
Im currently 5, almost 6 months pregnant.

Im soon getting married. In another month. So thats kinda scary but im excited to be married to Nick.

Being pregnant has been fun. I mean in some aspects, its a pain in the ass. But in others, i love it.

I love thinking that in a few months ill a

have little baby that will be mine. That ill get to raise with the love of my life.

I love thinking that my baby will have both parents present. Both who love him or her so much already, they'll always be there.

Speaking of the gender, we find out later today what we're having, i have an appointment.

We're not making a big deal out of it, we're just gonna have dinner together. All of us.

Currently im in my room sitting on the bed, when i get an odd craving for reeses. Mmm.

Im wearing a dress. Its like a stretchy material and its the lose kind so it looks good but doesn't squish my baby bump. I got it when i went shopping with Laia and Zara.

Thats Christiano's new assistant, possibly future girlfriend because they have that vibe. No matter how much Alaia says Chris is not the type to date but she wishes they could date. But she also said i shouldn't give Zara false hope by talking about her and Chris dating. I understand where she's coming from and i think its wise to not put ideas in her head.

And ofcourse im wearing my moms necklace like always.

I slowly get up and walk to the door. Im not that big right now, so i still walk fine but i try not to bend the wrong way. Mama would literally have me carried around of she could.

I walk to the little kitchen room thats on our floor. Its stalked with things for me to eat thanks to Mama.

She's the mother i dont have. I just know if my mom were alive this is how she would take care of me.


I grab a 4 cups pack and start walking back to the room.

I hear some noise and soon Nick emerges from his office.

"Baby, when did you wake up?" he asks me. I grin.

"Hiiii" i say and he chuckles.

"Hi my love, how are you feeling" he asks me this everyday atleast 5 times.

"Im okay, i wanted peanut butter cups" i show him the pack in my hands. He kisses my lips then my head.

"Could've asked me babygirl, i would've gotten them for you" he says leading me back to the room.

"Im finneee" i say as we make it to our room. "Do you like my dress? Its neww" i ask standing infront of him and showing him it. He nods.

"Sì baby, its very pretty on your hot little body" he husks before kissing me deeply. Hmm.

After we pull apart, he settles me down on the bed, opening my chocolate for me, then calls someone but i focus on the yum chocolate.

"This is my new favourite" i tell him. He strokes my hair and hums. "Do you think im fat?" i ask him and he shakes his head.

"Nope, youre gorgeous. Hows my baby doing in there" he asks stroking my belly. I smile.

"Good" i pause. "What gender are you hoping for?" i ask him and he strokes my hair.

"Id be happy with either my love, a little you sounds wonderful" he husks pecking my lips. I grin.

"I think a little Nick running around is so cute" i squeal and he chuckles.

Theres a knock on our door and Nick stands up and takes the tray from the kitchen maid.

He brings it to me and i look at the food. Theres Omelette, toast, sausages, jam and butter. And apple juice. Mm.

"Eat baby" he says and i nod.

Once im done with breakfast, i stand up and put away my things with protests from Nick but i pay no mind. I walk to the bathroom and washup. When i come back Nick is sitting on the bed.


"Come here" he says and i walk over to him. He sits me down next to him and kisses me.

"I found these and i wanted you to have them." he says opening a small box. I look at them and gasp.

"Where did you find these?" i ask him softly touching them. They look exactly like my pendant.

"Well i got them made but" he stops. "Do you like them?" he asks. I feel tears gather in my eyes and i look up at him.

"They're beautiful, you didn't have to do this" i whisper. He grins pulling me into his lap, kissing my cheeks.

"Dont cry" he whispers and i nod. Hes so cute.

"They're perfect Nick thankyou" i kiss his lips. "I love you" i say.

"I love you more baby, you deserve the world my love" he kisses my deeply. Mmm.


We're at the doctors, im laying on the bed and she looking at the ultra sound.

"I see a gender here, would you like to know or wait?" Our doctor asks us. I look up at Nick with a smile and he nods and leans down to kiss my head.

"Yes please, we'd like to know" i ask and she smiles and clicks a button.

"Congratulations, youre having a boy!" She says excitedly and i squeal.

"Oh my god! A boy?" i squeal, my arms wiggling in excitement.

"Mmhmm, ill print some pictures" she says.

I look at Nick and smile. He has the proudest and happiest smile on his face making me happy.

We get home and go to the living room where everyone is waiting for us. Even Zara.

"Well?" Mama asks and i grin.

"We're having a boy!" i squeal and everyone errupts in cheers. Nick holds my hand as i hug everyonea and show them pictures.

Later, we have dinner and now all the boys, Zara and Laia are sitting in the living room. I walk in after i changed into leggings and a tshirt.

My bump is very visible in this. Eh.

When i walk in, Nick looks at me and smiles. He gives me a come here look and i walk to him. He gently pulls my on his lap and makes sure im comfortable on top of him, both of us facing the family.

"Hi baby" he hums in my ear. I smile.

"Hi" i snuggle my back to his front. "Am i heavier now, compared to before" i ask him.

"No, i feel like im holding my whole world in my arms. It just happens that youre carrying half of it, and you are the other half" he kisses my neck. I giggle.

"That tickles" i tell him. He chuckles. Suddenly, he stands up with me and says good night to everyone, dragging me out. Lifting me up and carrying me up the stairs then into the elevator. "What're you doingg" i squeal. He just grins.

Once we reach our room, he places me on the bed and gets on top of me, but doesnt put any weight on me.

"Youre so sexy, your little bump looks so adorable" he kisses my tummy a few times then comes back to my neck making me blush and laugh.

"It TICKLES STOP, let me goo" I scream making him laugh as well.

"Never" he husks looking into my eyes, a serious look in his. I nod at the hidden meaning to his statement. He kisses my lips making me hum.

I love him.


How is everyoneeeee.

Its been so long, i hope you guys liked this chapter, ill write the wedding one soon aswell.

The timeline is going along with my new ongoing book, , so thats why its so spaced out.

Please give that one a read aswell.

Okiii, love you all, thankyou for readingg

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