《You Are My Sunshine》Chapter 17 New Job


Dev got ready earlier than usual that day. When he was about to leave the house, a maid stopped him.

"Madam insisted me to serve you breakfast on time." - she stammered. Without a word, Dev went to the table. He was surprised to see his preference for the menu and started eating. Everything tasted bland, even though it was served to perfection. The words of his mother rang in his ears. "When I cook, I cook with love." - Even after her death, Anu filled that gap, but today he realized the truth. Not everything can be bought with money. When our loved ones cook for us, they add love in addition to salt and spice. When he finished his Tiffin, the maid kept a cup of black coffee for him. He guessed that Anu might have given instructions to this maid. With a smile, he questioned her,

"What else, your Madam instructed?"

"She gave a timetable for your meals and the list of items to cook and items to avoid." - she answered. Dev became curious and asked her to show that chart. He felt surprised to see the list prepared by Anu. She correctly listed his favourite items.

"How much she noticed about me, my food preferences, even my aversion towards pumpkin, unbelievable." - he felt astonished. Without wasting time, he started to his office after breakfast. Mugil, who used to be by that time, was missing in his seat. Almost Dev visited his cabin five times to check on his arrival.

At the same time, Anu was in an export company called "Star Linens" - for an interview. That company is linen supplying firm. Though it has a small business, they are known for their quality goods. Earlier in the morning, Anu saw the advertisement for the interview with an open walk-in for freshers. She thought of giving it a try, so she reached here with the resume she already prepared. She cleared all the rounds and got the job. That being her first proper job which she got for her qualification, Anu was very happy. She agreed to join the company the next day itself.


On the other hand, Dev was walking in his room tensely while waiting for Mugil. Mugil entered his cabin only around noon.

"Hi Dev." - he greeted.

"Why are you late ?" - he commanded.

"I went to visit that ongoing construction; The Engineer called me in the morning; Why anything important?" - he asked coolly.

"Let's call Anu," Dev replied, his grin extending from ear to ear.

"What are you talking about?" Mugil was taken aback when he learned that he hadn't spoken with her the day before.

"No," he said, nodding his head.

Dev, this is between you two; why are you dragging me into a couple's fight?" - he murmured wearily.

"No, you have to help me in this, Mugil. I am scared to talk with her." - he accepted.

"What? The great Dev scared of his wife." - He chuckled and gestured like rolling on the floor.

"Stop it, Mugil, help me, please. Call her and put it on speaker. If she is willing to speak with me, you give me the phone." - he said.

"Okay..okay.. cool."

When Mugil called Anu, she just exited her new company and was on her way home.

"Why did you leave the house, Anu?" Mugil was perplexed.

"Didn't your friend inform you?" - she expressed her curiosity.

"Yeah, he said, but Anu, that's a rumour. That Reena is looking for fake news." - Mugil clarified the situation.

"No, Mugil, I had seen them together. He loves her." - She said with a sad tone.

Dev, who was hearing everything over the speaker, didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Back then, he never imagined that his crazy act would lead him to the state where he is now.


"No, Anu. You misunderstood. You come back home. Wait, Dev wants to talk with you." - before Anu could answer, he handed the mobile to Dev.

"Hi" - Dev greeted feebly.


"Anu, I apologize if my actions have caused you pain. Nothing I did was on purpose. I was a jerk back then, no doubt. "Please come back to me." And Dev said the words that he had been practising for an hour.

Anu was content on the inside, but she didn't want to push it.

"First, let him realize himself." - she thought to herself.

After thinking for a while, she genuinely spoke her heart. "I pondered freeing you. I'm not sure what Reena is all about. But I have faith in you. I just require some time."

Dev was happy that she didn't refuse him first hand. "I can earn her heart in the meantime." - he thought to himself.

"Can you tell me when you're coming? I can come to get you." - he enquired.

"Wait, I just told you I needed some time, didn't I? "I'll let you know when that time comes," she replied.

"Can you tell me when I can expect to see you?"

"Three months," she stated.

"Wait, what? He screamed, "That's way too long!"

Anu smiled at his perseverance, but she decided to stay at her parent's house for a while. As she got a job, she thought of regularizing everything for her family. She does not want her family to be financially reliant on Dev.

"Could you make that one month?" - Dev made a try to convince her.

Anu remained silent. "How about two months?" Dev suggested after a pause.

"All right, I'll be back in two months," she said.

Dev cheerfully answered, "Thank you, Anu. "He never imagined he would beg a girl like this in his life. Contrarily, Anu was confused. She felt they were rushing things. She thought of taking things slowly, but no one can succeed him in speech.

After the phone call, Dev was in deep thoughts. He was disturbed by Mugil's voice,

"Hello, excuse me, I am here." - he waved his hand.

"So what?" - Dev replied with a smile.

"You too, Dev; I hope my job is over. You have to put more effort Bro, to earn her back." - he advised.

"I understood that." - Dev said assuring.

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