《falling for MR.knight(completed)✔》chapter 6(edited)


"Her stitches have opened back up." The doctor at the hospital sighed. Then he groaned and said more so to himself than to me, "I warned you that you needed rest and that you shouldn't leave our care but you are quite the stubborn woman." He shook his head as I looked down avoiding his gaze as well as Noah's dad's, who wore a frown on his handsome face.

"Will she be alright?" Mr. Knight asked as I twiddled my thumbs on the hospital bed.

"Yes," the doctor answered. "She will be alright as long as she rests well and takes the pills I have prescribed her. She should also avoid all heavy lifting. Bed rest will be best for now." I wondered why the doctor was telling Mr. Knight all of this when the man and I had no relation besides knowing Jack and being his personal waitress at the club. "Make sure to bring her in next week so I can check her wound." The handsome billionaire nodded his head to every word of the doctor's as if he really cared.

"Thank you, doctor." I said as I lifted myself off the bed. "Can I leave now?" He sighed.

"You ... Have you heard anything I've been telling you, Miss Kristoff?" I smiled sheepishly and he and Mr. Knight left the room. I decided to rest my head on the pillow for a bit, but the moment I closed my eyes, fast moving steps came running at me. I opened my eyes and found the most beautiful angel staring at me with tears in his eyes.

"Oh, baby, don't cry," I softly chuckled. "You heard them, I'm alright. You'll make me cry, too." Noah wiped his eyes with the back of his small hands, making me chuckle at how cute he was. "Come here." I went to help Noah onto the bed until a woman took hold of his hand.

"Miss, you shouldn't do that."

"Who are you?" I asked, feeling a little offended.

"I am one of Mr. Knight's maids. My name is Claire. I am here to take care of young master."

"Oh! Then help me lift Noah up, please." Doubt clouded her face. "It's okay," I reassured her, "The bed is big enough for the both of us."

She hesitantly nodded her head then lifted the young boy onto the bed, in which he snuggled into my side. I smiled as I took in the smell of the calming child. God I'm getting addicted to his smell.

"Master!" I opened my eyes at Claire's anxious outburst and turned my face only to find Mr. Knight walking in with his phone to his ear.

"Get the car ready." He said into the phone. "I will be in the front of the hospital in two minutes." He hung up then continued walking towards me. He looked down at his son sleeping beside me and frowned.


"Noah," He said in a hard tone. "Come on. We're going home." Noah flinched then buried his head further into my side. Mr. Knight sighed.

"Come on, baby, go with your daddy." The little boy shook his head. I wanted to shake my head as well, for I didn't want him to leave either. I couldn't believe how attached I've allowed myself to get to this little gentleman.

"Noah," Mr. Knight came over and knelt down beside the bed, "don't worry, Miss Kristoff will be coming with us."

"Wh--what!?" Noah perked his head up with a wide grin on his round face. He turned to his dad with that same smile and his father allowed a small uplift of his lips to appear. All while I gave them a look of shock and confusion. "Um, I don't think it's a good idea to give the child false hope, sir."

"You misunderstand, Miss Kristof. I do plan on taking you back to my home until I make sure you have fully recovered. That is the least I can do to repay for all that you have done for me and my son."

"There is nothing to repay me for, I would have done what I did for anyone. And I have a job, I can't take a break for long." I tried to reason with the billionaire in hopes I could find a way out of staying with him in his home.

"I am not taking no for an answer, Miss Kristof. Actually, it wasn't a question or request to begin with. You will be staying at our place until you have completely healed. As for your work, you don't have to worry about it. I already talked to Jack." My goodness, how controlling can this man be?

"What do you mean you talked to Jack?"

"Let's leave first. Then we will talk." Noah hopped off the bed and took his father's hand.

The maid walked in with a wheelchair. I thought about it for a second. Maybe it isn't that bad of an idea. I can stay with Noah for a couple of days.

I nodded my head then swung my legs over the side of the bed. My feet touched the ground but as soon as I tried to stand up, two strong hands gripped under my armpits and soon I was airborne.

"What are you doing?" I squeaked at Mr. Knight.

"You shouldn't move. Your stitches might open up again."

"I am pretty sure I can handle standing and walking for a couple of seconds." I huffed in annoyance.

"Doc was right: You are pretty stubborn, aren't you?" He smirked and I frowned.

