《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》2. Jerks, Truths and Tears.


I stayed in the room until my fear of Virginia coming back for me, overcame my fear of interacting with adults. I had freshened up, put my clothes away, almost embarrassed by the minimal space they took up in the huge walk in closet, and then I paced before I finally opened the door, listening to see if there was anyone about.

I had become an expert in moving around silent and unnoticed and used this skill to move through the huge house, seeking out Virginia. I heard multiple males voices , it sounded like arguing before I heard her voice in response. I slowed my steps and waited, holding my breath, they were talking about me...

"Please" Virginia asked them, followed by indistinct murmurs before a voice became clear to me.

"We don't want anything to do with her, she's trouble and you're going to regret letting her into our home, and it is our home, you should have asked us and we would have told you WE DONT WANT HER HERE" the male ended by shouting.

"Boys!" she shouted over them and I realised this must be my step brothers and I took an instinctive step back. My memories of the boys the only time we met seared on my memory. They had made it very clear they hated me, they didn't want a sister and I could go to hell before they had anything to do with me. I grimaced at the thought, the memory of the three of them facing me and telling me exactly that. Nothing had changed, they were still jerks..

A throat cleared quietly behind me and I jumped to see Thomas there. "I was. Um..." I started but stopped, how did I explain hiding in the hallway.

"Its okay Miss Indiana. Come and meet my wife, whilst Mrs Virginia is with the boys, we can get you a drink while you wait" he offered with a small smile and I nodded, waiting for him to move before i followed him to the kitchen, leaving the raised voices behind.

The kitchen was bright, airy and welcoming, the smell of something sweet baking in the oven. "May" Thomas called when we entered and i watched as a small woman appeared from a pantry. "This is Miss Indiana" he said and i watched as she smiled and approached, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Miss, its good to finally meet you, Mrs Virginia has been talking about your arrival non stop" she tells me. My gaze flits back to Thomas who nods in agreement at the unasked question.

"Thank you" I stutter out, moving forward as Thomas pulls out a chair at the table for me.

"Mrs Virginia is with the boys at the moment in the study, i thought we could give Miss Indiana a drink while she waits for her to be done" Thomas explains and i watch the knowing look cross May's face before she looks at me.

"Of course, now what do you like to drink" she asks, bustling around us. I shake my head not wanting to be any trouble and miss the look Thomas and May share over my head.


"I'm fine" I croak with a grimace "Maybe just some water" I amend as she looks at me, brows raised, but places a glass and a bottle of water on the table, before turning away. Returning minutes later with a tray, a plate of biscuits and coffees for her and Thomas. I twist the glass in my hands welcoming the cold feel, and peek occasionally at Thomas and May who seem content to let me be, except for nudging the plate of biscuits towards me.

At the sound of shouting followed by a loud slam, all our eyes turned towards the kitchen door,. Virginia appeared and I could see the stress on her face, a moment of pity when she saw me sitting there before it cleared and she smiled, sitting down as May went to get her a cup of coffee. I could see the thoughts playing across her face and wondered if she would lie to me, like most adults.

"I'm sorry" she said with a grimace "My boys are not happy with me" she tells me and I nod.

"Because I am here?" I ask softly and I know from the silence they were not expecting me to ask.

Virginia drags her hands through her hair, looking at me and then away before she answers. "Yes, but I disagree with them. I want you here and your father wants you here, its been too long since you had time together and without any interference and my spoiled little boys are not going to change our minds" she tells me straightening her back.

"I don't want to cause you any trouble" I whisper, feeling overwhelmed that she would stand up for me. "I can go into dorms, Mother doesn't need to know, I wanted to, but she took my account so I had to come. I wanted to stay where I was" I add and can feel my eyes watering.

I wasn't aware of Thomas and May silently leaving the room, my head down until I felt Virginia's hand on my arm. "I don't want to speak ill of anyone but I have to say this to you, you have to know." She took a deep breath, "When your parents split up, your father tried to see you but your mother stopped him, telling him it was best for you if you adjusted first, she always had an excuse. The couple of visits at your grandparents were only because they insisted Felicity brought you to them, same as the wedding. They insisted you came and she allowed it."

