《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 20- "You Left Me Alone"
Liliana found herself waking up to the sound of running water. She refused to open her eyes and simply hummed softly as she turned from her back, and onto her right side, as she snuggled deeper into the warm sheets and greedily breathed in the light scent of the cologne she had often fantasized about. Liliana's lips formed a thin smile as she believed that she was once again having a dream where Mr. Cavalier was the star, and as she did so, she ran her legs over the form mattress which adjusted to the weird shape her body had settled on. Liliana had almost drifted back to sleep when her subconscious screeched louder than a speeding Ferrari tires forced to a halt.
Lili's eyes snapped open as she sat up quicker than she should have, causing her head to spin, and a tugging pressure was applied to her wrists, and Liliana realized both her wrists were tied to the best post. The ties that banded around her wrists allowed for enough motion in the bed, but as soon as she pulled farther than her limit, the ties pulled back. Liliana's eyes looked around the strange room frantically, as her breathing began to accelerate. She laid on a king bed, which was positioned at the center of the further wall. To her left were floor to ceiling windows, and two glass doors that led to what appears to be a balcony. The room had minimal amount of furniture, and ample amount of space, with a color combination of white, light and dark grey.
The glass windows were covered with sheer white curtains which did nothing to keep the sunlight of the room. There was a small sitting area in the far corner, with a love seat and coffee table facing a television stand. Facing the bed was a door that Lili assumed led to the bathroom, because the running shower seem to be coming from there. A door to Lili's far right was closed, and the door that Lili assumed led out of the room was also closed. After taking a breath to calm herself, Liliana tried to removed the fabric band that made her prisoner to the bed, except when she surveyed the band closer, Liliana quickly realized that the fabric simply covered a pair of metal handcuffs.
Liliana could feel her panic settling in by the second. There was no doubt in her mind that she was in Mr. Cavalier's room. But how did she get here? Liliana tried to retrace her steps yesterday, except, her memory of the past 24 hours were in foggy snippets. She remembered having a heated argument with Mr. Cavalier in Quebec, then she remembers flying home. Carlos picked her up at the airport, then he led her home... then... then...
Liliana squinted her eyes as she shook her head when a splitting headache made birth in her brain. Lili sighed, then she tried again. She remembers arriving home, Carlos asked to come inside, Lili refused... he had his hand on her neck, against the car... he tried to do something... bad... but then Frantz came in... there was blood... a lot of blood, enough to dirty his clean white dress shirt... then Liliana couldn't breathe... she couldn't breathe!
Frantz's dark eyes looked her way. Made her feel guilty. She couldn't breathe and he just kept on staring. His dark eyes were punishing her. His heavy gaze was scrutinizing her, and when she had run out of oxygen, it was all black.
"Glad to see you're awake." Frantz's voice suddenly pierced Lili's mind, causing her to shriek and practically jump out of her skin. Frantz studied her with a raised eyebrow, while he was dressed in a simple white shirt and grey joggers, making Lili gulp harder than she should have.
Liliana shook her head, snapping out of her daze as she shook her bound wrists as and said "seriously?"
"Yes seriously. It was meant to keep you from going, as they say, 'bat shit crazy '." Frantz stated as though it was obvious.
"Why am I here?" Liliana asked, her voice harsh and unfriendly.
"Thought I'd keep an eye on you overnight, make sure you're okay." Frantz replied, as he shrugged casually, then pulled a stool next to the bed and sat down, simply staring at Lili.
Liliana looked at Frantz as if waiting for him to say something, and he did the same.
"Well as you can see, I'm fine." Liliana shrugged, and Frantz simply replied, "yes".
"So?" Liliana asked, raising an eyebrow.
"So... what?" Frantz asked clueless.
"So let me go!" Liliana replied, her words coming out in a tantrum.
"No." Frantz took no time in replying.
"NO?!" Liliana boomed before she could stop herself.
"No," Frantz confirmed, then he stood up and began heading for the door, "I'm going to get breakfast." Then with that, he walked out before Lili could say another word.
Liliana looked around, hoping to find something to help free her of the restraints, but eventually gave up when her wrists started to burn from the friction caused by her forceful tugging.
A few moments later, Mr.Cavalier walked back into the bedroom, pushing a small cart that carried two trays that held the contents of a very beautiful and hearty breakfast. Frantzplaced Liliana's tray before her, and undid her restraints. Liliana looked down at her tray which contained two large pancakes, a small bowl of fruit, and a glass of orange juice. Lili opened her mouth to reject the food, when her stomach growled loudly, daring her to decline the food her body was suddenly craving.
Liliana gulped awkwardly, her face flushing red. If Mr. Cavalier heard her stomach growl like a big bear, he didn't comment.
"Thank you." Lili muttered quietly instead, and Frantz simply nodded his head, his three large pancakes diminishing with every large bite he took.
Frantz was already done by the time Liliana was on her second pancake. Mr. Cavalier drank his juice and was done with his fruit in minutes, leaving Liliana to feel very awkward about eating, while his eyes studied her.
