《Call me kitten (boyxboy love) ✓》12. Think about roadkill


The next morning, I sat in Ash's kitchen feeling both totally exhausted and weirdly energetic at the same time. After the shower it didn't take long before we were at it again and again and I couldn't for the life of me understand that I could actually cum so many times in just one night. It was like I was a teenager all over again. The last time had been in a semi-conscious state though, so maybe that one didn't count. But it had been so fucking amazing and still I couldn't understand that it was real. By this time, I should have grown tired of him, I should want to head home to my place and finally be to myself, but that wasn't the case. I simply couldn't get enough.

"Gonna be fun at the party tonight," Ash said between slurps of cereal and my head jerked up.

Party? What party was he talking about? Then I remembered. The yearly company party was tonight. I had all but forgotten about it just because I never attended anyway. I had never cared for those parties and even Chris had stopped bugging me about them, finally realizing the futility in trying to get me to go.

"I'm not going," I said. "People I don't know and don't care about getting drunk and making fools of themselves, where's the fun in that?"

Ash put down the spoon and looked at me with one brow cocked.

"That is exactly why it's fun," he said. "You get to see people's real personality for once. Come on. For me?"

His smile was saintly, and he batted his lashes at me. I almost agreed just because he looked so damn delicious.

"Can't, I don't have any clothes anyway," I said as a final way out of it.

"Bullshit, you'll borrow some of mine." He got up and hugged me from behind. "Because the thing is, I'm not letting you out of this."

That last part was said in that faintly commanding tone that he knew all too well how I reacted to. Damn him. I nodded in defeat and he almost hop-skipped out to the bedroom, his expression chipper. When he returned he had a plastic bag for me.

"You can wear this. But don't peek inside before you change."


"What the hell, what have you put in there?" I said, worried.

"I promise it's nothing weird or embarrassing. I'm not that fucking mean. You'll look good. Besides, I want eye candy at the party."

I sighed and took the bag. I wasn't sure I could trust Ash in this case, but if the clothes were too crazy, I just had to lock myself in the restroom for the entirety of the party and refuse to come out. Just going to this thing was a drag, but at least I had someone with me now that I could talk to. I just had to put up with the rest of it for his sake.

My phone dinged in the afternoon. A text message from Zoey. This was as long as she could keep her nose out of my business.

"What happened last night? Sister needs to know!"

"I had a nice night, that's what happened."

She could fill in the rest by herself, I had no intention of going into details of what I had been up to. Not to my sister.

"What do you mean 'nice', give me details damnit!"

I glanced at the plastic bag standing in the corner of my cubicle. It was time to find out what hideous things Ash had packed for me.

"No time. Going to a party now."


I put the phone on mute and grinned to myself. She would go crazy now, not knowing what I was up to. Served her right for hijacking us yesterday. With I silent groan I collected the bag and headed to the restrooms at the end of the office corridor. There was no mirror in the booth itself, so I was just going to get a potential shock as I walked out of it with my new outfit. When I had the booth securely locked, I dug my hands into the bag. A black bundle of fabric, a can of hair wax, two leather bracelets and a note. Jesus Christ. Leather? I read the note.

"You have to wear you own pants, mine are to long for you. But the t-shirt will fit. And the other stuff. A."

I removed my own sweater and held up the one Ash had picked out for me. It was a really tight-fitting black t-shirt and would certainly not cover much of my tattoos. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and just breathed. I was supposed to show off my ink to everybody in the office at the party for the first time. Great. I looked around the booth. I could barricade myself here. Refuse to come out. But that would be acting like a fucking chicken, a part of me wanted to show Ash that I could do this, to walk out in front of everybody and just be myself. Just like he did. Nothing dangerous would come of it really, except maybe looks and comments. That I could endure.


I managed to get the tight garment over my head and body, it squeezed me like nothing else and I thanked the Lord that I had a decent torso. To challenge myself I put on the broad leather bracelets too and took a deep breath. This was it. I opened the door to the booth to get a look at myself. Ash was leaning against the sink outside and I totally forgot my own reflection, my gaze was helplessly drawn to him instead.

He was dressed in black jeans that appeared new, but that wasn't what caught my attention. It was the black, crisp shirt and the tailored jacket, it was hugging his waist in such a sexy way that I forgot to breathe. My black necktie was hanging in his breast pocket. He smiled excitedly as he eyed me up and down.

"Told you you'd look good," he said. "That t-shirt fits you in all the right ways."

"I thought you would dress... like you normally do?" I croaked. "Where the hell did you get that jacket from?"

He shrugged and fetched the jar of hair wax from my hands.

"Everybody knows me as the guy with torn pants, I wanna show them that I can look like this too. Admit it, it looks rather dashing, right?"

He smeared wax in both his palms and began to fiddle with his hair, making it even more messy but in a very conscious way.

"You look... sexy as hell," I breathed.

"That makes two of us then," he smiled and came up in front of me. "You'll get to show them another side of yourself as well. It's about damn time they get to see that part of you. The way I see you."

Slowly he started to mold my blond hair with his fingers, pulled and tweaked. I just stood there and tried to ignore how mind-numbingly good he looked, but it was proving to be impossible, and my body started to act in a way that certainly wasn't good if I was supposed to be around a crowd of co-workers. Ash didn't make things any easier either, he licked his mouth and sucked in his lower lip, all the while continuing with my hair.

"Ash..." I groaned quietly. "That's enough, it looks good. I..."

He looked down at me with a wicked smile.

"Having a hard time, pet?" he purred. "Am I too close to you?"

He pressed his thigh against my crotch, and I clenched my jaw.

"Fuck you," I hissed.

Think about roadkill. Think about the smell granddad used to have.

I tried to think about every foul thing I could, anything that didn't involve me getting horny as hell by how close and gorgeous he was. Ash laughed and let go of my hair, the pressure on my dick was gone and he turned and washed his hands free of wax.

"I'm leaving first," he said calmly. "See you on the party floor in a little while."

He winked at me and disappeared out the door. I breathed deeply and splashed water in my face in an attempt to calm down a bit. Apparently, I hadn't thought this through at all. How the hell would I manage a party with Ash at my side? I would have to come up with disgusting stuff to think about all night, just to be able to move around the room.

Then I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time. Ash was right. That t-shirt really did fit me in all the right places, and I was surprised at how good I looked. I could actually look like this. Even the black leather bracelets fit me, they made the tattoos on my arms pop in an unexpected way, and I couldn't help feeling great about myself. If only I could project this feeling on how I was acting among people, this party would be a breeze.

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