《My Pet Mate》Chapter 16


*Annabelle's POV*

When I came home from work on Wednesday I was met with Adam looking over a paper filled dining table.

"I'm home." I yelled out as usual. But instead of an energetic greeting back I was just met with a soft 'hey'.

I walked up to him and touched his arm gently, "What's up?" I asked.

Adam placed an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, "I'm looking for a job." He mumbled.

I blinked, "A job?"

Adam nodded, "Yes, since Robin knows about me know, and soon Fred as well, I figured it would be ok to get an actual job. That was Robin won't kill me and I don't have to feel guilty for leeching off you." He explained.

"Ah, I told you I really don't mind all that." I told him with a smile.

He squeezed my shoulder, "I know, but I do mind. So I'm gonna get a job and help you out with the funds."

I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to change his mind on this, "Ok, thank you." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Wat are the options?" I asked.

Adam sighed, "Not much that Cade will agree with. He growls at anyone giving him orders so right now I'm honestly looking at dog walking service."

I busted out laughing, "How ironic."

"Shut it you!" Adam used his free hand to scratch his head, "It's not something I've ever had to think about. My future was clear; Alpha."

I nodded and tried to think of another option for him. I guess he'll always have to struggle with this. Unless he somehow takes over another pack, he'll have to keep a normal job to survive, that isn't going to be an easy feat.

"Hey," Suddenly, an idea popped into my head, "Why don't you try to get a job at that fitness center in town? I think they're looking for teachers and stuff."

Adam's eyes lit up, "Holy shit that would be perfect!" he spoke as he engulfed me in a hug.

I giggled, "Do you want to go together?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nah, I'll be fine on my own." Adam spoke as he placed some strands of hair behind my ear, "I'm an Alpha, I can handle myself."

I rolled my eyes, "I thought you might needed your Luna."

Adam smiled, "I do need my Luna, but not for that." He gave me a soft kiss on my forehead, "I need you to complete me fully. To bring me happiness and to help my heart beat every day."

I blushed. He's smooth. I stammered a few words before Adam chuckled and engulfed me in a tight embrace. I felt him kiss my temple, "You don't have to do a lot to achieve any of those things. Just existing is enough." He spoke softly.

There are a lot of things you can say about Adam, but one thing is certain, he's incredibly smooth.


The next day when I got home Adam wasn't there, and I figured that he was at the gym. I started preparing some classes for the next few weeks. Halloween was coming up, and I always like to do something fun during that time.

Around 5:30, I heard the front door open. An animated Adam ran into the living room, "I have a job!"


I jumped up, "That's awesome! At the gym?"

Adam nodded and walked over, giving me a kiss on the head before continuing, "Yeah, I'm gonna be teaching some teens boxing three times a week."

I smiled up at his excitement. He was like a little kid. I suppose this is what he meant when he said that even emotions like happiness are extreme for an Alpha. "That's cool, which days?"

"On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. I'll be working from 1 till 5. It's not a moneymaker job, but it's something." Adam said.

I nodded, "That's awesome Adam, I'm happy for you!"

Adam gave me a quick kiss on the lips, "Thanks. They said that they're impressed by my skills. I told them I was out of shape and hadn't done any boxing lately so they didn't give me many hours but they said that If I do good I might get more classes."

"That's great! How's Cade feeling about it?" I asked.

"He has mixed feelings about the thing. He doesn't like the fact that we have a boss, but he's happy to start working out again. And we both enjoyed training the kids back in the pack so he's happy to do that again." Adam spoke, "Oh, by the way, they gave me a free pass to the gym so I can work out and practice in my free time."

I grinned, "The deal just keeps getting better huh?"

Adam nodded with a boyish smile on his face, "Yes! I'm really happy about it all." He pulled me close again and placed his head in the crook of my neck, "Thank you." He mumbled.

"For what?" I asked as I started playing with his hair.

"For everything. If you hadn't come to that shelter that day I would have probably been put down by now. Completely rogue too. Now I have so much. A mate, a home, a job. It all feels surreal." He spoke softly.

I couldn't help but smile, "I've only known you for three weeks now, and I've known we are mates for only one week, yet I couldn't imagine my life without you anymore. You've already given me so much happiness, I can't thank you enough either."

His grip on me tightened, "You mean everything to me Anna, Cade and I couldn't live without you either."

The rest of the evening we just spend our time like that, cuddling up on the couch and basking in each other's presence.


"In human principles, what are we exactly?" I asked as I was putting on make-up in my bedroom. Adam was laying on my bed just watching me. I've noticed that he has become a lot more clingy since he told us we were mates, but for now I didn't mind much. I loved being surrounded by other people, and Adam was definitely no exception to this.

"I don't know? Boyfriend and girlfriend?" he asked.

I looked over at him, "I think that would be most believable. What would it be if you really compared the two situations?"

Adam sat up straighter, "Uh... well generally speaking mates don't really have a title like that. We're just mates, it means that we're meant to be together, love each other and wish to stay together until we die."

"So being mates equals marriage?" I asked, trying to get a better idea of it.