"I- can't eat if you're looking at me." Liliana admitted, and Frantz shrugged then stood up, and headed to the sitting area, opening his laptop and typing away. Liliana smiled softly at his actions but made no comment. Lili was bidding her time, she had to earn his trust so he could untie her and hopefully let her go.
Just as Liliana prepared to drink her juice, Liliana gasped causing Frantz to look her way as she said "my mom-"
"I already spoke to her, and she is aware that you are with me." Frantz reassured before Liliana lost her mind. But instead of calming her, Liliana felt her eyes pop out of their sockets as her mouth fell to the floor.
Frantz looked an eyebrow raised in question, signaling to Lili that he couldn't read her mind.
"You spoke to my mom?" Liliana asked, surprised and slightly worried, if not embarrassed.
"Yes. Lovely woman." Frantz replied casually, then he nodded, before he focused back on his laptop. But Lili just couldn't believe it.
"You..." Liliana pointed skeptically, "spoke to my mom." She stated, rather than asked.
"Yes." Frantz replied, unsure why Liliana couldn't believe him.
"Oh this is just great..." Liliana muttered under her breath, then she looked at Frantz sharply as she asked, "did you tell her about... you know..." Liliana trailed off, her embarrassment and shame swallowing her body like a suffocating envelope.
"No." Frantz answered, then he took a deep breath and asked "Why didn't you say anything Lili? I mean how long has he been assaulting you?" Frantz wanted to know, because he was sure that it wasn't the first time Carlos touched Liliana inappropriately and without her consent.
Liliana suddenly felt her guard shoot up straight like a flying arrow, forming a wall around her heart. She gulped and breathed stiffly, losing her appetite as she said "that is none of your concern Mr. Cavalier. My life is none of your business." Lili couldn't trust him. She didn't want to trust him.
Frantz sighed unbelievably, then shook his head as he said "Liliana let me help you." He was not ready to give up. But he couldn't help but think, did he repulse Lili so much that she was willing to refuse his help?
"Why am I here Frantz?" Liliana snapped before she could stop herself. She didn't want to be here, alone, with him, nothing good was going to come of this. Liliana knew this.
"I just want to help you-" Frantz admitted, trying to sound as honest as possible, needing Lili to believe him, because he was being honest.
"I am not one of your charities Frantz!" Liliana cut before she could stop herself, "I can take care of myself. I don't need your help." Lili pushed bitterly, cutting him and stopping him from saying anything else. She didn't need his help. She didn't want his help.
Frantz leveled his eyes with Liliana, then licked his bottom lip as he nodded "Suit yourself Ms. Chavez." Frantz replied, his tone clipped. He stood from the sitting area, and headed towards the bed. Liliana kept her eyes on his every move, and when he reached the bed, he grabbed her tray as well as his own, then he disappeared with the cart. Frantz returned a few moments later. He approached the bed in haste, catching Lili by surprise as he began removing her cuffs silently, and Liliana was too grateful to finally rub her wrists, that she did not realize that Mr. Cavalier exited the bedroom, locking the door behind him, leaving her alone.
When Liliana heard the door click, her head snapped up as she felt her soul left her body. He locked her in.
"No, no, no, no." Liliana muttered as she ran to the door, and tried to open it. She attempted to turn the handle, but it was as stiff as a log. She pulled and struggled against the door. It shook in the frame with every grunt she exhaled, but nevertheless, it kept her prisoner to her boss. Her boss... a man.
Liliana released frustrated grunts after frustrated grunts, until they turned into short sobs, and eventually, full on crying and sobbing. Liliana threw pillows, she punched pillows, she choked pillows, as she cried and raged. She was so over everything that has occurred over the last few days. Lili couldn't understand how she, a small town girl, ended up being the victim of a rapist and murderer. And now she was being held captive by her boss, who she was sure, was not going to let her waltz out of the door.
Liliana now feared Mr. Cavalier with every cell in her body. How could she be sure that Mr. Cavalier wouldn't try the same thing that Carlos did? If not worse? And this time Lili had nowhere to go. She was stuck here, alone, with him, and heck, she didn't even know where "here" was. Liliana grabbed onto her hair as the mixture of sobs and difficulty breathing caused shudders to rumble through her body, and as result, Liliana's chest and throat were burdened with heavy unexpected hiccups that made her nauseous.
Liliana felt sick. She felt a bitter and foul saliva run into her mouth and sit right behind her tongue at the top of her throat. She felt like retching. Her nerves twisting and aching, as if trying to tear her body apart. Liliana felt as though her skin was now tainted after Carlos touched her. Liliana could still feel his hand groping her breast and butt. Feeling on the brink of insanity, Liliana ran to the shower, not caring that it was Mr. Cavalier's bathroom.
