《Nicknames》Chapter 28 ~ Charlotte pt 2



I look at the fluffy white clouds while playing with Luna's fingers. I can feel her eyes on me as she rests her head on my shoulder. As long as I have her I know I will be okay.

Turning back to her I kiss her forehead and rest my head on top of hers. The flight goes by terribly slow and when Luna drops her hand to my thigh my whole body tenses. She doesn't even notice what she's doing to me as she closes her eyes and falls asleep on my shoulder.

I try to sleep as well, but I'm kind of nervous about meeting Luna's family. Well the rest of them. I'm sure her Mom, grandmother, and siblings have already told them about me. I hope I established enough of a good rapport with them that whatever they brought back home was nothing but good things to say about me...even though I haven't heard too many good things about them when it comes to Luna's stories. Nevertheless, I'll be by her side no matter what. And I'll make sure that no one talks down on her.

The moment we exit the plane, I take Luna's hand and head for the spot to get a rental car. Luna doesn't say anything, no doubt still half asleep as I drag her along.

Once everything is sorted out we head to the black ford mustang convertible. I toss our bags into the backseat of the car then open Luna's door for her. My gesture earns me a kiss to the lips. I can't conceal my smile as I climb into the drivers side and pull out of the lot.

"I'm glad you stole me from the bar that night?" She randomly yells over the rushing wind and loud music.


Cutting the music and slowing my speed, I glance over at her. " Do you really think I took you that night at the bar just because you were drunk and sleeping in your car?" She shrugs and leans over the console lacing her fingers through mine as we pull to a stop light. "I do a background check on everyone before I bring them home. I could've left after our encounter."

"Why didn't you?"

"There was just something about you that prevented me from leaving you. You stayed way too long and I wanted to make sure you were okay." I cup her jaw and kiss her forehead. "I'm so glad I did."

The light turns green, I pull off again. Her eyes stare into the side of my head for minutes before looking away from me. I know she's trying to figure out what's going on inside of my head. It's when I notice her swipe at her cheek do I look over at her and notice her fast-drying tears getting caught in the wind. When we pull into her neighborhood, the speed limit only 15, I open up my heart to her and confess everything.

I have no idea why I have the sudden urge to tell her these things, but I feel like she should know how I feel about her...So I confess it all. "I think I was falling for you when you punched me. Even more when you put the ice pack on my cheek, but I wanted to deny it because I'd barely known you for an hour. As time went on my yearning for you only began to grow."

"Yearning?" She teases.

"Shut up. The point is, I love you so fucking much, it's ridiculous. I know for a fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."


I pull into the driveway, Luna still staring a hole into the side of my head saying nothing. But the second I put the car in park, she unbuckles her seat and crawls over into my lap, cupping my face between her fingers. "I love you too."

Those words from her lips, are words I want to hear every morning, afternoon, evening and night until we can't say them anymore. Then we will learn sign language and say it with our hands.

"Kiss me."

She doesn't have to tell me twice. I pull her closer to me, tilting my head up until our lips connect and I taste the sweet mint of her lip gloss. I take my time as she sits on my lap, taking in every detail of her kiss from the pressure of her lips to the sexy as hell way her tongue intwines with mine. With one hand on her waist and the other threaded through her hair, I tilt her head back and look into her beautiful eyes. Using my nose, I skim her throbbing pulse as a cool breeze flows through the air.

"Carter..." I nip her collarbone then place kisses across her jaw. "We shouldn't have come here."

"Why not?" I barely registered her words as my fingers slip under her shirt.

She pushes me off and looks into my eyes. "I want to make love to you so bad right now. But I can't."

"I can get a hotel."

With a shake of her head, she opens the car door and climbs out, kissing my lips and grabbing the bag out of the backseat. I sit there for a few seconds to let my dick calm down before I actually climb out and close the roof of the car.

I take her hand and together we walk up the driveway to the door of the house. It's a nice two story in a friendly looking neighborhood with kids and people walking around and enjoying the nice day. People who probably saw us making out in the car. I didn't even think about them, all I could think about was her.

Luna tightens her grip on my hand as we get to the door and reaches up to knock. Before she can even rap her knuckle against the wooden door a man opens it. She's pulled into a tight hug just as the greeting on her tongue slips out. This is going to be an eventful few days.

Especially knowing that Luna's family doesn't even know about our relationship. She wants to ease into that information and I respect her wishes. For now, I am just a close friend and coworker...who is in love with their Luna (unknown to them).

Luna's pulled over the threshold and I follow behind them, closing the door behind me.

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