《My Soldier. My Hero. (Completed)》Chapter 16


"Baby, I missed you." Nick says with his hand tightly wrapped around my wrist. I know it's going to leave a bruise.

Aiden turns back, with his jaw contracting. "Get your fucking hands off my girl." He rushes towards Nick.

Nick throws his hands up, "I'm sorry I had no idea she was your girl....from our marriage certificate, I thought she was my wife." He says with malice.

My stomach drops. This is not how I wanted Aiden to find out.

I can see Aiden's knuckles turn white, "what the fuck is he talking about?" He spat at me.

I tried to form words, but nothing came out. I was so scared.

Nick chuckles, "looks like you've been having fun without me. That's okay, we have a lot to discuss. Especially the abortion you had." He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away.

Aiden turns towards me. His voice booms, making me jump. "WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT!"

I start crying, my stomach clenching. I feel like I could throw-up. "Aiden...you don't understand...its..."

He yells again, "are you married?"

Tears running down my face uncontrollably. "Please Aiden...it's complicated...let me."


I start to shake from my heart slowing breaking. "Y...yes. But, Aiden.." I take a step towards him. He puts up his hands up, stopping me.

He's breathing deeply, "were you pregnant?"

My eyes widen with horror, "yes, but Aiden.."

He turns to walk away from me and I chase after him. "Aiden, please let me explain. There's much more to this."

He whips around quickly with a vindictive manner, "is that what you do? Your husband doesn't give you good orgasms so you give it to any guy that shows you any sort of kindness."

My blood is boiling now. "Are you fucking serious right now? I'm trying to explain this and you won't let me!" I yell.


Tears flowing down my face. I grab his hand. "No, I wouldn't. I care for you. Please let me explain everything to you."

He grabs my wrist forcefully and pushes me off of him. "Don't fucking touch me. Your worse than Emily, who left me for a rich guy. Hell! You were already married to one and used me for your own pleasures."

I shake my head. I'm sick to my stomach. "No Aiden it's not like that."

I grab his arm and he rips it out of my grip, making me stumble back. "Don't fucking touch me. You disgust me. I never want to see your face again." With that he gets in his truck and speeds off.


I drop to my knees, putting my head in my hands, sobbing. I think my heart breaking feels worse than any of the beatings.

"Oh god, he found me." I said to myself. I need to run. I'm sorry Sophia and Bob. I grab a cab and make my way home.

I walk into my apartment, grabbing my bag and walking towards my bedroom. I need to grab clothes and money and leave quickly.


As soon as I flip the light on, I'm grabbed by my throat and thrown on the bed.

"Did you really think you could run from me and I wouldn't find you?" Nick's jaw contracts from anger.

I whimper and start thrashing, trying to get him off of me. His grip around my neck tightens. I can barely breathe. I grab his hands, trying to pry them off of me.

I look at Caleb, taking in my entire body. "Baby, where is Aiden and Mia?" I ask.

He smirks, "probably going back to his place." he winks suggestively.

I shake my head. "I don't have my phone, can you call Aiden so I can tell Mia goodnight. They left before I could say goodbye."

He laughs, pulling me into a corner to call Aiden. He puts the phone on speaker and it starts to ring. The phone picks up and Aiden's voice booms with anger.

Aiden: WHAT!

Caleb looks at me worried.

Caleb: what the fuck dude? Where are you and Mia?

Aiden: I'm heading home. I'm assuming Mia is going to fuck her husband, now that he's back.

My eyes widen with horror. He found her. Caleb looks at me confused. I speak up.

Me: where is she?

Aiden: Don't know, don't fucking care. Let me ask you Sophia did you know she was married, gotten pregnant and aborted it?

Me: Aiden, that's not the truth, or the entire story!


Caleb: watch your fucking tone. You're my brother, but I don't care how big you are. I will kick your ass for raising your voice at my girlfriend.

Ignoring Aiden's outburst, I look at Caleb. "We have to go, Mia's in trouble. He's going to kill her." I say to Caleb.

Aiden: what did you say?

