《Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓》24. Nothing excessive (NSFW)


I had to send a text to Ash, as I wouldn't have time to go down to the cafeteria before heading home. I explained the situation with the party and my mother's visit and that I didn't know if or when I would make it to his apartment that night. My mother's visits tended to drag out because she always found stuff to fix at my place and I never had the heart to tell her not to. The answer from Ash came fast.

"No worries, come over if you can. I need to start packing anyway and you'll just be a distraction. ;) "

I smiled and put the phone in my pocket, but then it buzzed again.

"What time are you leaving for home?"

Apprehensively I answered and asked why he wanted to know.

"Just want to say goodbye if I don't see you tonight."

That would have sounded perfectly innocent if it had come from anyone other than Ash. But now he was the one who wrote it, and I got both nervous and excited and had a hard time concentrating on the work I still had to do for a couple of hours. He wouldn't be in the condition to do anything spectacular anyway, he was hung-over. Right? In any case we had already made a scene and it would be extra thoughtless to add to that. He wouldn't be that careless.

The office started to empty as I heard the clinking of cups from further down the hall. Carefully I peeked over the wall and got a glimpse of Ash walking among the cubicles, gathering dishes. The few employees still at their desks greeted him and he nodded back at them. So, this was his plan, to come up here and say goodbye in person. That was almost cute. When he came up to my desk he beamed at me, and I smiled back. He picked up the cup on my desk and balanced it on the little tower of cups in his hand. A note fell in front of me. I flinched.

"Go to the bathroom at the end of your corridor."

Well shit. What the hell was I thinking? That he would be all cute, say goodbye and leave? No. This was Ash. But this was too public, anyone could notice. I stared at him and shook my head discreetly but intensely. He held up another note and grinned wickedly at me.

"Or I will just go down on my knees under your desk and give you a blowjob right here and now."

As if to demonstrate, he put down the tower of cups on my desk and started to slowly lower himself down. Then I shot out of my chair and hurtled down the corridor towards the bathroom. He was out of his mind. But if I had to choose, the bathrooms were out of the way and probably empty at this hour. Hopefully. I started to wash my hands just to have something to do, all the while the tension heightened in me over what he might do. A minute or so later the door swung open, and Ash entered. He gestured at the doors to the stalls and looked questioningly at me.


"It's just us," I answered nervously.

"Good," he mumbled and grabbed a hold of my t-shirt.

He kicked the door open to the stall at the end of the bathroom and quickly pulled me inside and locked it. Then he pressed me face first to the wall with his whole body and I sent a prayer of gratitude to the architect who had designed the stalls without open spaces at the floor or ceiling. Ash licked my neck as his hands wandered over my hips, down to my crotch. I tried as best as I could to keep my breathing under control.

"Nothing... excessive..." I whispered, worried.

"You be careful now, or I'll take your plea as a challenge," Ash said in a low voice and I could hear his smile. "Stay still."

He rubbed himself against my butt, as if to tease me and I grasped at his hips just to feel him, but he grabbed my wrists and locked them behind my back. His other hand went up under my t-shirt. He pinched my nipple so hard that I had to bite my lip not to groan out loud, and I stomped my feet on the floor.

"I love to see you squirm, kitten," he cooed as he continued his tortuous treatment of my nipple, making it hard for me to even breathe. "So sensitive and sweet. You don't want us to do anything indecent in a public place, huh?"

"People are... already talking," I choked out between gritted teeth.

He let go of my wrists and moved his hand between my legs. There he cupped his hand over my cock and let his thumb flick over the head. Pleasure radiated out in me, and he laughed quietly.

"Your dick deceives you. I think you get off on this. Unbutton my jeans."

Jesus Christ, what was he planning to do? If he would take me here, I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut, he should know that. In a slight panic I turned my head and looked at him.

"But we can't–,"

"Unbutton. My. Jeans."

The order was sharp as a knife and his dark gaze was smoldering as it pierced right through me. It was impossible for me not to obey him when he had that voice. No matter how nervous I was, I did as he said and undid the buttons. He looked at me to continue so I pulled down his jeans and underwear and his gorgeous cock sprung free right in front of me, almost begging me to touch it. But he noticed what I was about to do and grabbed me hard by my chin.

"Did I tell you to touch my cock?"

"No..." I confessed.

