《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 19- "No Witnesses"
When Mr. Cavalier began climbing the stairs, Liliana released a deep breath and put on a practiced smile as she said "good morning Mr. Cavalier." And as usual she received nothing. He simply brushed passed her, his eyes forward. He said nothing, he didn't even make a sound. His expensive cologne once again registered in Liliana's nose, and her brain instantly reminisced on the previous close encounters she had with the one man she found herself confused about. Thinking over the moments he touched her, and held her against his body, it made Liliana's body tingle from her head to her toes. Surprisingly, Lili was hoping to have a close encounter with Mr. Cavalier again, even though, she knew that it may never happen again. Not after he found her with Carlos.
The flight to Quebec would take roughly nine hours, and honestly Lili wasn't looking forward to this trip. She never planned it, so it was irritating that this trip was screwing up the day she had plan to relax. In fact, Liliana was so pissed at the sudden change in plans that she forgot to call her mom and tell her that she was flying to Quebec. Even now, Lili had no idea how long the trip was going to last. Sighing in a frustrated manner, Liliana proceeded to close the door while grumbling under her breath. As much as she wanted to visit Canada, it was not under these circumstances. The fact that Mr. Cavalier was forcing her to be here was irritating enough, and it didn't help with the situation she was facing alone with Carlos.
Liliana was So disappointed in herself for not standing up to Carlos, and now she has found herself in a very bad position, with no idea had to get out. Lili wanted to tell someone, anyone, but she was afraid of how they would perceive her. While some people would see her as a victim, others may choose to penalize her and ask why she waited so long to say something. Liliana had often looked at victims from similar cases and always wondered why they kept silent for so long, and now that she was a victim, she understood why.
Lili was well aware that she had a supportive entourage, and the love from her parents was undeniable, but the shame, the embarrassment, they tortured her to absolute silence. Why was her body used against her? Why was her body used as a main weapon against her self consciousness? Why was her body used to make her feel self aware, and unsafe?
Liliana shook her head. She felt tears prick the corners of her eyes, but she blinked them away. Now was not the time.
Frantz settled in his seat, and finally chanced a look at Liliana while her back was to him. He noticed just how tense her shoulders were as she closed the door, and he could only imagine that her frustration was directed at him. But then, right before she turned and headed his way, there was a moment where her shoulders sagged, her head was down, and she shook it as if she was tired, or maybe disappointed, and Frantz wondered whether he had given her the cold shoulder for too long.
But who could blame him?
He tried many different approaches to get Lili to give him a chance, but she turned him down every time. He figured it that her reasons had to be because she was a woman of virtue, and she respected the work ethic and avoided having relationships at work. But that last reason was soon thrown out the window when Frantz found Lili getting cozy in Carlos's arms. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Noticing how Lili happily allowed Carlos to kiss her, and taste her lips... those lips, it made Mr. Cavalier's blood boil. It took all his will power not to pummel Carlos, and take Liliana far away where no other man could touch her. But once again, Frantz found himself pumping the brakes, and walking away. He was trying to be patient. He didn't want to scare Lili into loving him, nor did her want to force her into being with him, so that asked for a lot of self restricting, but Frantz could feel his patience running out, and he feared that if Lili continued to push him, he might lose all control, and that wouldn't be a good thing.
The moment Frantz noticed Liliana making her way over to him, he pretended to focus on the blank screen of his laptop.
Liliana cleared her throat and said "Good morning Mr. Cavalier, if you're ready, we will be taking off soon." The way she spoke, the tone to her voice, Frantz could tell that something was wrong. He chanced another look at Liliana, and her eyes were downcast and sad. She didn't even bother to look at him, and that worried Frantz.
Something was wrong, Mr. Cavalier could tell, and that made him uneasy. He didn't like seeing her like this, and before he could stop himself, he asked "Is everything alright Ms. Chavez?"
