《Clove baby》One


The fresh air cooled me as I got out of the cab and walked towards the airport. My clothing covered little but it's okay. I was wearing a little white dress with buttons down the front, my dark hair was down and wavy and it blew across my face as I walked. My two bags drug behind me as I entered the airport.

I walked up to the front desk to grab my tickets. It was scary in here there were so many people. What if no one liked me there? What if I get lost?

Clove shut up

I'm sorry

Your worthless you don't belong there

My thoughts disappeared as I heard my flight time being called and I made my way to the loading ramp. People were starting at me and I cowered not knowing what they were thinking.

They want to hurt you

They are judging you

No please stop

My tiny body walked through the plane with ease and I settled into my seat. After a long grueling ride the plane landing in my destination...Italy.

I had always wanted to go to Italy but my parents never wanted me there for some reason. It was so beautiful. The pretty birds were singing. The blue sky was clear and the fresh air swept through my body. I hopped off the plane and grabbed my luggage. My small body had a hard time grabbing and moving my bags to the taxi that was waiting for me. I hopped into the taxi and smiled at the older driver. "Can you take me here please?" I gave him the destination and he only nodded.


I looked out the window as he drove through the fields of flowers on each side of the rode. It was so pretty.

We finally made it to the college and I thanked the driver, grabbed my bags then headed into the office of the beautiful main building. There were tress everywhere. The whole campus looked to be a castle. Stone drive ways only added to the charm. I walked up the steps into the building with my luggage. I was supposed to be dorming by myself the first semester so I was ready to lounge in my new bed. Yes that'd be nice.


I opened the door to the building to be greeted with a beautiful hall. The ceilings were high and the room was sensual. I walked up to the main seat to the woman that was sitting there. "How may I help you sweetie?" she asked and my nerves died a little bit. "U-um I am here for my r-room I am staying here as a freshman" she looked at me and smiled then started typing on her computer thingy. "One moment dear" she stood up and walked towards a door and opened it. After a couple of minutes she returned with a sorry look on her face. "I'm so sorry dear but the room you were going to stay in has already been given to someone else" what Im so confused. Was I bad, did I do something.

Yes Clove you've been a bad girl

No I havent I have been good you'll see

Tears started to well up in my eyes. Something always has to go wrong. "Where can I stay then, I cant go back home" "You have a couple of choices. Either buy or rent off campus, Join a sorority, or you can live on campus with other students in a group home." what should I do. I can't afford to live off campus and rent. Sorority girls are mean too. they won't like me. So I'm staying in a group home I guess. "I-I will stay in a group home on campus"

"Ok honey I'll get you set up with one right away so you don't have to spend the night in a hotel." "Thank you" I hope this was the right choice. What if something happens. What if they don't like me. Or what if I get hurt again. At that thought memories rush into my head and for the second time today tears well up in my eyes.


You deserved every bit of it

I'm sorry I didn't mean to

Yes you did you whore no one loves you your all alone they even have your room to someone else because your so worthless.

Please i'm sorry

The words die down as the woman calls me over wishes me luck and hands me the address of the home.

This is it i'm actually doing this.

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