"And you're not?" I smirked back.

I avoided a frown of his own and turned my head to the maid. She wore shock on her face as Noah wore a smile while both looking at us. My face burned as I noticed the position the billionaire and I were in. My hands were around his neck while I sat in his arms, his own hands gripping under my knees and behind my back. Our faces only inches apart.


"Y--You can put me down now." I stuttered. He huffed a soft laugh and made his way to the door with me still in his arms. "Um, chair's that way." I threw my head in the direction of the wheelchair but Mr. Knight didn't stop. "Mr. Knight," I breathed a bit close to his ear. I felt his body shiver.

"Stop moving, or I will drop you." He sent me a glare. "Besides, this way is easier for the both of us. Once we reach the car, I would have had to lift you out of the wheelchair and into the car. This saves us time."

"Your way of thinking is strange, Mr. Knight." I stopped my fidgeting as we reached the elevator. I looked behind us and watched Noah walking with Claire wearing a big smile on his face. Just his smile made me feel better. Maybe living with them for a day or two won't be so bad.

At least, that is what I thought. The moment we reached their home, my jaw dropped to the ground. House was an understatement. Mansion was more like it. It was so big an army could live in it, and God did the garden look absolutely beautiful. Noah must have so much fun playing in it.

"Keep your mouth open like that and you might catch a fly, Miss Kristof." Shivers went down my spine because the handsome man carrying me, as well as the owner of this giant house, had whispered those words into my sensitive ear.

"This is your house?" I asked more so in a whisper.

"Yes," He answered in an equally low whisper.

"How many people live here?" I inquired with a slight rise to my tone, still looking at the mansion in front of me.

"Just Noah and I, and of course the servants."

I turned to him, "You're kidding right? This place is huge! I can only imagine the both of you sometimes feel lonely."

"When you're rich, you get used to this kind of life." He shrugged while wearing an uncertain facial expression.

"Arrogant much?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Thank you for the compliment." he smirked.

"Master, welcome back." servants said once we walked into the spacious home. They said it in unison, kind of creeping me out. Hopefully this stay doesn't turn into a horror story.

"Is the room ready?" Mr. Knight asked them.

"The room beside young master Noah's bedroom is ready." Mr. Knight nodded his head then began making his way towards the giant staircase. Only then did it hit me.

"Wait!" I blurted, receiving looks from everyone. "I don't have any of my things!" I tightened my hold on the man's neck as he continued walking up the stairs.

"I already got someone fetching them." I looked at him with surprise. He didn't respond further. I decided to look around instead and enjoy the beautiful home. The hall we were walking down was full of doors. He stopped at the second one to the left and asked a maid to open it for him. We were soon inside and what I found was a bedroom bigger than my apartment. I looked around not realizing the lowering of my body until I was lying on an ultra soft, squishy bed. Mr. Knight withdrew his arms, making me wish for the warmth they offered. I felt cold now and empty. It was strange.

"Thank you." I thanked the man as he fixed his clothes from being all crumbled by my body. A small hand touched my shoulder and I turned to find little Noah standing real close with a drawing pad in his hand. His bright eyes and smile made me laugh.

"Do you want to play, baby?" He vigorously nodded.

"Noah, you need to change and take a bath first." Mr. Knight boldly said. His son slumped his shoulders. I looked at the little man and felt my heart swell with mixed emotions.

"Baby," I began with a kind tone, "Why don't you go and take a bath then once you're done, we can play?" Noah nodded his head and walked out with a maid that had been standing at the door, waiting for him. I turned my attention to Mr. Knight who was still standing in front of my bed with his hands in his pockets. "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "Why doesn't Noah talk?" Mr. Knight's body stiffened and the smug look on his face disappeared.

"What do you mean?"

"I heard him talk on the first day we met. He screamed for help. That was all ... ."

"HE WHAT?!" the man practically screamed at me with shock in his face and stance.

"Y--Yes, only that one time, though. That's why I know he is not mute." The man before me wasn't the same man who had smirked at me and was acting all arrogant, he now looked vulnerable and ... in pain.

"He--He refuses to talk ... ever since ... that day ... ."

"What day ... ?"


hey guys here is an update hope you like it and don't forget to comment and vote and share with your friends

Edited by the amazing @2129887Hb

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