Liliana seemed shocked that he finally spoke to her, but besides the initial shocked expression, her sad eyes met his and she lied, "everything is fine sir." And before Mr. Cavalier could say anything else, Liliana headed to her seat.
For now, Mr. Cavalier let her be, and soon enough they were in the air.
Over the next eight hours and fifty minutes, Lili followed through her routine like a robot. Numb and emotionless. And each time, Liliana could feel Mr. Cavalier's piercing gaze studying her face, as if he was trying to X-ray her brain, in hopes of seeing her thoughts and trying to figure out what was wrong.
And Liliana scoffed mentally. If he really wanted to know, all he had to do was ask.
Mr. Cavalier didn't want to pry, at least not yet. He knew that women could be extremely unpredictable, and the last thing he wanted was to anger Liliana eve more than she already has. Especially since she had made various remarks before about either stabbing him with a fork or killing him with a wine bottle. Frantz decided to bid his time. He would wait for them to get to the hotel before he asked her anything.
By the time they landed in Quebec, Liliana was ready to explode. She felt so overwhelmed by her thoughts. She felt the weight of her worries suffocating her chest, with it's foot on her neck. The though of Carlos made Liliana sick to her stomach, and her weakling reaction just sent her over the edge. Now she was blaming herself for not standing up to him, and speaking to someone, and the more she waited, the slimmer she felt her justification become.
After Mr. Cavalier exited the plane, Liliana cleaned up, and bid the pilots goodbye.
Thankfully Lili's driver to the hotel was an older gentleman, who offered no conversation, and safely escorted her to the hotel. The concierge she met at the front desk was kind enough, and handed her the key card with a smile.
When Liliana arrived in the hotel room, the first thing she did was call her parents to let them know that she wasn't home and wouldn't be returning until tomorrow evening. Then she called Chamille, needing to get something off her chest.
"Hello?" Chamille answered carefully.
"It's Liliana." Lili stated coldly.
"Hey Lili! How are you-"
"Why didn't you tell me about Carlos?!" Liliana demanded, her anger flaring, and for a moment the line was quiet.
"WHY NOT?" Liliana demanded.
"Would you have believed me if I told you? Or would you have simply thrown it back in my face because you would've chosen to question him and he would manipulate you into thinking that I was the enemy?" Chamille fired back, and Liliana blinked confused as she said "what?"
"Liliana, I told you he had a history. You are not the first woman I've warned against Carlos, except the last time I did that, my friend ended in a hole 6 feet underground." Chamille replied.
"Yeah, he charmed her into a relationship, but I had heard rumors about him, and tried to warn her, she questioned him, and he denied everything. He manipulated her, and soon she was eating right out of his hand. When I tried to get through to her, she warned me to keep away. When she finally realized that she was in trouble, it was too late. I tried to help her and get her out, but Carlos had other plans, and the night we planned to help her get away, she decided to visit him for closure, and the next day, they found that she had been beaten, raped, and overdosed. Carlos lawyered up, and because of insufficient evidence, the case was dismissed. After that I tried to avoid Carlos as much as possible. The only reason why I started riding with him was because I noticed he was interested in you. The night of our accident, he told me that no matter what I did, he would get his hands on you, even if it meant taking me out of the picture, hence the accident." Chamille narrated, and Lili was too shocked to speak.
"How is he still working in the company, or anywhere for that matter?" Liliana asked, the disbelief clear in her tone.
"People like Carlos know how to get away with crime like these. They are predators, but know how to fit into an environment and not be deemed as suspicious. I have reported him to HR but of course, without proper evidence, a complaint can only go so far." Chamille admitted sadly, and Liliana felt her heart break. How was she supposed to get out of this now?
"Oh my Lili... Please don't tell he's done something to you." Chamille asked, though she already knew the answer to that question.
"He did... I'm sorry Chamille, I have to go." And with that Liliana ended the phone call.
Now Lili had no idea what to feel. She was angry, devastated, shocked, and most importantly, she felt hopeless. How would she prove that Carlos touched her inappropriately? And how can she justify waiting so long to come forward about this?
