《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》14. Motherly Love


I knew it was coming and had been expecting the call since yesterday and as my shaking finger hovered over the decline icon, I knew it would just be putting off the inevitable, if I ignored her now.

"Mother" I greeted her, as the call connected.

"Indiana, what have you done!" She snapped at me. And I could feel her fury reaching through the phone.

I dropped the phone on the bed and stared at it, just as Virginia knocked on the door, before putting her head round to check on me.

I hit the speakerphone button, holding my hand up to Virginia to keep her silent as I waved her inside, her eyes going wide when she realised who was on the phone.

"I don't know what you are talking about Mother" I replied.

"Silas is distraught that you have dropped out his class, how could you do this to me, you know how important he is!" She almost screamed down the phone.

I growled, "You know what that man did to me Mother, I will not go near him again"

"Rubbish, you just misunderstood his intentions, and he wants to see you, to make it up to you" she argues.

I heard Virginia's small hiss at her words.

"No!" I object horrified.

"You will do this for me, or else" she threatens, and I feel my fear of her kick in, until Virginia's hand covers mine.

"I'm sorry Mother, Virginia is calling me, I need to go, Goodbye" I hung up to the sound of her winding up to argue with me.

"Turn it off" Virginia suggested, looking at my phone and I did, knowing Mother would start calling again, if I didn't.

"We will get you a new one on the family plan, that way you have contact but she won't have your number"


"It won't stop her trying" I warn her but she smiles tightly.

"If your Mother wants to get hold of you, she will have to phone the house from now on, and you only speak to her if you want to, or she can leave a message with me or your father" Virginia explained and I nodded, thankful for the buffer.

"I came to see how you were feeling, but after hearing that conversation, I think I can guess, so how about we go shopping and get that phone and have lunch out, just the two of us" she asks giving my hand another squeeze in support.

"Okay" I agree with a small smile, loving the feeling of being cared for. "Thank you" I add and Virginia gives me a strange look.

"Oh Anni, I am so sorry about what you mother has done to you, but you never should have to say thank you for someone caring about you," she pulls me into a hug, a feeling I am slowly getting used to. "And we really do care about you" she finishes, leaning back to smile at me.

She raises her eyebrow at me and I open my mouth and clamp it shut, realising I was about to thank her again and I grin at her instead.

"Good girl, now you have 10 minutes while I get my stuff together, can you be ready by then?"

The rest of the day I spent with Virginia exploring the town and generally having fun. We had got a new phone and she had talked me into a sparkly case to put it in, I had never brought anything frivolous like that, brought something because I liked it, not because it was practical.

I had pushed the thought of my mother to the back of my mind, determined to enjoy today.


There had been one small blip, when I saw Thomas approach Virginia and tell her something that made her look mad, I had guessed it was mother trying to get hold of me and phoning the house. May must have answered it and I flushed embarrassed at how I know, Mother would have talked down to her, as 'the help'.

I had asked if everything was okay and watched as Virginia had straightened her back and smiled at me, masking her anger.

"There is nothing for you to worry about" she had told me and I had believed her, her eyes fiery and I knew that my mother had more than met her match.

I had seen Thomas grin at her before putting her bags in the car and sending me a wink.

That easy acceptance made me realise I wanted to believe in this new family life I was in, to embrace it.

"I don't want to call you Virginia and I don't think I can use mum or mother, but I want to call you something special, you're special to me, would that be okay?" I had blurted out, shocking both her and Thomas.

Thomas had moved first, taking Virginia's handbag from her as she had gasped and reached out to me.

I giggled at her reaction "What about Ma?" I asked nervously, biting my lip at the look on her face and the tears in her eyes.

"I don't care about Felicity, you are my daughter now" she tells me emotionally. "I like it, no, I love it and sweetie, I love you too" she cries, hugging me tight.

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