《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》21. Living The Dream (Part Three)


Trent and Maverick had now done their years working around the company and would soon be taking over two departments , Mav taking Marketing and HR and Trent Finance and Beau was already heading up Research and Development. I knew Dad was going to announce the boys would be taking on more work as he started to step back into retirement and I was excited for them and us. I had slowly started working with my team, doing as Dad had suggested, initially overseeing and vetting the reports and I had loved it, Now I spent two or three days a week in the office, working with people I genuinely liked.

I look at my team around the table and smiled, when I first started there had been a couple of employees who had made me feel unwelcome, but I noticed they were soon reassigned to other parts of the company, Those that remained had been interested in learning more about the environment and how our work could ensure we and our clients had as little impact as possible. Now I was about to tell them what I hoped they would think was wonderful news, a development on a protected parcel of land that was in dispute was now safe, our research had helped the planning authorities refuse permission and that land would now be safe for further generations to enjoy.

I pulled open the box on the table and passed around the paper plates, explaining to everyone what we had achieved and we all cheered each other, sharing our success in the best way possible with cake.

Claire passed me a slice of cake and stood next to me as I watched over my team. "You okay boss?" she asked as I nibbled at the cake.

"Yes, umm why?" I asked, wondering if I looked as out of sorts as I felt.


"Because you still have cake in your hand and its your favourite" she laughed and I laughed along, recognising the truth in her words but not feeling it.

"I think I ate too much of it last time and now it's haunting me" I tell her, as the urge to push the cake far away hits me. I put the plate down on the table almost untouched.

"Well, with this news we can relax a little, the other work we have on is easy and straightforward, take a break and do some art, your work is beautiful, in fact why don't you go out to the farmstead and paint there, we could hang it in the office to remember it by" she suggests and my mind loves the idea. The wide open spaces and homely feel of the place made it special in my mind.

"You know I might just do that" I tell her with a grin.

"I will clear up here, go Anni, you've earned it" she said , giving me a push towards the door and I went, waving good bye to everyone, leaving them to enjoy the cake and catch up.

Ma was in the kitchen with May when I got home and I excitedly told them about my plans for the afternoon between rushing around to gather my stuff, Ma had laughed at my eagerness, suggesting I should buy it now it was safe, if I loved it this much, I had laughed with her but as I drove out towards the property her words filled my head.

Would the boys go for it, the property was close enough to work and our parents for it to be a workable distance, I would need to look into the financing and speak to the family selling it, but it would be perfect.


I set up my easel and started to paint my day dreams whirling round in my mind as I caught the stunning views in front of me and the images of children running in the garden, a dog barking and laughter fill the space in my head.

And the light went I snapped a couple of photos and packed up, heading home to meet my men. It was difficult to keep my dreams from them that night but I wanted to know if the family would consider selling to us first, before I raised their hopes up, so kissing them goodbye in the morning, I headed up to my studio room, humming as I worked on the painting, whilst trying to get through to the family involved.

"Yes, they said Yes" I shouted excitedly at May and Ma before I rushed out the door two hours later, determined to speak to my men, I knew they would give me their time and this was important to me, it was perfect and I could see us raising a family there.

An hour later that dream was crashing around me, as I sat facing them, hearing the words but rejecting them in my mind, "We should wait"... "It's too much to take on at this time"... "We don't know"... "No" ... "Not now"... "Not now".

"Stop it!" I shouted standing up, looking at them through the blur of tears filling my eyes, and I was angry with myself, that I felt so emotional about this. "All I am asking is you take a look and consider it, I really like this place and I think it would be perfect for us..."

"Darling, its too..." I hold my hand up cutting off Beau's argument.

"You are not listening to me!" I shout at them, watching as they cautiously glance at each other before focussing back on me.

"This is getting us no-where. I'm going home" I whisper out, shaking my head and grabbing my bag, turning my back on their worried gazes and leaving them sat in silence.

Jazz is at home with Ma when I get back and one look at my face has her pulling me into a hug "What did they do now?" she asked and I explained what had happened, how it had ended up with a row and Jazz and Ma held me tight as I cried.

"Why don't you go and spend a couple of days with Jazz" Ma suggested "It would do you good to have a little breather from them, I don't think since your 18th have you had a day away from them" she muses and Jazz agree's, urging me up and to my room, to pack a bag.

"I'm running away, they are going to be mad at me" I grouse and she laughs.

"Rubbish, I am kidnapping you" she grins back and I can't help but relax, maybe I do need to get away. I've been feeling all sorts of odd recently and this just seems to be the icing on the cake.

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