Unable to think clearly, Liliana did the unthinkable.
Before she knew it, she was at Frantz's door.
Mr. Cavalier had just exit the shower when he heard a knock on his door.
With only a towel around his waist, he opened it only to find Liliana standing there. The moment Lili noticed his naked torso, her cheeks flared up in embarrassment.
"I-I-I- I'm sorry, this was a bad idea." Liliana blurted and practically ran away, wanting to die of embarrassment. Like what the heck was she thinking showing up to his place unannounced.
Frantz cursed under his breath, and hurried to put some clothes on, before he headed down to see her. He knocked on Liliana's door, and because she knew it was him, she refused to open.
"Lili must I remind you that I can open this door without your assistance?" Frantz noted, as he ran a hand through his still wet hair.
"There's no need for that. I didn't mean to disturb you Mr. Cavalier, I'm sorry." Liliana replied back, their conversation happening with a door in between.
"Well stop apologizing for one, and open the door." Mr. Cavalier instructed.
"Why?" Liliana asked, her nerves getting the best of her.
"Why? Because you showed up to my place looking whiter than a ghost, and then you run away and refuse to let me in." Frantz stated, as if the situation wasn't obvious enough.
"I'm okay. You don't have to come in. I just had a lapse in judgment." Liliana replied, realizing that she didn't want to be alone with Mr. Cavalier. Nothing good ever came from them being alone together.
"Just leave me alone!" Liliana snapped before she could stop herself.
Taken aback, Frantz frowned at Liliana's tone, but then shook his head and left her alone. It's what she wanted.
The moment Liliana felt Mr. Cavalier walk away, she sat on her couch and began sobbing in her hands. She was screwed. She was s screwed.
Frantz headed to his room felling uneasy the whole way. Something was bothering Liliana, and it was way bigger than her sulking about him ignoring her. No, it was something bigger, deeper than that. Frantz began working his brain as he tried to figure out what could've possibly triggered this reaction from Liliana, then he remembered the new addition to her life.
Frantz was almost sure that Liliana's change in mood had to do with Carlos. And now Frantz was a man on a mission. He wondered if Carlos may have been mistreating Liliana, then his blood boiled at the thought that Carlos would do such a thing. Feeling a sense of possessiveness towards Liliana, Frantz began doing some digging. He remembered a while back Chamille submitted a complaint against Carlos, which was overlooked by HR. Based on the complaint, Carlos was suspected of mistreating a female companion, but because of lack of evidence, HR took no disciplinary action.
Frantz frowned at the strange findings, then dug a little further. It seemed Chamille had since avoided riding with Carlos, and only started doing so when Liliana came around. Carlos and Chamille were recently involved in a car accident, but the details seem scarce. Finding the entire situation more than sketchy, Frantz decided to place a pair of eyes on Carlos.
After the exchange with Frantz and taking a moment to cry out her frustration, Liliana decided to drown her sorrows with unhealthy snack and Netflix. Mr. Cavalier had a business meeting, but he decided to attend it alone, and allowed Liliana a moment to herself, but when he returned in the early evening hours, he decided to pay her a visit.
When Liliana heard the knock at the door, it did not come to mind that Mr. Cavalier would be standing on the other side.
Speechless and with a visible frown, she allowed him in.
He passed her by, and headed into the suite, before he turned and faced her.
For a moment they were both silent. Mr. Cavalier kept his eyes on Liliana, and she looked anywhere but him.
Standing in the awkward silence, Liliana felt slightly frustrated. There was no denying that she was attracted to Mr. Cavalier. Had he been an honest man who values women and willing to be in a long term relationship, she would've hit the jackpot. But no, he had to be an arrogant man who only worried about getting pleasure in between the legs of a woman.
She could tell that Frantz was trying to figure her out, so crossing her arms and clearing her throat, Liliana asked, "Is there a reason why you're here?" She couldn't help her guarded tone.
