《Nicknames》Chapter 5 ~ New Girl?



She's going to ruin me, that I know for a fact, but if I am to be ruined by anyone I wouldn't mind it being her. I feel it would be a well worth ruining. She's a weakness and I couldn't even resist kissing her. I liked having her in my arms, I like her, but she just got out of a relationship and I have work.

When I get to work, Derek is already waiting for me with my background report and a very curious look on his face. "Who's the woman? A new conquest?"

"Nope." I hold my hand out for the file, but he shakes his head.

Derek is my best friend. The first friend I made when I got here. Loved the guy like my brother ever since, yet that still doesn't change how much of a meathead he is.

"So who's the girl?"

I shrug. "You tell me."

Nodding, he opens up the files and begins to read. "Luna Grayson, beautiful, I must say. Smart as hell. Went to MIT on a scholarship, majored in Computer Science, graduated with honors. She has taken Math 55 at Harvard and got a second degree in Quantum Physics. Also minored in creative writing. Her record is pristine, never even had a ticket. Currently unemployed after --"

"Previous place of employment shut down for fraud and illegal activity. What else?"

"Father Chris Grayson, deceased and Mother Roselyn Evans who has remarried to William Evans. She has two sisters and two brothers--"

"She's qualified to work here," I interrupt.

He nods enthusiastically. "She's more than qualified. Way too qualified to even work here."

"Well now she is working for us." Derek just stares. "Just go and tell David that I found a tech person who can start as soon as tomorrow."


That's the end of that conversation. Now time to solve a case.


"Tiny!" I call out stepping through the doors with dinner. I hope she likes Greek.

I don't get a reply, but I think she's here because her car was parked in the garage. Setting my stuff down I head upstairs in search of her. My nerves pick up a little when I find her in one of my rooms surrounded by my guns and documents, passports and small bills.

"What are you doing, Little Rascal?" I ask looking down at her sitting criss crossed in nothing but my shirt.

She's a complete contrast to the weapons surrounding her. Her innocent brown eyes and pure golden skin, but don't let that fool you.

The girl stands to her feet and shrugs looking around at the things around her. "I'm snooping," she admits. "And I really hope you aren't an arms dealer, or drug dealer, or...what are other bad things that people do?"

I can't help but chuckle as I approach her and cup her face between my fingers. "Calm down, love. I feel more secure with receipts, back up plans and protections. I've experienced things and being in the military and FBI I have made enemies. If my past ever rears its head, I will be prepared."

Honesty is what felt best in that moment. I don't want to start our relationship off on a bad note, plus I'm not ashamed of it. And if Luna chooses to work at the FBI this is something she will constantly be surrounded with. But she poses a good question.

"Is there a chance that your past could catch up with you when I'm home alone?"

Wanting to assure her, I pull her into my arms. "I won't let anything happen to you."


She shakes her head. "They always say that in the movie and then I'll end up dying, you'll go on a rampage to get revenge to all the people who took part in my killing. Then you get the big bad guy who called the hit and you'll kill him in cold blood. After you're gonna visit my grave and say 'I got the one's that took you from me, Luna', but you will never be satisfied because you blame yourself for my death."

For some reason, I feel like that is an accurate statement so I nod. "Next week we go to the gun range and you will learn to defend yourself. Even though you handled me pretty good in front of the bar."

She smiles and steps back, dropping her eyes to my crotch. "You can still have kids right?"

Laughing, I nod. She got me good, but not that good. "I can still have kids, Troublemaker."

"Good. Will you help me clean up?"

Of course I do. We put my weapon's back, locking up the cases and organizing them neatly in the closet. We follow with documents and money and with the help of Luna I get it all organized and out of the way. Then we head back downstairs for dinner.

I rewarm dinner and meet Luna on the couch where she has turned on a movie. She thanks me as I pass her a gyro and sit down next to her. She snuggles into my side and I place my hand on her thigh. Oddly our relationship feels really domestic even though we've known each other for less than 24 hours.

"What are you watching?" I ask.

"In The Army Now," she replies softly.

I turn to her, watching her take a bite out of her gyro and having tzatziki sauce fall to the corner of her mouth. I really want to lick..."I got you a job," I blurt in an attempt to distract myself.

"Are you serious?" Her eyes widen with a cute glow and her whole face lights up. How is she this hot?

"You will work for my team and help us with all the technical stuff, like finding people, decrypting data, tech stuff. Do you think you can do that?"

"Of course I can!" She exclaims. "I would kiss you, but I'm eating. Thank you so much, Carter."

Am I the luckiest guy or what? Every morning I will get to see this beautiful goddess and work with her all day. I get to know more about her and I hope I will get to see those beautiful eyes glow at every second possible. She already has my heartstrings in her grip, and out of all the woman I've been with, I don't mind giving this one everything. But she's just my roommate. Maybe soon that will change, for now I just like what we have. I'm comfortable with Luna and I'll be here for whenever she needs me.

Pulling her into my arms, I eat my food too, not knowing that two years later, I would still be where I started. The connection is undeniable, yet she denies it as much as possible. But I will wait. I'll aways be her best friend.

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