"That's right, I didn't. Hands on the wall, arch your back."

He spun me around so that I had my face against the wall again, guiding me with his hands on my hips. My head was reeling now. I was worried with not knowing what he was about to do, and at the same time I was thoroughly excited that I had no idea know what he was about to do. He undid my jeans and pulled them down to my knees. Slowly he started to caress my butt cheeks and growled quietly as he pressed his thumb against my entrance, and I inhaled sharply.


"You're so fucking appealing in this position..." he murmured. "Press your thighs together."

I didn't understand a thing but I did as I was told, and he pushed his hard erection in between my thighs. I moaned at the sensation when he started to thrust, that velvety hardness of his cock as it went all the way to my balls and touched that sensitive spot every time he moved.

"Touch yourself," he growled in my ear.

I didn't need to be told twice; I grabbed my yearning cock in my hand, feeling the sleek wetness as I started to match his deep poundings and his hold on my hips got firmer as he sped up. The pleasure made my balls tighten every time the head of his cock reached them, and I had to bite down hard not to moan.

The doors to the bathroom opened. My whole body stiffened up and I quickly let go of my cock and at the same time Ash placed a hand over my mouth.

This isn't happening!

The door to one of the other stalls shut close and I looked back at Ash. He had better not do anything now. But his smile had become devious and his eyes gleamed. He put his index finger over his mouth and started to thrust himself between my thighs again, slow but achingly hard. And the hand he had at his mouth was suddenly moving down to my cock. I shook my head desperately, but he just pressed his hand tighter over my mouth as he started to move his hand up and down my shaft.

My cheeks burned at the notion that someone was just some feet away from us, at the same time as Ash was jacking me off with a determination that was making me dizzy. He wanted me to slip up and make a sound, I was sure of it. And I tried with all my might not to, despite the pleasure that was mounting in me, making it hard not to just scream. That damn bastard was a pro at giving me a hand-job. The person in the other stall had gone out and the water started pouring as he washed his hands.

"Want me to make you cum now...?" Ash purred in my ear, oblivious to my quiet protests.

It was close, so extremely close, I squeezed my eyes shut to force myself not to give in, I couldn't give in. The water was turned off and I heard the sound of paper towels, then the door to the bathroom shut and everything went quiet. In that very moment Ash released the hold over my mouth, his thumb made that one final flick over the head of my cock, and I let out a long moan as the orgasm finally was let loose in me. He held me tight as if to feel my convulsions and his cock swelled between my thighs and cum spurted from both of us, straight at the wall in front of me. He groaned loudly and pressed his face to my neck, his hand on my throat.

This had been a really close call and Ash had been aware of it the whole time. He had wanted someone to come into the bathroom. He turned me around and planted a loud kiss on my mouth.

"You fucking maniac," I breathed and couldn't help smiling.

"Well, I need to say goodbye properly to my kitten if he's going to be busy tonight, right?" he smiled innocently.

He seemed to take the whole thing about his family in a weirdly unfazed way. Had he really bounced back from the shock or was this just a façade he put up? I didn't want him to fake it just to make me happy.

"Ash, how are you really feeling... about this whole situation with your apartment and stuff?" I said quietly.

He pulled both his hands through my hair, gripping my neck.

"You need to know one thing about me," he said calmly. "I'm used to these kinds of situations. This isn't the first time things like this happens to me and I've learned not to let it pull me down for long. Sure, I react violently at first, but it passes quickly."

"I don't want it to happen to you at all," I mumbled.

"You don't always get what you want, you know," he said and pulled up his pants. "I can clean this up, you get home to your mom."

"I'm thinking about telling her," I blurted out.

Ash looked at me, his eyes thoughtful.

"Ok," he said slowly. "I'll keep my fingers crossed that it won't turn into a repeat of my experience. Now get out, before anyone else gets in here."

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know how truly happy and thrilled I am that so many have read my story up to this point.

I know I have been pretty generous with updates, at least one a day, and that has taken a little toll on my sleep. It's not like I don't want to write, if I could I would do it 24/7 but I've realized that I'm only human (and some pesky people insist that I have a job to manage as well).

So, the updates will come a little less frequent, so that my poor body gets the rest it needs. :)

In the meantime, please feel free to comment! I would love to hear from you guys!

// 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚢 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎

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