She twined her fingers in mine before continuing, the feeling strange, unusual to me but not uncomfortable. "After the wedding she was more restrictive of his access to you, telling us that you didn't want to see him" I gasp and shake my head, unable to form the words but she squeezes my hand in support "We didn't believe her but she sent us some reports that you had been referred to a counsellor by the school, telling us it was the stress of his interest in seeing you that was causing it, your father backed off, he didn't want to cause you any harm. He kept in touch with her and got monthly updates but nothing more"


"No, Mom never told me, I asked and she said he was too busy with his new family, that he finally had the boys he wanted, I stopped asking after that, but the counselling, that was not for him, it was..." I felt the tears fall silently as I shook my head, not wanting to remember that time.

"I can't but not his fault" I whisper out as she pulls me into a hug "Not his fault" I whisper again as the tears continue to fall, realising that my Mother had broken my spirit with a lie, at a time I was feeling at my lowest, a lie that she had kept up.

"Sweetie, Your mother lied to you and your father, but I wont lie to you, it may be hard to hear but he loves you and wants you here, and I do too. your mother has finally given up her hold, I don't care if its for her own selfish reasons, i'm just glad she has. I'm going to make that last six years up to you and be the step mother you can talk to and ask things off, there's no pressure you can say no, you can tell me to go away but I will be here for you" she tells me holding me tight as she rocks me in her arms.

She sighs quietly. "My boys don't really hate you but they don't understand what happened, they believe you caused your father's stress, because they overheard some of the conversation with your Mom, but we know better, your mother has deliberately driven a wedge between the families. I don't know why and now we finally have a chance to make things right, I am going to take it and eventually the boys will come round, I promise" she said and I lean into her hug, hoping she was right but not expecting it.

"Now, can I show you round your new home?" she asked with a hopeful look and I nodded, I could see she was trying and as nervous as I was about believing her, I wanted to.

We started downstairs, as she pointed out the pool and games room, mentioning her son's frequently used them to entertain their friends but she had asked them not to whilst I settled in. then onto the library and study, Virginia's craft room, the dining room, living areas, snug and the upstairs, she indicated the hallway to the right at the top of the stairs "That wing holds the boys rooms and a guest room, this wing is your room, our room and two other guest rooms" she indicates another narrow flight of stairs going upwards. "You go first" she says with a smile, following me as I do as instructed, opening the door to a light and airy studio space, windows at each end letting in light as well as two huge skylights, the room was empty, the polished wood floors gleaming and fresh white paint on the walls.

"Wow" I said turning and looking around the room.

"I'm glad you like it, this space is yours, we only used it for storage and when we knew you were coming to us, your dad thought you would like this space, he said you were creative, used to paint, and I know with the tension between my boys and you coming you might need a space to relax" I looked at her my mouth opened, stunned by her words, by the space, and by what they had done.

"I... Thank you, but are you sure?" I gasp out.

Virginia laughs "Yes, I am sure, you just need to decide what you want in here and we can go shopping" she tells me, coming up and pulling me into another hug, this time I am ready for her and my arms come up to wrap around her as well.

"Thank you" I whisper to her, my eyes filling with tears again.

"Hey no crying, or I will start" she scolds playfully, pulling back to look down at me. "Oh Sweetie, its time you had something just for you and I'm glad between your father and I, we can make that happen" she says letting me go to the sound of feet coming up the stairs.

"Hello, anyone there" I hear my dad call, watching nervously as he comes through the door towards us.

"Anni" he whispers looking at me, his emotions visible on his face as he looks at me, "You've grown up" he says opening his arms to me, like he used to before he left.

"Daddy!" I cry launching myself into his arms, the tears falling as he held me tight, both of us realising what we had missed.

"I'm so glad you're here" I could hear the tears in his voice. "I've missed you, so much"

I cry and hold onto him harder, damning my mother for the hurt she caused to both of us. I was glad Virginia had told me, as I was able to understand the emotions surround us.

"Are you okay?" he asked pulling back to look me over, his hands coming up to cup met face as he searched my eyes. "Your mother said..." he trailed off at the expression on my face.

"What is it?" he looked past me to Virginia, then back to me. "What?" he asked again.

"Mother lied" I say quietly but they both heard me. I watched the anger cross dad's face, followed by sorrow as his gaze jumped between me and Virginia.

"Lets go and sit, we have lots to talk about and it would be better to be comfortable in your study" Virginia said coming and wrapping her arms around both of us, guiding us back to the door and downstairs.

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