《Love is in the Air》Chapter 10


I woke up the next day with Sara by my side still sleeping. It was Sunday morning. Thoughts of last night flooded me. Did I imagine everything? Was Ethan going to kiss me. I shook the thought away. I got up and headed downstairs. The staff didn't work on Sundays. So I decided to make breakfast.

I made some pancakes with eggs and bacon. I was about to finish when I heard someone enter the kitchen. "Good morning Paige." I stoped what I was doing.

"Good morning Ethan" I said. Flipping the pancake over. Not looking back.

"You don't have to do that you know. I usually order something and have it delivered here." He said.

"Home cooked meals always taste better" I said.

Just then Sara walked in. "Morning Paige." She ran over to me and hugged me from behind.

"Morning sweetheart" I said putting my hands over hers.

"Don't I get a hug?" Ethan asked Sara.

"You want a hug?" She asked.

"Of course I do" he said opening his arms up. Sara walked up to him and hugged him. Ethan hugged her back. It was such a sweet moment. I discreetly pulled my phone out and took a quick picture and put my phone away.

Sara sat on the counter. "You made me pancakes?" She asked.

"I did, you said you loved it when your mom did pancakes on Sunday mornings and I thought you would like them. I made your favorite" I said.

She immediately smiled. "Chocolate chip?" She asked.

"Yup chocolate chip" I said.

"Yay!" She said. By that time I had finished making breakfast and I served Sara her food. "Thanks Paige" she said digging in.

"Would you like the same thing?" I asked turning to Ethan.

"Sure. Thank you" he said. I handed him his plate and he dug in. I served myself some food and sat in front of Sara and Ethan. "Paige this is spectacular." He said.

"Thanks" I smiled at him and pretended to be busy with my food.

"Paige can we go to the park today" Sara asked me.

"Sara, today is Paiges day off we shouldn't make her..."

"It's fine. I'd love to go to the park. If that's ok with you?" I asked Ethan.

"Are you sure, I don't want you to think just because you live here that you have to work on the weekends" he said.


"I like hanging out with Sara. It's no problem" I said.

He smiled at me and didn't take his eyes off me. Was I imagining all this stuff ?

"Do you want to come with us?" Sara asked Ethan in a small voice.

"I have work to do..." he looked at Sara "but you know what. I can make time. How about we clean up, get dressed and we head out." He said.

"Really?" She asked him.

"Really." He smiled at her.

I noticed we were done and I grabbed our plates and put them in the dishwasher. "Let's go get ready." He said. Sara nodded and grabbed my hand to follow her upstairs.

She was so excited her brother was going to spend time with us again. We got ready and met Ethan downstairs.

"So what park would you like to go to?" He asked Sara.

"Can we go to the one where we used to go with mommy and daddy?" She said once again in a small voice.

"Of course hop on" Ethan said and Sara and I got in the car.

It was a short ride to the park. Sara ran out of the car and grabbed my hand and we headed towards the jungle gym. We both got on a swing. Ethan trailed behind us. He was watching over us and smiling.

Then Sara wanted to go feed the ducks. I gave her a quarter so she could buy food for them. "I want to feed them by myself. Wait for me here with my brother." She said pointing to a picnic table.

"Sara I should go with you" I said.

"No just watch me from here. If they see too many people they will get scared" she said.

"Ok just stay in sight." I said. She smiled and ran to the pond next to the bridge and started throwing food.

I could feel Ethan staring at me. "You're amazing you know" he said.

"No I'm not" I blushed and looked down at the table.

"Yes you are, I don't know how to thank you..."

I looked up at him. "You really don't have to thank me for anything. You keep on thanking me, I don't know why. I'm just doing what comes naturally. I really do like Sara. So you don't have to say thank you all the time." I said.


"I didn't even realize I was doing that. Thanking you is like a felling I always have for some reason." He said looking at me. I looked at him for a second, then I looked up to see where Sara was.

I didn't see her. I instantly panicked. "Where's Sara." I asked Ethan alarmed.

We both looked up and got up from our seat and ran to the bridge. As I was getting there I saw Sara struggling in the pond. "Sara!" I yelled. Ethan face went white and he froze.

Without even giving it a second thought I jumped in the pond. I swam towards Sara and pulled her towards me. She kept on coughing. I swam to the edge of the bridge and pulled Sara up.

I looked down on her and she wasn't breathing, nor could I feel her heartbeat. Ethan stood over us with a ghost like expression. "Ethan! Ethan!" I yelled at him. He suddenly snapped out of it. "Ethan call 911!" I yelled at him. He pulled out his phone and made the call. Then I started CPR on Sara.

I was so scared. I couldn't loose Sara. Thankfully she responded to the chest compressions. She started coughing. "Oh thank god! Sara!" I said hugging her. I didn't even realize I was crying. "Are you ok? How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok. My throat hurts a little bit." She said. I was kneeling next to her and I hugged her.

"Oh my god Sara. I'm so sorry" I started sobbing.

Just then the ambulance showed up. By then we had attracted a crowd. The ambulance rushed to Sara. They check her vitals and she seemed to be ok. However they wanted her to be checked out by a doctor, so they were going to take her in the ambulance to the hospital.

Thru out this entire time Ethan kept quite. The paramedics asked who was going to go to the hospital in the ambulance with Sara. "Paige can you please go with her? I'll.... Ill drive up there and meet you guys there" he said. I saw his hands were shaking.

"Of course" I nodded and went inside the ambulance. We made our way to the hospital and Sara was immediately checked out by the doctor. The doctor said everything was fine and Sara fell asleep.

Just then Ethan arrived. "How is... How is she?" He asked.

"She's fine. The doctor ran some tests and everything looks good. He's just going to keep her in observation for a few hours and then we can take her home" I said. He looked over at Sara. "Poor little thing. She was so tired. She fell asleep after the doctor checked up on her" I said.

"Paige can we talk outside for a second" he asked.

"Sure" I said following him outside. I soon as we were in the hallway he hugged me.

"Thank you" he whispered in my ear. I instinctively hugged him back. "Thank you." He said again and laid he head on my should for a second and then released me.

"Ethan you don't have to say thank you. In fact, I'm sorry." I said looking down. "I should of paid more attention to Sara, if I would of paid more attention this wouldn't of happened." I said rubbing my arm. I felt so guilty. How could I have let this happen.

Ethan grabbed both my arms and said "Paige this is not your fault. I was there too." I was still looking down. "Paige look at me" I did. "This isn't your fault I was there too. I should of been paying attention to her as well. If you weren't there I don't know what would of happened...I...." I saw Ethan start to shake again.

I released myself from his grip and hugged him. "It's ok Ethan. Sara is fine. She's fine" I said. Ethan hugged me tightly. We were there for a few seconds when he pulled away.

Neither of us said anything and walked inside the room.

Sara woke up shortly after. She seemed like her normal self. The doctor shortly discharged her.

We got home around 9 pm. Sara insisted that she needed a shower. I prepared the shower for her and then took one myself. Then she fell asleep in my arms.

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