She had the water on the highest amount of heat her body could handle. Her fingernails rubbed her skin, scratching and brushing at her skin with his shampoo, hoping to heal her brain of the sick feeling she got every time she caught her reflection in the mirror. Liliana felt it when her body heaved, and she coughed before she hiccupped, and hunched her body above the drain as her body forced everything she had consumed for breakfast up her throat and out of her mouth, making her lose her breath, and her eyes teared up. Once the first round of vomit made it's way out of her mouth, Liliana coughed, feeling lightheaded and dizzy, but it wasn't enough preparation, for the second round of vomit came straight after. Liliana coughed and retched, hitting her hand against the wall when she ran out of breath, the emesis still blocking her throat and airway.
Liliana sobbed, wanting a break, as her body tried to push everything out except her organs. Her body was literally trying to cleanse itself from the horrors she forced down her throat every time she faced Carlos.
"Frantz-" Liliana tried calling, her body swaying. She was going to lose consciousness and she didn't want to be alone. The last time she found it hard to breathe, Liliana remembered having Frantz's eyes to focus on. She needed that now. She needed something concrete to pull her through this.
"FRANTZ!" Liliana shouted, a last round of vomiting forcing her to see stars and possibly a glimpse of her life flashing before her eyes. Liliana gulped and cried, as the water rinsed the foul smelling gunk away. Liliana whimpered and shivered and sniffled, the tears now silently flowing and mixing with the water droplets from her shower.
Liliana wrapped her arms around her chest, as she laid in the bathtub. She pulled her legs to her chest, and just allowed the water to rain down onto her skin. Liliana closed her eyes, the water now running cold, as she shook and shivered, her skin disturbed with visible goosebumps, her teeth chattering. Her nose burned red, her eyes pulsing with agony. Liliana felt so cold, and alone, and weak, and cold. She thought of her mother, and father, and Chamille and her twins. Lili closed her eyes and gulped with a hiccup. She thought of Carlos, then finally Mr. Cavalier. Liliana though of her shame, her nudity, and the fact that her body, the body she had grown to love and appreciate, was used to betray her sense of security.
Liliana loved everything about her body. Her not so big chest, and not so round hips. Her not so large butt, and her not so curvy edges. She dressed for herself , but never dressed to demand the attention of others. She lived for a pair of joggers and loose t-shirt. Yet now, all that was once used to bring her comfort, brought her nothing. She felt numb, and empty, except for the burning hole in her chest, where Carlos used her body as a knife and practically carved out her self-esteem, self-confidence, her self-worth, and her sense of security.
As she laid there, shivering on the floor, Liliana thought of the little girl she left behind with age The little girl who never had many friends, the little girl who whenever she felt alone, she would hum a soft slow tune that resonated the sound of her loneliness and self pity. Liliana never imagined that at 24, she would resort back to that song which had no specific melody or ensemble. Liliana allowed the rushing sound of the water to be her back up singer and harmonize with the bitter tune that seem to be the only thing strong enough to numb the pain of her pulsing heart.
Liliana wanted to sleep. She wanted an escape. She just wanted to go.
Liliana felt lost, and she began waning and fading from reality. The bathtub floor which she laid on also faded from beneath her body, and the cold water was no longer cold. Lili felt as though she was floating. She felt nothing, just the waves of nausea that somehow soothed her body, and began to lull her to sleep. She could sleep. Sleep was good.
"Liliana?" She heard Frantz's voice echo through her ears, somewhat snapping her awake, but she wasn't in her right mind to answer.
"Shit!" She heard him say out loud, but the sound echoed through her ears, before the shower squeaked as the cold water ceased to bathe her now pale skin. Her fingertips had wrinkled up like prunes, and they felt as cold as they would on a harsh winter night.
Lili felt a warm towel cover her nudity, and the warmth was welcomed, then Frantz stepped into the tub, and picked her body off the floor.
He placed her to sit on the toilet, as he grabbed a large shirt of his, and got her into it, after he made sure to dry her upper body, while keeping his respect. Frantz avoided toughing her anywhere sensitive, because the last thing he wanted to do was scar her. Then he grabbed a pair of joggers with an adjustable waist, and also helped her into it. Frantz made sure his eyes did not wander, and he simply kept looking at her face, but her eyes were void of every emotion he knew Liliana for, and now, he yearned to see something, anything in her eyes. Lili moved slow and sluggish. Her eyes staring blankly ahead. It's like she was avoiding feeling. Frantz could imagine that she was scared, and most definitely confused. Men who victimized women, in Frantz's eyes, were the worst of the worst scum, and he was just sorry that Liliana had to be a victim.
Frantz wanted to fix it. He wanted to help her, but he wasn't sure how.
So instead, Frantz sighed, and dried her hair. After he did that, he used a brush and comb to try and take out any knots that could've formed after he dried her hair. After three years in a relationship with Christina, he picked up a few things about women, and knew that having knots in their hair was probably one of the main things they never wanted. As Frantz tried to focus, and as he saw to that task, Frantz didn't expect his heart to break as much as it did when Liliana spoke with a scratchy voice and accused "you left me alone."
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