Frantz on the other hand shrugged, as he pocketed his hands and replied, "I have been trying to figure out how to approach you after I found you with Carlos." Frantz admitted, not mincing his words, he needed to see if she would tell him the truth if Carlos was mistreating her.
"Mr. Cavalier-"
"If you're going to apologize there is no need," Frantz stopped her before she could say anything, then he asked oh so casually, "So, is he your type?", and Liliana drew in a sharp breath.
No. Carlos wasn't her type at all.
"That is none of your concern." Liliana replied, but the emotions raging in her eyes told Frantz exactly what he wanted to know. Something wasn't right with Carlos and Lili, and it wasn't just his jealousy speaking.
"Mr. Cavalier please get out." Liliana asked sharply as she looked away, and Frantz frowned, "Liliana I just want to talk-"
"My life is none of your business do you hear me? I have told you before, I am not interested in you or having a one night stand with you, stop trying to be the nice guy. Move on Mr. Cavalier, whatever you're trying to do, its not going to work. I will not sleep with you, so stop pretending to care, and leave me alone. Get out." Liliana snapped, her tone final.
"GET OUT!" Lili screamed before she could stop herself, and at a loss for words, Frantz left without looking back.
The next day, as Liliana prepared to head home, she as not in the best of moods. After Frantz left, Lili had a moment where she had no idea what to think. The situation with Carlos was turning her into a bitter maniac. She was lashing out, and that wasn't something she usually did. Liliana told herself that she had to get out while she was ahead, but how? She worked with Carlos, and he knew where she lived.
Liliana sobbed and sobbed, and part of it had to do with Mr. Cavalier. Lili was disappointed once again. The fact that he left without putting up a fight showed that he was still only interested in getting her in bed. Had he wanted more, he would've stuck around and fight to find out what was causing her to act out of character.
Oh well.
Liliana knew that the moment she began crushing on Mr. Cavalier, she was setting herself up for heartbreak, and tonight proved that.
At the airport, with little to no communication or exchange between Liliana and Mr. Cavalier, they were soon in the air and heading home. This time, Frantz made sure to lock himself away in his room. After Liliana's outburst, Frantz headed back to his room feeling angry. What Liliana said, it made him sound heartless, and it wasn't less than what he deserved. This is what he got for the countless women he slept with only to evade them the next day. Now the one woman he found himself falling for, wanted nothing to do with him. She simply saw him as a predator looking for his next target. And he deserved that, but that didn't mean he was giving up.
No way.
If Liliana thought that she was getting away, she had another thing coming.
When they landed back home, Frantz left without a word, and of course Liliana had to face Carlos. He picked her with a big smile, and tried to facilitate a casual conversation while he drove her home. Both Lili and Carlos unaware of the black car that tailed them a few cars behind.
When Carlos reach Lili's home, he turned off the car, and that sent Lili's heart to plummet to the lowest pit in her stomach. Carlos asked her to stay in the car as he walked around to open the door for her. Liliana was scared, and there was no denying it. Her heart was rushing in her ears, because she was afraid of Carlos touching her inappropriately again.
Carlos opened her door, and handed her the bag she traveled with. Though nauseous, Liliana gave him a kiss goodnight, but as she walked away, he pulled her back and she faced him as he asked, "well aren't you going to invite me inside?"
"Carlos I'm tired, I just really want to go to bed." Liliana stated softly, hoping to not aggravate him.
"Oh but come on babe, just for a few minutes." Carlos stated, as he pulled her close, and kissed her neck, making Liliana cringe.
"Carlos, not tonight." Liliana declined, and Carlos's arm tightened around her waist.
"I said, invite me in." He stated, before he attempted to kiss her.
"No. Carlos, No." Liliana said firmly, and Carlos chuckled darkly.
In the blink of an eye, Carlos's hand was around Liliana's neck, he turned their bodies around, and slammed her back against the car. He was quick to us his upper body to pin her against the car, and his other hand hurried to work his belt and zipper.
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