《Love is in the Air》Chapter 11


I couldn't fall asleep. Thoughts of what happened to Sara wouldn't leave my head. I was so worried about her.

Sara had her head on my chest. She suddenly turned around. I decided to go downstairs and get some water.

A figure startled me as I entered the kitchen. "Paige It's me" I heard Ethan said. I put my hand over my chest and turned on the light. "I'm sorry I scared you." He said. He was sitting on the counter with a cup of water in his hand. I went up and sat next to him. "Couldn't seep either?" He asked.

"No" I sighed. "Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm ok. I just couldn't sleep either." He said.

"Yeah I know the feeling. Why don't we sit down and watch tv in the living room? That usually gets me sleepy." I suggested. Did I just ask him to watch tv with me? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"That actually sounds great." He said standing up. Wait he said yes?

"Yeah. Let me grab a glass of water and I'll meet you in the living room" I said.

I grabbed a cup and poured myself some water. The I headed to the living room. I saw Ethan sitting on the couch. Because I was so nervous I just noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt. My god he looked like a Roman god or something. He was absolutely perfect in every aspect.

I went up and sat down next to him. "There's really nothing on TV at this time" he said. He had bewitched on.

"Oh bewitched!" I said.

"You like this show?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"I do. I like old tv shows" I said.

He looked at me once again. "You know my mom loved to watch this show. Whenever I couldn't sleep as a kid, I would go to her room and we would watch these together." He said and smiled.

"Well then this definitely will work then." I smiled at him.


"Paige... I... I..... if you weren't.... I" he couldn't make out his words.

"Ethan it's ok. Sara is fine." I patted his shoulder.

"I know. I know. It's just when I saw Sara in the pond I completely froze. Flashbacks of my parents death came back to me. I didn't know what to do in that moment. If you weren't there Sara might of...."

"Don't finish that sentence. Sara is fine. The doctor said so himself." I said.

"I just have no idea how to thank you Paige. If you weren't there I wouldn't of..." then out of no where he grabbed me and kissed me.

He was kissing me. I froze at his action. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. He was holding on to my face. Then he released me. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine.

Holly molly! He just kissed me! Then his words crushed me. "Paige I'm so sorry.... I got lost in the moment. What I did is unacceptable." He said as he looked at me. If only I could run right now.

I stood up. "Yeah It's fine. I'm um going to sleep" I said and tired to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"Can you watch tv with me. I promise never to do that again." He whispered.

I didn't look back at him. I simply nodded and sat on the couch and watched tv with him in silence.

I have no idea when, but I doze off at some point during the show.

I couldn't help myself I kissed her. After what happened today I wanted to kiss her so bad. When she hugged me at the hospital and was conforming me, I wanted to kiss her then and there.

I don't know what would of happened if she wasn't there when Sara fell in. She even felt guilty. How is that possible?

As we sat in the living room, I looked at her and I couldn't help myself. I needed to taste her lips.


Then I was an ass and I apologized for it. The look on her face was devastating. I could tell she wanted to run away but I needed her. I was selfish and asked her to stay. She agreed and sat back down.

I kept on looking at her thru the corner of my eye. She looked so fragile, so innocent. I felt the need to protect her. Then I saw her head lean back he sofa.

I watched her as she slept. I slowly moved her head so she could lean on my shoulder. Then I immediately got sleepy and doze off.

I woke up in the morning with a "uhm". I opened my eyes and Mrs. Nelson was standing in front of the sofa. "Good morning Mr. Anderson"

She said. That immediately woke up Paige who was sleeping on my lap. "And good morning to you Miss Evans" Nelson told her. Oh great.

Paige instantly rose from the sofa. "Oh my. Good morning Mrs. Nelson. I um I'm going to check on Sara" I could see her cheeks were flushed. She was definitely embarrassed.

"Morning Mrs. Nelson" I said.

"Mr. Anderson you're running late. This isn't like you." She said.

"I know. I'm not going in to work today." I said.

"Are you ill? Should I call the doctor?" She asked.

"No I'm fine. Sara has an accident yesterday. I'm going to stay in with her." I said.

"Is she alright. Should I call a pediatrician?" She asked.

"No it's fine. I'm going to my room." I said. "Tell Paige she has the day off" I said and headed upstairs.

I went to my room and put a shirt on, then I headed into Sara's room. As I was in the hallway I heard Paige and Nelson speaking. Mrs. Nelson was already telling Paige about her day off.

"I'm not taking the day off. I'm staying with Sara today." Paige told her.

"Well Mr. Anderson just formed me. You have school anyway." Nelson told her.

"I already messaged my professors. I want to make sure Sara is ok." I heard Paige say.

"Well you have the day off so you're not getting paid" Nelson told her.

"I don't mind. As long as I can make sure Sara is ok" I heard Paige say. Her words got to me. How can Paige be such a kind person.

"As you wish" I heard Nelson say and I his so she wouldn't see me. So this is how she treats staff.

"Sara honey. I'm sorry did I wake you?" I heard Paige say.

"No the WWW did" I heard Sara say.

"What's WWW?" I asked walking into Sara's room.

"Nothing" they both said. I really wanted to laugh. Paige and Sara looked at each other.

"Well ok then. Sara how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"A little tired but good" she said.

"Are you sure?" Paige asked her with a worried look.

"I'm fine. Really." Sara said.

"Well I want to be sure. You're not going to school today and I'm staying home with you" I said.

"You're staying? Really?" She asked.

"Really." I said.

"Paige is staying too. Can the 3 of us spend the day together?" Sara asked.

"If Paige is ok with it." I said.

"Of course I am." She said.

We all went downstairs and had breakfast together. Then Sara wanted to watch cartoons and we all went and sat on the sofa. Sara wanted to be in between Paige and I.

We were watching cartoons but I couldn't concentrate. I was thinking about Paige. Why couldn't I get her out of my head?

I looked over at her and noticed she was looking at me. She immediately looked away and I immediately smiled.

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