《Nicknames》Chapter 4 ~ Move out/in



I wake up wrapped in the warmest blanket I've ever been in. My body begs me not to get up and I'm tempted to let it stay in bed until I remember that this isn't my bed or my house and I should really get out of here.

The second I sit up the room spins and the urge to throw up hits me and quickly disappears. My mouth tastes bitter and my head feels like an anvil is sitting on top of it. Maybe I'll leave after a cup of coffee. I really hope he has a good coffee.

Climbing out of the bed, I notice the clothes and toothbrush sitting on the corner and mentally thank the behemoth who is nowhere to be found. I slip on the long sleeve shirt and boxer briefs then go to the bathroom to get this terrible taste out of my mouth. Once I'm finished with everything, I head downstairs where I find the green giant making pancakes.

I must be dreaming or hallucinating, because this feels like a fantasy. A gorgeous, half naked man, making delicious smelling breakfast. My temptation to see if he is real wins out as I walk up behind him and drag my fingers over his very defined back muscles. He tenses underneath my touch before turning around to me and relaxing as he looks into my eyes.

"Good morning, Little Bunny, did you sleep well?" He asks, bringing his hand up to my cheek and pushing my hair behind my ear.

His gentleness is a juxtaposition that I really, really like on him.

I tell him that his bed was the best sleep I've had in a long time. He just chuckles and points me to the french press in the corner, informing me that breakfast will be ready soon and the coffee will help me with my hangover. He definitely does not need to tell me twice. I pour a cup and add sugar. then I take a sip of amazing coffee.

A soft moan leaves my lips at the wonderful taste and feel of coffee and caffeine traveling down my throat. When I look up the behemoth is watching me with two plates in his hand. Eventually he snaps out of whatever he was in and walks over to me, placing the two plates in front of me. One for me and one for him.

"Eat up."

I do, cutting into my food and eating. Once again he doesn't disappoint. Maybe I am dreaming, things feel too good to be true. They usually are. But I'm going to enjoy my moment until it ends. And so it seems for the FBI guy as he stares at me and blindly puts food into his mouth. Then the questions come again. Probably the most important one of all.

"What is your name?"

"Luna Grayson. Yours?"

"Carter Bentley," he replies.

We probably should've started with this first. But nevertheless we are here so I ask my questions as well.

"Why were you at the bar, Carter?"

He asked me last night, I only saw it appropriate that I asked him as well. The "just clearing my head" answer was boring. I was hoping for some excitement like 'scoping out a mob boss' or 'meeting an informant who never showed up'. But I can understand the need for clearing the head, so I just nod and go back to eating my food.

I'm completely entrapped in the way his muscles move as he washes the dishes after we've both finished our food. Moving around the counter, I walk up next to him and hop up onto the counter next to the sink, picking up a cloth to start drying the dishes. Carter barely lets me get one done before he's cutting off the water and taking it out of my hand, his wet hands falling to my knees and spreading my legs apart. He steps in between them with his hands placed by my thighs.


There's a scar on his torso near his adonis belt and another on his shoulder. Out of curiosity, I reach for the one on his ab, hesitating when I see him visibly tense. When I look up he's watching me and a smug smirk rises to his lips.

"I won't bite," he says.

"You tense every time I touch or try to touch you," I bring to his attention.

The smirk on his face disappears and his eyes stay locked on me, something deep swirling within them. I feel his fingers wrap around my wrist, then my fingers come in contact with the raised scar on his otherwise smooth skin. Save for the bumps and grooves of his abs of course. I run my fingers along his scar.

I look up to him in question, wondering if I should ask what I want to. He seems to be able to read my questioning eyes as he begins to give me the answer.

"I served," he says. "Wounded in battle by a piece of shrapnel. It was removed, but I'm stuck with the scar."

"I like scars." They usually have more stories than the vague one he gave me. I move my hand to the one on his shoulder. "What about this one?"


I nod, languidly dragging my hand down his chest and abs. He suck in a breath as I let my fingers trace over his pelvis. Then he cups the sides of my neck and locks eyes with me, making everything disappear. I really want him to kiss me, is it bad that I want a man I barely know to kiss me. Then his fingers trail down my sides and I instinctively lean in. He repeats the action, brushing his nose against mine and slowly lifting up my shirt.

"What are you going to do?" He asks, his voice low and husky.

"Hmm?" I hear what he says but I don't register a single word as I tilt my head up.

Immediately his hands stop and he takes a step away from me, only reminding me of the situation we are in. He definitely reminds me.

"What are you doing about your living situation?"

I drop my hands and turn away from him in an attempt to hide the emotions surging through me. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do. "Probably move in with my Aunt, look for a new job. If nothing works, my last resort is moving back in with my parents. Sad right?"

"Stay here," he blurts.

My eyes widen. Did I hear that correctly? "Hmm?"

He chuckles and bites his lip. Was that a way to get me to say yes? "Move in with me," he repeats. "My place is more than big enough..."

"I barely know you," I reply hopping off the counter to gain some type of grounding.

