《Nicknames》Chapter 12 ~ Uncle Landon



For dinner, I directed Carter to my favorite restaurant in the whole entire world that I haven't been to in years. It's my Dad's best friend's restaurant. But my Uncle Landon.

We walk in and sit at the bar for quick and easy service. I order the best chicken sandwich in the world and Carter orders pretzel bites for an appetizer and a bacon burger with a side of ribs and fries for his meal. I really hope he knows I will be getting some of those ribs.

When the waiter leaves Carter swivels his chair to me and takes my hand in his, lacing his fingers through mine. He's about to say something when my name is called. I recognize the voice and immediately turn around to see Uncle Landon rounding the bar and coming straight for me.

I hop off the stool as he gets close and step into his open arms for a fatherly embrace that I have missed dearly. I haven't seen Uncle Landon since my father passed. They were both in the army together and developed a stupid crazy bond. They created this restaurant together and I know Dad would be proud of how it's doing today. I know I am.

"Long time no see, Kid. How have you been?" Uncle Landon Questions.

"I've been good, how are you?"

He sighs and pulls back looking at me. "I'm great now that you're here. Have you seen your aunt yet?"

I shake my head. I intended on seeing my aunt once the work was complete so she could have my undivided attention. Uncle Landon said he understood then asked me to catch him up.

Leaning against the bar, I tell him everything. From MIT to the fraud and moving in with Carter. Silent for most of the time Carter finally takes the chance to make himself known. His hands move to my waist and he stands beside me to greet Uncle Landon properly.

"I'm Carter, Sir. It's nice to meet you."

Uncle Landon nods and shakes Carter's outstretched hand. I introduce them. "Uncle Landon, Carter Bentley. Carter, this is my Uncle Landon."


I notice the death grip Uncle Landon has on Carter's hand and try to break it up. Carter stops me, holding onto my waist as his manliness is challenged by this stupid handshake. Hoping to end it soon, I tell Uncle Landon about Carter in hopes the death grip will end.

"Carter served in the army," I blurt. "Purple Heart and everything."

The death grip loosens and he pats Carter's shoulder. "In the Army? You look like you could've been special ops or a ranger or something."

"Special Forces," Carter confirms.

I notice the appetizers arrive and try to turn away from Carter but he holds his grip on my waist. Then Uncle Landon tells him to sit down as he walks back around the bar to where we sit at. I dip a pretzel bite into the cheese sauce and realize how hungry I really am when I start to eat.

"So why did you leave the army?" Uncle Landon hops right in as Carter pops a pretzel into his mouth.

He quickly chews and swallows, then answers Uncle Landon's question, telling him the story I listened to the second day I met him. Except we were in a more intimate setting. Carter turns to me and smiles. I really wish I was listening but the food was more appealing at the time.

"I think I was destined to meet your niece. I'm lucky to have her in my life," Carter comments.

"You are," Uncle Landon agrees.

I laugh and roll my eyes.

A minute later our food comes and Uncle Landon nods to us. "I'll let you guys enjoy your meal. And I'll see you around?"

"Yes, sir," Carter replies, shaking Uncle Landon's hand again.

After shaking hands with Carter, he leans over the counter and places a kiss to my cheek before whispering, "Your father would be so proud of you and so am I."

I smile as he walks off. Hearing that from Uncle Landon warms my heart and reassures every fiber of doubt in my body. I love Uncle Landon.


Turning back to Carter we dig into our food and talk about the case. Three hours later we are walking through the doors of my Aunt's home. Then I hear Derek's annoying voice in the earpiece again.

"Rest up Lovebirds. Tomorrow the party begins. So Carter put on your suit and Luna put on that sexy dress I know you have hidden somewhere."

Derek is an idiot. Carter agree's as he tells him to shut the hell up.

I laugh and shake my head. This is nothing new. At least once a day Derek hits on me to make Carter angry. It works every time and Derek laughs his ass off every time. But Derek is harmless, he has to be or else Carter wouldn't just be telling him to "shut the hell up".

Derek laughs and sighs. "We are sending over the info for you. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight," I reply, taking out my earpiece as Carter does the same.

I barely get another step when Carter is in front of me. I look up at him, waiting for him to say something as he stares at me. Nothing comes, so I push him out of the way and head for the kitchen. He follows after me, gripping my waist and pinning me against the fridge.

"Carter, what are you doing?" I ask. Silence. He was quiet in the car too and now I'm starting to worry. "You're scaring me, Carter."

"I think we should practice." When he speaks his voice is low and husky and I subconsciously bite my lip in response.

"Hmm?" He's gone mad.

"The kiss," he clarifies.

Oh, um... "I was thinking we could just wing it when the time comes—" I'm silenced when his fingers begin to drag up my waist and under my tank top. For some reason I don't stop him as his hands continue to drag higher, his thumbs running underneath the curve of my breast as the rest of his fingers drag sensually over my ribcage.

"Carter," I sigh.

His head dips and my head tilts to give him easier access as he kisses along my neck, whispering, "Are you sure you want to wing it?"

My body has a mind of its own as my hand falls to his waist directly on the waistband of his pants. I drag my fingers over his belt while his hands continue their sensual movements down my backside. He nips my earlobe and I gasp.

"Answer me, Luna." I forgot what we were talking about. "Do you want to wing it?" He asks again.

Blindly, I answer "no". Then I feel him smile against my neck and I quickly realize that I gave the wrong answer. "Yes!" I quickly correct. "I meant yes, I want to wing it. If we have too," I add.

His breathing picks up as he backs up. Possibly all of the adrenaline he held in finally dissipating at my rejection. Gently I take his hand and place it against my cheek, looking into his eyes. As if in a certain understanding he nods and laces his fingers through mine and pulls me outside to the patio where we sit in a lounge chair, me wrapped in his arms as the sun sets and the cool breeze comes in from ocean.

I like it here.

Moments, pass. Minutes turn into the hours and now the sky is a dark blue with twinkling stars. The time reads 11:37 when I look at my watch. We should go to bed.

I turn to Carter and once again he nods in agreements already knowing my thoughts as he helps me up to my feet and follows after me. In complete silence we lock up and head upstairs, only saying goodnight to each other when we get to our bedrooms and go our separate ways.

Tomorrow will be my first undercover, excitement and nervousness don't even begin to explain it. But Carter says he has my back and I trust him.

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