《Loving Mr. Cavalier》A/N- New Story!!!


Hello you awesome peeps!

If you aren't yet aware, make sure you check out my latest standalone Romance titled "Safe Word: Rosé"

Here is the description and Sneak Peek:

Jason Trujilo employs Cara Thompson as a worker in his exclusive club in order to pay back the money her father owed. Once she paid off the debt, Jason tells Cara that she is free to go.

One year later, Cara is doing well for herself, until Jason comes crashing back into her life, demanding that she leave with him.Cara refuses to leave her new life, and Jason is hell bent on having Cara under his control.

So how will this story end?



"Tell me again, tell me how your life is so much better without me. How you are so much better without me. Tell me how you found happiness during my absence. And tell me how by showing up, I'm ruining your life. Go ahead, brag on."


"What? Not so brave anymore, are we?"

"What do you want from me. I paid off everything my dad owed. I owe you nothing more."

"Oh but that's where you're wrong. You might not owe me anything, but I own you."

"I'm not an object. I'm not yours or anyone's property."

"Too late. I already claimed you. Remember what you said a while back? That you were saving yourself for only one man? Well guess what baby, I'm that man. You belong to me."

Please feel free to check it out, and if you do, don't forget to let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING AND SHARING!

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