《Undeniably Claimed》Prologue



I look up to find the head mistress looking at me with sorrowful eyes. My mind begins racing wandering what on earth has happened. I gather my bag and books before following her out of the classroom. The eyes of all the other students lingering on me as I pass by.

She pats my shoulder as I walk out of the door hearing the soft click behind me. I walk down the hallway feeling the weight pressing down on me. Only one thing could have made her come get me today. Walking into the office, I find my parents standing by the door with teary eyes. My heart crumbles in realization of what that means. My feet stopping abruptly as I take in a deep breath gaining my own composure before going to them. The head mistress doesn't say anything and gives me a moment. After clearing my throat, I urge my feet to continue walking.

My parents faces lift seeing movement as they look to me. My mother has watery eyes and a wobbly smile. My father holding her shoulders for support. I put on a tight lip smile walking to them. My mother's arms opening instantly engulfing me. My heart clenching as I remain smiling.

"It's okay mom."

She breaks down in sobs while I rub her back. My father looking to me with his own glossy eyes. I give him a small reassuring smile.

"It will be okay..."

Too bad for me, things would never be okay. Years later and I finally discovered that. You have to grasp the good and hold on to it while you can. The bad is just around the corner waiting to claw at you. To take away any hope you successfully gained. After enough problems, I finally just decided to let go and let the fates take me where they please. Fighting my future didn't seem to do anything other than cause heart ache... so why try?



"Coming Jess!"

I haul myself off the couch heading into the kitchen. My sister is standing there with a very pregnant belly while making toast. Her hand rubbing up and down the bump. My smile is big as I walk up leaning over to kiss her belly. The movement under my lips making my sister cringe and hold her stomach.

"Hey you-" I say playfully pointing at her stomach. "Don't be mean to momma."

"Soph, are you sure you will be okay-"

"Absolutely! Don't worry about it. I'm only going to be there for a few weeks."

Jess gave a smile thankful for her younger sister. She couldn't believe her boss approved of this but for what ever the reason, she was grateful. Her daughter was supposed to be coming in a weeks time and the father is not in sight. Her sister left her travels to come help her. Jess had already asked if she would be Keesly's god mother. Her sister has yet to give her an answer and she knows why... She hasn't pushed her and knows what all this means.

"If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me!"

"What could possibly go wrong Jess?"

Sophia herself wasn't sure of this but she would do anything for her sister. This was her support growing up. When Sophia turned 17, she was pulled out of classes once again for the fateful news that their parents were killed in an accident. Jess stepped up and took guardianship of her younger sister at the age of 20. A time when she was supposed to be cutting loose and living it up. She took over and helped her graduate. Jess uprooted her life coming back home to care for her... and now she was able to help and she would do so happily.



Her name sounding so low she barely heard it. She turned back to find her sister with a pleading look. Soph smiled reassuringly while walking over to hug her tightly. Jess leaning her head on her baby sister's shoulder.

"I will call if I need you... It will only be til you get back there anyways. Want to make sure the place doesn't burn to the ground with me running it."

Jess chuckles at her sister. Sophia was a genius. She knew numbers like a second language. Jess was head of the finance department at a very large company and she was proud of how hard she worked to get there. If anyone could fill her shoes, it would be her baby sister.

"Alright, well you have my number."

"Yes Jess" Soph says groaning before showing a dimple smile. Jess just narrows her eyes playfully but Sophia takes off after swiftly kissing her cheek.

"Love you!" Sophia yells while running out the door. The door click shuts and Jess stands there rubbing her stomach.

"Love you too sis..."

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