《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》13. Buffers and Hackers


Maverick POV

Jazz had stayed over last night and kept Indiana company and as far as I knew, both were still asleep this morning, Mum had given Indiana a sleeping pill to help her get a night of peace without nightmares and I hoped it had worked.

"Jasmine's classes start at 10.30 today so she is going in later and Anni is taking today off" Mum had told us when we went down for breakfast. John having already left to have a breakfast meeting with some police friends of his.

"Is she okay?" I ask sitting down and Mum shakes her head.

"She had a restless night, but no nightmares, I guess its to be expected after seeing him yesterday" she tells us.

"Do you need us to do anything?" Trent offered.

"No, I have emailed the college and her tutors and said she is ill, they are going to email any class notes and work" she sat down with us, cradling a coffee in her hands.

"Will she be alright?" I asked carefully, the guilt at what we did at the party and even before that when we met her at the wedding, eating away at me, we hadn't known anything about her, never doubted what we thought we had understood and we had caused her emotional and physical pain because we had been too narrow minded and selfish to consider we had got anything wrong.

"I want to protect her" I whisper but I know my brothers hear and I feel their gazes on me.

"You better get going or you'll be late" mum reminded us and we all started moving, "And boys, stay away from the Professor, don't seek him out, we can't give him any reason to come after you, so don't engage, even if he approaches you, and you call us if he does" she warns and we exchange a look before nodding to her.

We waited till we were in the car before we brought up the topic we had started last night, finding a way to bring the professor to justice and make him pay for what he did to Indiana.


"We need Jack's help, he would be the best to hack the professors computers, i would bet my life there's something on there we can use to deal with him." Beau argued and I know he's right but I didn't want Jack to know about Indi.

"We don't have to tell him why" he said reading my mind and I catch his gaze in the rear view mirror, giving in with a nod.

"Who else?" Trent asked, "if we can get hold of his phone maybe we can clone it, monitor him that way" he suggests.

I laugh bitterly, "And how the hell do we get his phone?"

"Ahh well, to do that I might just have to engage with the professor" Beau says and I shake my head.

"Mum will kill you"

"Only if she finds out, I'll be careful" he protests.

"Then one of us needs to be near, if you wait till the end of class then we can be outside ready to help if anything happens" I tell him and he agrees.

"That's if he shows" Beau muses as we turn into the campus.

"We will talk to Jack at lunch, till then let's just see what else we can think off"

The first lessons go smoothly but when I join my brothers at lunch I find Jazz and Matt with them, Trent and Jackson sitting next to Matt, watching as Beau and Jazz square off against each other. "What the fuck is going on?" I snap at them.

"Jazz wants to help?" Beau growled out, still glaring at our cousin.

"We all need to help, we've got to do this together, Matt is a hacker, he can get us into his records, see if he's clean!" Jazz stood facing him with her hands on her hips.

"Jack can do that!" Beau barked back.

"He knows your face Beau, and Trent and Mav look just like you, he doesn't know who we are, we can be a buffer, if he gets too close or a lookout, till he's dealt with!" She retorts.

"Fuck!" Beau grinds out, stepping back a step, knowing that Jazz is right.


"No one else" I tell her, "Indi wouldn't want everyone knowing"

Jazz nods and waves her hand at the others. "Come with me I've booked a revision room, we can talk about this without being overheard"

I can see the confusion on Matt and Jacksons face and hope we are doing the right thing. If we get caught and don't have any evidence, all of us will be in deep shit.

It doesn't take long for Jazz to give Jack and Matt an outline of what the professor did to Indiana, keeping it as un-detailed as possible but I know they had read between the lines and understood.

"Is she okay?" Jack asks and I watch Beau's jaw clench before he replies.

"Yeah but she is shaken up, Mum persuaded her take today off but she's stubborn and wants to be here, she's dropped his class and is switching some other classes so she is with one of us at all times" Beau tells him.

"I'm in, So what do we need to do first?" Matt questions, already pulling his laptop out of his bag.

"Get into his emails, also if we can hack his computer and any other online presence." I tell him.

"And me?" Jack asks, his gaze now watching Matts fingers flying over the keyboard.

"Financials, history, qualifications, we need to know everything about him, everything, including any gossip" Trent tells him, with a nod to me. "Then we need you to get some info on Indi's mum, we need to know what she and the prof have been saying to each other"

For the first time Matt looks unsure, "Her Mum?" He questions.

"Trust us, she not much of a mother" Beau growls out and Jazz nods backing up Beau's words.

"Okay" Matt agrees getting back to his laptop.

"I've got a class with him last session, I'm going to try and get hold of his phone" Beau tells everyone and I can see Jazz shaking her head.

"Auntie Ginny is going to kill us all. Beau, It's too risky, you are too noticeable" she said, "but I think I can help you, we're working on the theory his phone is in his jacket pocket" she waits for our nods before continuing "if I spill coffee on his jacket as he leaves his office, I can try to persuade him to leave it there for me to clean up, Trent can then check out his office while I grab his phone, just make sure he stays in class" she looks between us.

"Okay" I nod, happy to skip my last session for a bit of breaking and entering.

"What if we can't get the phone, do you have a back up plan?" Jazz asks.

"We just need his account details, then we can get a phone backed up from his cloud" Jack mutters to us.

"It's that easy?" I ask stunned and Matt laughs at my disbelief.

"Yeah, its that easy, I wouldn't risk going for the phone, it's too dangerous, but checking out his office is a good idea" Jack tells us. "But be bloody careful" he warns us.

"Jazz, Trent, you sure about this?" I check with them "Beau you'll need to make sure he doesn't leave early, keep you phone handy and warn them if he leaves the room."

"And you?" Beau asks.

I grin at him, "I'm going to be our Alibi for the class I'm in and Trent's, just in case" I tell him and Trent laughs, it had been a while since we had pretended to be each other.

The afternoon crawls by and as we get nearer to putting our plans into action, the more nervous I become. "Relax" Trent tells me as we walk towards our next class, both now wearing identical clothing and our hair almost the same. He was going to register then excuse himself, same as me but I would do 20 minutes before leaving and going to Trents class instead, before returning to mine.

Beau's text confirmed the professor was in his class and it was on.

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