Adam frowned, deep in thought for a second, "I think it means more than that. We're literally soulmates. There is no divorce or anything. Yeah, it means more than marriage."

"Damn, that's wild." I mumbled as I got back to my make-up.

"I guess since I haven't marked you yet and we haven't officially mated being boyfriend and girlfriend would be the right option. In our world the mark is basically the same as wearing a ring. Marking means confirming the bond that you have as mates and accepting it. It isn't official until you mate fully but the mark is basically marriage." Adam explained.

I felt my cheeks heat up at those words. So when Adam marks me we will basically be married to each other. "D-does the mark do anything besides confirming the bond?"

Adam nodded, which I saw in my mirror, "Yes, it makes our scents mix together slightly. They won't fully mix together until we fully mate, but it will make enough of a difference to ward of any unmated males or females." Adam started. Right, the scent thing. I don't know how to feel about that yet.

"The mark also opens up the ability to mind link. We'll be able to mind link too. It works with humans." Adam continued.

"We can talk telepathically?!" I exclaimed.

Adam chuckled, "Yes my mate, we can."

"That's gonna be so cool!" I said more to myself.

Adam shook his head in amusement, "Sure, it also makes it so that you can feel the sparks when we touch."

I nodded, "That's going to be interesting. So is there any difference between marking and mating in that aspect?"

"Oh yeah," Adam started, "Once you mate your souls basically intertwine with each other. You will be able to feel each other's emotions. When one of you is in pain, the other will feel it too. I've heard it gets real intense."

"Wow, so I'll be able to feel when you get sad?" I asked.

"Yes, and in return I can feel that for you as well." Adam said.

Damn, that's going to be very different. A sudden thought entered my mind, "Will you be able to feel my period cramps?"

Adam raised an eyebrow, "I guess so, yeah."

I smirked, "Oh boy, you got a bit storm coming. Mine are always pretty bad."

Adam shrugged, "I won't mind at all. I'm willing to experience any pain if it means being with you."

"You can be real smooth sometimes do you know that?" I asked as I pouted. Why does he always manage to make me blush?

Adam smirked, "We've said it before, you bring out that side in us."

"Anything else I should know about marking and mating and stuff?" I asked trying to change the subject.

Adam thought for a bit before shaking his head, "Not really. Oh, when we fully mate the male usually marks the female a second time. It will be the same spot but it's basically to complete the process fully."

"So you'll have to bite my shoulder twice?" I asked, not really excited for it.

"We can do it all in one go if you want to," Adam said with a smirk, he then sobered a bit, "Marking won't hurt by the way. I've heard females describe it as orgasmic."

I felt my entire body heat up, "W-what?"

Adam chuckled, "You know how sensitive the spot is right now. I heard the initial bite might sting a bit but the euphoria after that is often described as something intensely good."

I gulped, "O-oh." This makes me both more and less nervous for the entire thing to happen.

I hadn't noticed Adam jump up from the bed and approach me, "Don't worry," he spoke as he sat down and placed me on his lap, "We won't do it until you're 100% sure about everything." He kissed my sweet spot, making me shiver and Adam laugh, "Though I can't wait for it to happen."

I gulped as I tried to push down the feelings swirling in my head and the heat that was slowly pooling down my body. "U-uh, you've gotten more touchy since you've told me we're mates." I tried to change the subject again. As if last time went well.

"Sorry about that, it's just that I've stopped holding back. I remember when my friend Noah found his mate. They were inseparable for a while. A mate's possessiveness is greatest after they've just met, just marked and just mated. Oh, and when they're with child of course. Then we'll go full caveman." Adam explained.

I groaned, "Oh, joy."

"Sorry, I can try and tone it down a bit if you want me to." Adam spoke.

I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I don't mind it, it was just something I observed recently."

Adam smiled, "We've always been like that really. I just knew that it would feel weirder for our human side to get close to you. Cade has always been around you asking for physical touch."

"I guess that's true. Sorry you had to hold back." I told him.

Adam shook his head, "It's fine love. I would do it over and over again if it meant I would end up with you."

I smiled at his words. He really is smooth. I then looked in the mirror again. I think I was done. I checked my phone, seeing it was already 8. We decided to meet in a bar today, to break the tension a little easier. After a few drinks at the bar we would head over to a club.

I sighed, Adam was really warm, and when we were with friends we couldn't touch like we normally do. "We've gotta go. We'll be late, and trust me when I say Robin will kill us if we're too late."

Adam chuckled and released my body from his arms. "Let's go have some fun."

"Have you had any alcohol for the past six years?" I asked him. Not going to lie, I'm not sure if I was ready to carry a drunk Adam to my apartment.

"Werewolves have to drink around five times the alcohol you guys do to get drunk. Fast healing and stuff. I think for alpha's it might be even more." Adam explained with a chuckle.

"Oh," well, that is one less worry, "Well, just so you know, Robin is going to challenge you and try to get you drunk as soon as we arrive."

Adam shrugged, "As long as she pays for the drinks."


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