《falling for MR.knight(completed)✔》chapter 21


please read the note at the end of the chapter , and thank you

scarlet's pov:

"would you go on a date with me ?"

I stared at Kristian not knowing what to say , my mind was going crazy and I couldn't comprehend what was going on , I didn't even notice the car stopping in front of the mansion

"say something *principessa?" I felt a hand on my cheek pulling me out of my daze

"I .... a date?"

"yes *principessa would you do me the honour , i would love to take you out on a date ?"

I looked onto his beautiful eyes that were full of hope, and for a reason i felt so happy I wanted to jump and scream , I tried to keep my cool and to pretend that i am okay , but the big smile that bloomed on my face betrayed me .

"I would love to " I whispered to Kristian making him smile , that smile that could bring the downfall of a country , it was mine at this moment , only mine.

"i love your smile" i said without realizing making me blush hard , i heard Kristian laugh outload as he saw me hiding my face in my hands so he wont see my heated and probably red face

"maybe I will smile more then " I heard him say before he left the car and came to open my door, he gave me his hand and pulled me to him , I let my hand rest on his chest feeling his rapid heart beat , i saw him stare at my face before he slid his finger tip on my cheek and tugging a hair strand behind my ear

"how can something this beautiful exist ? you take beauty to a different league " he whispered as he stared at my lips , swiping my bottom lip with his cold finger


"can I kiss you ?" I heard him say , making me nod my head , I wanted him to kiss me , I wanted to feel that pleasure , I felt his cold lips touch mine and i did the thing that I wanted to do the most to kiss him back , I tried my hardest not to melt in his embrace , but it was hard , his kiss was worm and full of passion his lift hand was in my hair and the other hand was holding my waist , supporting my already weak knees, i leaned my body on his , lifting my hands to feel his smooth hair , I felt myself let out a moan as he pushed the kiss harder and deeper , I was suffocating and my body was begging for air , but I didn't want to pull back , I didn't want that moment to end ,

but everything ended the moment we heard screaming coming from the house making us both jump in fright

"what was that? " I asked Kristian with worry in my eyes

"i don't know " that's when we heard it again , but this time we could tell that it was Noah that was screaming , i felt my heart tremble as both me and Kristian ran to the house , the moment we opened the door we saw the Claire down the stairs with a phone in her hand

" what's going on ?" Kristian screamed as he started climbing the stairs

"Sir, the young master woke up all off a sudden and he was screaming and crying , we tried calming him down but when ever we get near him he would start screaming again " Claire said while crying , as we reached Noah's room I started hearing his cries louder , making me feel my tears will up too , when we went into the room , Noah was sitting in the corner with his head between his knees and his sobs and hiccups were really loud , i saw Kristian walk towards him and kneeling down to his level


"Noah , hey little man , what's wrong ? daddy is here , don't cry " Kristian tried to keep his voice as low as possible to not startle Noah who was already panicking , i saw Noah left his head and the moment he saw Kristian he started crying louder

"DADDY" Noah called for Kristian and he lifted his tiny hands asking Kristian to left him up , Kristian right away pulled him to his chest and hugged him tight but Noah's cries only got louder , i saw Kristian look at me with helpless eyes , not knowing what to do , i pulled myself together and slowly walked towards them , calling Noah's name gently

"hey baby, come on don't cry , tell me what's wrong ?" I said gently as i caressed his back to sooth him a little , i saw him lift his head from Kristian's head and look at me with tears in his eyes , i opened my hands so i can hold him and he jumped towards me , making me hug him tight and gently crease his back

"did someone hurt you baby?" i asked him gently while rocking him in my hands , i felt him shake his head on my shoulder

"then are you in pain somewhere, should we call the doctor "

"no..." he let out a hiccup as he started to calm down

"then what is it ? did you have a bad dream darling ?" I felt his body go stiff in my hands as he started shaking , right away i started soothing him again and rocking him back and forth to calm him down

"it was a dream baby , just a dream , it was a really bad dream that's all , nothing well happen to you , you have daddy and me and uncle Matteo here , we all well protect you " after a couple of minutes of me and Kristian reassuring Noah that nothing bad will happen , he finally calmed down , i saw him rub his eyes and yawn

" let's get you back to bed little man " Kristian said as he pulled the sheet of the bed and asked me to put Noah down

"NOOOO!" Noah screamed as he hugged my neck tighter

"do you want me to sleep with you darling?" i asked him as i played with his hair , he nodded his head , i walked towards the bed and gently laid him down and laid down beside him , i saw Kristian give us a small smile as he pulled the sheet up to cover us , i saw Noah hold Kristian's hand and look at him with his half opened eyes

"daddy sleep here" Noah said taking us by surprise

"okay little man , daddy well sleep here " I saw Kristian take of his shirts , making me blush hard , i turned my head around so he wont see me looking , I heard him laugh as he laid down beside Noah and I

"goodnight daddy , goodnight mommy " I felt my whole body go rigid as Noah called me mommy and taking me by surprise , I looked at Kristian with a look of bewilderment , a couple of minutes passed before I was able to regain my composure


"we will talk about it in the morning lets just sleep for now " Kristian said with a small smile as he held my hand in his , i nodded my head gently and smiling to him

"goodnight *principessa"

"goodnight Kristian "


and if your one off the silent reader , please make yourself known so i can know your thoughts about this story

thank you again

and i hope your all safe through the world crisis

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