning a little pink not use to such praise. She gives a smile but doesn't comment. She turns back around walking over to the side of the desk. Sophia following her and taking a seat in the big chair. Taylor moves around the mouse as the computer comes to life.

"Now your sister has written down your passwords and such. I will walk you through what the daily life of Jess consist of and then we will also being showing you the facility."

Sophia nods her head with a bit of excitement. She usually has odd end jobs so having something so official feels foreign to her but she is excited to try it. Taylor begins walking her through the programs on the computer and lays out what all the job entails. It seems easy enough. She has to oversee the company's holdings and make sure they are within the margin of the shareholders along with handling employee payroll. After finishing the applications on the computer, Taylor led her around the floor discuss the different employees before getting in the elevator.



The man takes a look at Sophia up and down making her skin crawl. Taylor coughed loudly bringing the man's attention back. He was a tall man, and held his head high like he was above everyone.

"Care to tell me the madam's name Taylor?"

Taylor gave a force smiled before looking to Sophia. "Ms. Andrews, this is Fletcher Brooke. Fletcher this is Ms. Andrews."

He reaches his hand out to her and she unwillingly takes it giving a fake smile to the man. "Ms. Andrews? You are Jessica Andrews?"

Before Sophia can comment, Taylor cuts in. "She is head of the financial department."

He grins at her before winking at her in his attempts to flirt. All it did was make Sophia want to roll her eyes. She turns back to the front as the elevator dings allowing the man off. As the door closes, Taylor flips the bird making Sophia burst out laughing. Taylor joins in before groaning.

"That dude is a royal pain. He is the CEO's assistant and makes sure to let everyone know it."

"So he works for the top brass right?"

"Yes, Mr. Sanford doesn't allow women to be his assistant. He has had a few but it never worked out."

"High expectations?" Sophia says with a raised brow. Taylor shakes her head negatively.

"No, not really. Just wants an employee that won't jump him." Sophia giggles softly at her statement. "Seriously though, he is attractive but too... stiff?"

Sophia can't help as she throws her head back laughing. She has never heard someone be referred to as stiff. She decides to tease Taylor, "stiff in what areas?"

This time Taylor's jaw drops open as she turns to her. The elevator dings as they step out. Taylor still in shock while Sophia smiles and gently laughs. Almost everyone on the floor looking towards the heavenly sound to find a beauty they have yet to meet. The woman was young and vibrant with hair the color of flames. It was her aura that made all fall enrapture to her.

"I can't believe you said that."

"You said it first!" Sophia accuses right back. Taylor's cheeks blushing a beautiful shade as she notices the on looking gazes they are receiving. She begins walking a little quicker to the office she was heading towards.

"I just mean that he is a calculated, head strong man. The few times I have seen him, he has yet to crack a smile. He always look like a robot. It's quite intimidating."

"He's the boss, isn't he supposed to be?"

"There is a difference between being a boss and being cold. He is the ladder of the two... Just be wary of him if you see him."

"Note to self, stay clear of head honcho."

Taylor couldn't suppress her snort at the new girl. She was definitely not what she was expecting. Glancing to her she is still smiling as the continue walking. It made a serene smile grace Taylor's lips. Getting to the office door, she knocks hearing a soft come in before opening the door leading Sophia in.

"Sophia, meet Brad. Brad this is Jess' kid sister."

The older man gets up walking over opening his arms. Sophia's eyes go wide as the unknown man picks her up hugging her tightly. She remains extremely rigid in his hold. He gently sits her down on her feet looking to Taylor for an explanation.

"Brad is your sister's best friend and confidant when I'm not around... oh and he is gay so no worries there."

Sophia turns back to the man raising a brow. He mirrors her image for a moment before breaking out into a grin. "Damn your sister wasn't kidding."

"About what?" Sophia asks with a tilt of her head.

"That you were a rare beauty that could bring a man to his knees."

Sophia snorts very un-lady like but Brad and Taylor just remain smiling at her. Her eyes going wide realizing they aren't joking. "She clearly over exaggerates."

"Sweetheart if I didn't prefer sausage over tacos, I would constantly want your Mexican cuisine."

Her mouth opens wide but Taylor just slaps Brad's shoulder while trying to control her laughter. Sophia blushes and runs her hand through her hair. Brad sticks out his hand to her. She studies it for a moment before taking it.

"It's nice to meet you finally Sophia."

"Nice to meet you as well Brad."

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