Me: if you would fucking listen to me or Mia, you would know she wasn't in a loving marriage. Her husband Nick, basically raped her, beat the shit out of her, broke multiple bones and even gave her a head fracture. One night he was angry with her and accused her of cheating, he went after her. She ran, tripping down the stairs. She had a miscarriage and didn't even realize she was pregnant. He took her home, beat the shit out of her again, almost to an inch of her life. She was scared he was going to kill her. She ran away, fearing for her life. She ended up here and never spoke a word to anyone, afraid that he would find her. I didn't know she was married, but it makes sense as to why she refused you so much in the beginning. I'm going to assume that she was probably forced into that marriage because she said her father gave her to him. That's the short version. Theres much more to it."


Caleb looks at me with worry. "Fuck Sophia. We need to get to her apartment right now."

Aiden: I'm heading there now. I have my handgun on me. She probably hates me now.

Me: yes, she most likely does. But, you might be able to redeem yourself. If Nick is in town, I'm sure her abusive father isn't far behind.

We hang up and Caleb grabs my hand, ushering us into his SUV.

My leg is shaking from anxiety. Caleb places a hand on my leg. I look at him, "we have to reach her in time." I cry.

He kisses the back of my hand, "we will. I promise." Caleb drives faster, weaving in-between traffic.

Nick takes a knife and starts to cut down the front of my dress. The knife scrapes against my chest, drawing out blood. I start to squirm from the pain.

"You let him fuck you, didn't you? I'm going to give it to you so hard, you won't even dream of looking at another man." He says.

Scared of what he's going to do, I headbutt him as hard as I could. Hurting myself in the process. He leans away from me and I knee him in the nuts, pushing him off of me. Still a little disoriented, I rush to get off the bed. He grabs my hair, pulling me. I can feel my hair ripping out of my scalp. I swing my fist back as hard as I can and clock him in the face. He lets go and holds his nose. Both of us realizing I had just broke it.

"You're going to fucking pay for that." He pushes me to the floor and kicks me in the stomach. "I'm going to make sure you can never have children again. No man will want you...especially Aiden." He keeps kicking me. I hold my stomach, trying to shield myself. I'm pretty sure I felt my wrist break from his kick.

I scream in pain. I hold my wrist. I grit my teeth, trying to keep the tears in.

I kick his knee cap as hard as I can. He buckles and falls to the floor. I stand up and open the drawer to my nightstand. I stand there contemplating on grabbing the gun that Aiden left here, accidentally. I can hear Nick getting off the floor. I grab it quickly and turn off the safety and cocking it. I spin around, pointing it directly at Nick's face.

He smirks, "wow....you have some big balls now. I can't wait to break you."

I breath deeply, "I have and if you take another step, I will shoot you. Just leave. Forget about me and leave me in peace."

He shakes his head, "no can do princess. You are mine."

He takes a step towards me and BANG.

I watch him fall to the floor. Gun smoke fills the room. I'm shaking, realizing I had just shot and killed him. My heart beating like crazy. I see the bullet between his eyes and blood pouring out of him.

I run to the bathroom and throw up, my stomach clenching. I hover over the toilet and dry heave. Once I've empty my stomach, I wash my mouth and hands. I quickly make my way to the bedroom and grab clothes throwing them into my bag. If Nick found me, my father is probably not far behind him. I'll change in the car.

I walk out of my bedroom and see my father rushing towards me. He grabs my throat and slams me against the wall. "You little bitch! You killed Nick! He was funding my company!"

I scream, "please stop. Please...I'm begging you."

He slams me against the wall again, making me squirm from the pain. "You sound just like your whore of a mother, who begged me to spare her life after I found out she had been fucking my business partner."

He tightens his grip, "I guess I'll have to give you to another investor."

With my teeth clenched, I could barely breath from his grip. "No. I won't go."

He punches my rib cage. "You will do what I tell you."

All of a sudden, he's thrown off of me and I see Aiden punching him repeatedly. I stand there, holding my ribs. I turn and see Sophia and Caleb running into my apartment. I run towards them and I hear a loud, thundering bang. I turn and see that my father had pulled a gun on Aiden. Aiden, however was quicker with his gun and killed my father before he could pull the trigger.

I throw myself into Sophia's arms and sob. My entire body trembling. She rubs my back, "it's over Mia, it's over."

I cry harder, my legs give out. Caleb catches me and picks me up bridal style. I pull my face into his chest and cry more. "Oh my god...I killed him." I sob into his arms. Caleb goes to walk me outside. Sophia walking next to him, rubbing my arm. He sits me on the step with Sophia. I notice the police coming up. Caleb walks down and talks to them for a second and two cops walk into my apartment, following Caleb.

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