《falling for MR.knight(completed)✔》chapter 2 (edited)


(the boy above)

"What do you think you're doing?!"

I stared at the two men in black who were surrounding the child. His head tucked between his little hands as his entire body shook with ultimate fear.

"Hey, beautiful. Why don't you just keep moving. You don't want to get in trouble for this mere little rich kid, do you?" said one of the guys who had a massive scar on his ugly face.

"Don't you feel ashamed for bullying a child in the middle of the street?" I shouted at them as I slowly inched closer to the little boy. I pulled him behind me and my heart sank as he snuggled into my backside, shivering. With my other hand, I pulled my phone out secretly and dialed 9-1-1. Hopefully they can just see my location and listen in on the next words.

"I told you to stay out of trouble, woman. Why don't you get it?" The man with the scar shouted as he took a step towards me.

"I can't ignore the fact that two grown men are beating up a little boy!"

"We won't hurt him. Just use him. Kid must be loaded." He was almost touching me. The first thing I could think of was to defend myself the best I could until the police arrived. All of a sudden, the man stared at my hand holding the phone and his face turned red with anger. "What did you do, you b*tch?!" He grabbed my collar and the first thing that came to mind was to hit him hard.

I lifted my leg and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He bent down in pain as he grunted a few curses. Everything happened so fast. His companion was quick and drew out a knife. He came running at me and the boy. I threw the boy behind me and next thing I knew, pain shot through me. I always thought getting a simple flu vaccine or even donating blood was painful and scary. But the feeling I felt in my side was a thousand times worse. This was not some mere needle. It was a blade.

I fell to the ground and the little boy next to me screamed for help while the others ran away.

Slowly, everything began to drown out as all around me slowly encompassed me in darkness.

My body felt numb and weak as all I could see was black. It was quiet around me. But a gentle warmness was holding my hand. I tried to open my eyes but it was uncannily difficult. My eyelids felt like rocks asking for more sleep. My mind was refusing, knowing deep down that it needed to take in my current situation. There was someone waiting for me ...


After some struggle, I finally opened my eyes. Looking at my surroundings I came to the conclusion that I was in a hospital room, events of my last memory flooding into my brain. I looked to the side of me and found that same young boy sleeping in a chair while holding my hand in his.

"Oh, you're awake." A nurse said as she made her way into my room.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. "What time is it?" I was sure to be soft and quiet so that I didn't disturb the little person beside me.

"It's been half a day. It's almost eleven AM. How are you feeling? Any pain?" She checked my vitals and reviewed my chart.

"I feel kind of numb." I confessed. "Is he okay?" I asked, referring to the boy. The nurse looked at the young boy and smiled.

"Yes. He's just tired, that's all. But I will admit that he's been giving us all quite a hard time. When they first brought you in, he wouldn't leave your side at all. But we don't even know his name! Hah." I smiled as I looked at him sleeping like a little baby. "Anyway, I will notify the doctor for you." The nurse left. After a couple of minutes, an older man in a white coat came in with a clipboard in his hand.

He introduced himself then said, "Miss Kristof, you are one lucky young lady."

"And why is that, doctor?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, your wound wasn't that deep, so there wasn't any internal bleeding or damage to your abdomen. But it's going to be hard to move around for a couple of days. If that knife had gone any deeper than it did, it would have killed you." I swallowed.

"Well, Thank God, then."

"Oh, and there are detectives outside who would like to talk to you if you don't mind. They've been waiting for you to wake up."

"Yes, of course." I nodded my head right away. I wondered how long the police have been waiting.

"Then I will notify them now." The doctor left and three men soon came in, two wearing black suits and the third wearing a police uniform.

"Hello," One of the suits greeted with a forced smile, "I am detective Charles, and these are my colleagues. We would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind."

"Oh, um, yes. I mean no--Yes, you can ask me questions."

"Do you remember what exactly happened?" I told them everything. Not personal stuff, just that I was getting off of work and was making my way to the next bus stop over.


"So you have no relation to this kid?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"No--I mean yes. Yes I have no relation to this child."

"Then we will have to call child services and see who he is. Please cooperate with us, miss. When he wakes up, inform us immediately." I nodded and they found their way out the door of my hospital room. I was left alone, staring at the boy that was fake sleeping beside me.

I ran my hand through his soft brown hair and chuckled. "You can get up now. They're gone." The boy lifted his head and rubbed his little eyes. He looked at me like an innocent angel. I gently smiled thinking about how I realized he was no longer asleep halfway through the investigation. "What's your name?" I asked. He didn't answer. "I'm Scarlet. My friends call me 'Scar.' Are you hungry?" he nodded. Staring at each other as we were for an awkward prolonged moment had him blushing slightly. "First we need to tell the cops that you're awake so that they can contact your family, okay?" he shook his head frantically, refusing to even give the slightest indication of knowing how to speak. His hand also gripped mine tighter than before. "You don't want to go with them?" He shook his head saying "no." "Then I will ask them to keep you with me until your family comes, okay?"

He nodded displaying an adorable smile on his face. I felt my heart flutter. Not only because this kid was completely adorable but because I didn't even know what I was saying. I hardly know this kid! And I have no right to keep him here with me.

"How old are you?" I asked. He held up six chubby fingers and I chucked.

Later the detectives and even a child psychologist sat in my hospital room trying to get the little man to tell them his name, or even get him to talk.

"Honey, you have to tell us what your name is, or your parents' so that we can contact them for you, okay?" The boy continued to ignore them as he just stared at a plate of food in front of him. After an hour or so we all gave up on trying and decided to wait until someone filed a missing person report. They took some blood samples to see if he matched anyone who was in this hospital's system. After a while, the cops allowed the boy to stay with me since he was a special case and wouldn't even let anyone touch him. I knew that the young boy could talk. I even explained to the police that it was his cries for help that led me to the assault.

"OMG, Scar! Are you alright?!" Suddenly, Donna came rushing into the room with Ben behind her.

"I'm fine. Calm down, Don." I rolled my eyes.

"What the hell happened?! Why would you get stabbed ... " Before she could finish spitting questions at me, she noticed the little person beside me who was holding my hand. Ben and Donna's mouths could catch flies with how wide their mouths were with wonder.

"Who's he?" Ben asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know his name. But he will be staying with me for a while so say 'hi.'"

"Is he part of the reason you got st--" I sent a glare towards Ben to shut him up before he hurt the boy's feelings. It wasn't his fault for the state I was in. It was those men's.

My eyes widened. "What about Nanna?" I asked directed towards Donna.

"Oh, we haven't told her anything. Jenna is staying with her so don't worry." She reassured me. "And Jack said that you should rest and he'll come and visit in like an hour or so. He has something to take care of. Actually, when I called him he sounded weird. As if something happened."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Yesterday, after you left, all of a sudden he and that hot Kight fella came out running like crazy, as if they were coming after you or something. He's really stressed for some odd reason. At first I thought it was because of you because you were oddly stabbed. That's what he's acting like right now ... Do you see what I am saying?" Ben rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"Well, I hope everything's alright." I said in an unsure tone.


Hey guys this is the second chapter for this week so I hope you like it and see you next time love you all

Edited by the amazing @2129887Hb

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