《Nicknames》Chapter 23 ~ Taken



I stare up at the wood ceiling as I lay cuffed to the uncomfortable bed. My ex actually kidnapped me. He wasn't this crazy when we were dating...was he? Maybe he was.

The door to the room I'm in opens and I immediately stiffen. I can't move anywhere. My hands and feet are cuffed to the bed because I kicked him in the jaw when he brought me here. Wherever the hell "here" is.

"I brought you some breakfast, baby." He announces, coming up to the side of my bed and caressing the side of my face.

I sit up as much as I can and look at the plate of food he has held up to me. Burnt waffles, runny eggs, and flimsy bacon. Definitely not Carter's cooking. It's not like I get much of a choice seeing as he will be feeding me since he won't release me unless I need to go the bathroom.

For 10 minutes, I swallow the food he shoves into my mouth. There is a high chance my next visit to the bathroom will be this food coming up.

"Carter's going to find me," I growl as he watches me from the corner of the room in a chair.

My comment only makes him scoff and say something about no one knowing about this place. But I know Carter will find me. He has to find me.

He laughs and drags his hands over my thigh. "Monkey, you will love me again."

I roll my eyes and try to move away from him. I hate the way he's touching me and I always hated that nickname. I hate everything about this encounter.

It's been two years and he believes I will love him again. He's officially lost his mind and it's pretty obvious.


"Have you had sex with him?" He asks randomly.

I don't answer because we have had a form of oral sex. But my nonanswer did not make Anthony happy because the grip on my thigh tightened painfully as his glare became intense. He's definitely gone psycho.

"You're a fucking whore." He leans in and presses a kiss on my cheek. "I'll forgive you."

There is nothing to forgive me of, and I really hope Carter and our team will find me soon.

Finally, Anthony pulls away and I try my best to keep the relief from showing too much. But my relief doesn't last long when he tells me the Carter called. I was immediately on edge again.

"Can I talk to him?" I plead. I really just want to hear his voice.

"If he calls again, I might think about it."

"Please," I beg.

His eyes narrow in my direction and a wave of fear washes over me. "I said if he calls again, I might think about it."

I don't push anymore. I really just want to fall asleep.

"What does this Carter have that I don't, Luna? Tell me!"

"Everything," I spit out.

He nods and walks out, slamming the door behind him. He's a sociopath and I don't know how long I have before he snaps. This means I can't rely completely on Carter to come to save me. I need to try and save myself.

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