《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》1. Not My Home


The noise of the airport filters in around the headphones and I berate at myself each time I flinch at the loudness. The time seemingly endless as we all wait for the baggage to be released to our group of weary travellers, the carousel finally started turning and passengers quickly grabbing their bags as they appeared. I had already expected my bags to be the last to show, that was just the way my life had been going recently.

I turned up the sound, needing the bass in the music to keep the misery at bay, not wanting to think about my reason for being here...

My mother, an esteemed ecologist, had been offered a conservationist's chance of a lifetime, a two year immersion project on Socotra Island, I couldn't go with her and couldn't stay in the apartment that came with her old job, her replacement would need it. So she had spoken to my estranged father and I would be spending the next two years with him and his family. I had nowhere else to go... my mother had seen to that.

She had spoken to my university and had my classes transferred to the university closest to my father-John, refusing to let me enter student housing and stay where I was. I don't know what she had told Virginia or John but once again I would be living at home and travelling to university daily. No chance of slacking from my studies or getting a life of my own.

I had tried to get myself emancipated but that had resulted in a huge row with my mother that had led to her freezing my bank account and listing me as a runaway when walked out of our home.

Her reason... she didn't want to lose face with her colleagues, so I was punished for it and the Police had picked me up from one of my only friends and delivered me back to her. It was the most interaction we had had for years, she was married to her job and I was just a trophy she paraded when she wanted to.


Her clever daughter who was years ahead of her peers. I already looked after myself, cooked, shopped and managed my life and school, she wasn't concerned with me. But she wasn't going to let anyone else know that and tarnish her image.

She had promised me my bank account back once I was in my... Johns house and thats what I was waiting for, I would then sit it out for another eight months. As soon as I was eighteen, I could be independent and finally be able to do what I wanted to.

Finally I saw my cases coming around the belt and reached up to lift them down, turning and searching for the driver that was supposed to meet me and take me back to the house. John was at work and Virginia had an appointment she couldn't change but would be at the house when I got there. My mother had relayed this to me when she dropped me off at the airport doors, not waiting to see me off, she had hurried back to her work.

A uniformed driver was stood stiffly by the doors with a sign saying Bennett and I walked slowly towards him, I hated talking to new people, my mother had always accused me of being too introverted but the truth was I didn't trust people easily or even like most of them and that was based on my own experiences, not that she had or would ever listen if I told her that. She was partly to blame, never noticing when I was uncomfortable and not listening when I tried to tell her... to explain, but that's in the past now, I have another challenge to face first.

"I'm Indiana Bennett" I say, stopping in front of him and he looks me over before smiling.

"Welcome Miss Bennett, I'm Thomas, let me take those cases for you", he easily lifts one in each hand and turns, looking back at me. "This way miss, the car is parked just outside"

I follow him in silence to the black car. Watching him put my cases in the boot before he opens the back door for me. I shake my head, nervous. I've never been chauffeured anywhere before and it doesn't feel right. I'm not important.


I can feel his gaze assessing me and he nods his head to himself, as if making a decision before opening the door for me. "Would you rather ride up front Miss. I can point out the landmarks to you as we go" Thomas offers and I nod silently, sliding into the seat so he can shut the door. The ride to my fathers is not as uncomfortable as I expected, Thomas pointing out various places on the route and telling me about the estate, his wife who was the housekeeper and his children who had grown up and moved away. He didn't push me to answer and when we finally pulled through the gates and down a long drive, pulling up in front of huge double doors, I turned and looked at him "Thank you" I whispered croakily and he nodded, knowing I didn't mean for the lift.

"You're welcome Miss" he replies getting out of the car and rounding to open my door, just as the front door opens.

"Indiana" I look up at the call and see Virginia coming towards me a smile on her face. "I'm so glad to see you sweetie, how was your journey?" she swept me up into a hug and I froze in her arms, not knowing how to respond. She pulls back a little and smiles down at me "Don't worry, i'm a hugger, you'll get used to it" she tells me, taking my hand and pulling me towards the doors. I glance back at Thomas who is watching with a smile on his face.

"Good luck miss" he calls with a laugh at my panicked face, as he unloads my bags from the car.

I follow Virginia inside, my gaze scanning the huge open space and the double staircase ahead of us. "Welcome home, I've been trying to get your mom to let you come and visit for ages and now you're here to stay. I've got a room all ready for you and once you've freshened up, I can give you the grand tour." She says enthusiastically and I smile wanly at her.

"Thank you" I whisper feeling overwhelmed, as I follow her up the staircase.

She turns and looks at me and I can see the care on her face, "Oh. Indiana, I'm sorry, this must be so much all at once, I'm just so excited you are finally here, I can't wait for my boys to meet you and I know John is happy you are finally with us"

I shake my head and look down, my heart racing at her words, Why was she lying, my dad never wanted me here.

Virginia scanned my face, her own falling as she took in my expressions "We will talk more when you are settled in, but we want you here Indiana, no matter what you may have heard or been told by anyone, you have a home here"

The room she shows me is almost bigger that the apartment I shared with mom, a huge canopied bed, piled high with cushions, a walk in closet and my own bathroom, as well as a door out onto the balcony.

"If you don't like anything you can change it, this is your space now" Virginia hovers and I feel my anxiety grow, what is she wanting from me. Adults always want something when they hover around me.

"Thank you" I say again as Thomas appears with my cases, giving Virginia a focus for a few minutes.

"Would you like any help" she asks but I shake my head, biting my lip nervously and she shares a look with Thomas before giving me a small smile.

"Relax and settle in, come downstairs and find me when you are ready, we can have a drink and a chat" she offers and I smile back at her nervously, I wish I could trust what she was saying, and offering.

"It's not my home" I whisper sadly to myself as I watch the door close behind them.

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