He shrugs and steps closer forcing me to tilt my head up even more. "Would you really rather stay with your Aunt or move back in with your parents?"

"No," I pout knowing he's right.

Gently he cups my cheeks in his hands and I hate my body's reaction to him. "Stay here and I will help you get back on your feet. Until then I won't force you to pay rent. We will be roommates. You know you want to stay," he teases.

"I mean it is a gorgeous place," I admit coyly.


He smiles and I melt. "Let's go get your stuff, Lovebug."

"You might want to put on a shirt, Carter."

A soft hum leaves his lips before he walks upstairs to put on clothes. I take that moment to take in everything that happened. I'm about to move in with complete stranger. Then again isn't that how most roommates happen. My college roommates were strangers. They post an ad online and people respond. Except I didn't meet him online, I met him at a bar and he works for the FBI. What the hell am I getting myself into?

When Carter comes back downstairs we leave, taking his truck to my old apartment. Sadly we run into my boyfriend who's sitting on the couch, waiting for me. I should've had Carter wait in the truck. I didn't even think to look for Anthony's car, but I'm not turning back now. Besides I could definitely use Carter for emotional support.

"Who is this?" Anthony growls, looking at Carter who hovers over me.

My behemoth just ignores him and passes me a box, telling me to grab my stuff. I listen not wanting to get into it with Anthony. I don't have many things to pack. My clothes fit in my suitcases and all my other things fit in the one box which will make this a lot more simpler.

I hear the commotion outside as Anthony yells at Carter and me from the living room. Yet, not once do I hear Carter's voice raise a decibel.

"Luna you never even let me explain," Anthony begs as I walk out of the room we shared, balancing a full box on my hip and pulling my large suitcase behind me.

Seriously? I caught him with his dick in her and he wants to explain.

I ignore him and he did not like that. Nor did Carter when Anthony grabs my arm. In seconds Anthony's neck is between Carter's fingers and he's pinned against the wall. I stand there in shock.

"Luna go to the car, I'll get the rest of your bags."

Don't have to tell me twice.

10 minutes later all my things are in the car and Carter is pulling off again. He gets a phone call and it comes through the car, but he quickly switches it to his phone to pick it up. That peaks my curiosity. Sadly I can only hear his side of the conversation.

"I'm coming in late...I had to take care of some things...I need a background check, I'll send the information...yes...I'll be in soon...Bye."

He glances at me then turns back to the road. "I'm going to take you to pick up your car and take you back to the apartment, then I have to go to work."

I nod.

A few minutes later we are arriving to the bar from last night where I left my car. Politely he helps me out of his truck and walks me to the driver's side of my car. For a few seconds we just stare at each other, neither one of us knowing what to say. Then he clears his throat and asks, "Do you have gas?"

I kind of want to laugh, but I don't. Instead I tell him yes and open my drivers door about to climb in when he stops me.

"Are you sure you have everything? Do you need something else?" He asks, looking at me with his head slightly tilted and eyes...how am I going to survive with this man. And the way he bites his bottom lip sets something off deep inside my core that I am way too afraid to explore. I hope I can get over this if I'm going to be living with him.

After informing him that I have everything I need he just smiles and helps me get into my car, closing the door and climbing back into his own vehicle.

I follow behind his truck to his place. Or I guess our place. He helps me with my box and suitcases, which basically means he wouldn't let me do anything. He picked the room next to his and I didn't object. Carter said it was because this room had it's own bathroom as well. I didn't mind, plus the other two rooms were either empty of filled with stuff.

Once my things are set down we head back downstairs and I walk with Carter to the door.

"I'll be back later tonight. Call me if you need anything, my number is on the fridge."

Surprising him, I throw myself in his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. He holds me back and the sudden urge to cry overwhelms me, eventually I do when his warm embrace tightens and a profuse amount of security envelops me. I don't want him to leave, but he has to so I push him back knowing if I didn't in that moment I would do something wrong.

The moment I pull back, Carter's hands move to my cheeks, gently wiping the tears from my face. I start to make an apology when he places his thumb against my lips and shuts me up. He bends down and places a kiss to my forehead, then my nose, placing his head on mine. I place my hands on his forearms to keep myself upright.

"I have to go to work now. I want you to know that I would much rather be here with you."

I laugh and step back. "I'll see you tonight, Carter."

"Goodbye, Pippy." He walks out the door leaving me to my devices...his devices?...our devices?

Anyways, now it's time to figure out who this man I'm living with is. I run upstairs to my get my laptop and find out everything from visible to hidden. It's probably not the best idea to hack into your roommate, but I need to know. At least he has a decent firewall, but i'm definitely going to make it stronger if I'm going to be staying here.

Security is very important to me. When I was 13 I was hacked and blackmailed for return of my information. I told my aunt and she helped me get it sorted out and the person who did it to me got into a lot of trouble because I was a minor. They didn't know I was but that should teach them. I always knew I wanted to go into engineering but cybersecurity was just one of the pillars of knowledge that I decided to add to my ongoing construction.

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