《Clove baby》Two


Cloves body shook as she exited the taxi at the address she was given. The home was beautiful and she looked around in awe at the landscape. "How can college students afford and maintain this"

"It's not as difficult as it seems little one," Clove turns in surprise at the deep voice coming from behind her. She turns around to run smack into a hard wall. Or what she thought was a wall. "Woah hey careful there baby"

You upset him he is mad at you

Im sorry

"I'm s-so sorry" she kept her head down cast. Until she felt a hand lifting her jaw and what her eyes were met with was a large boy. His beautiful hair was dark and wavy. The eyes that bore into her own were blue and deep. He wore a style close to that of a skater. But she thought it was beautiful he was beautiful. "No sshh kitten it's ok" Kitten? What does that mean. She didn't know but she liked the sound of it. He was a good bit talker than she was. Around 6'2, he looked down at her and smiled.

"I'm Jax, you must be Clove" so his name was Jax, that's pretty. "Yes I'm Clove. it's good to meet you" she stuck out her hand and his warm hand shook hers. His hand engulfed her own and she pulled away. "Do you live here I thought I was going to be with girls" her tiny voice asked, "No darling it's me and two other boys living here right now, Fours father bought the house for us"," Oh um okay then"

He took her bags from her and invited her inside. "The boys are excited to meet you" he told me as we walked into the house. "FOUR GET DOWN HERE" Jax yelled and I heard footsteps coming out of a different room. Four walked in and looked at me for a second then did a double take almost in shock.


Four pov

"FOUR GET DOWN HERE" jesus Jax never shut up. I'm coming for god's sake. He probably pulled up with another girl to give me. I walked out of the living room and away from the tv. When I walked into the lobby of our house Jax stood there with a girl who looked to be 16. As I got closer I did a double take. Fuck she was gorgeous. Her curvy body, dark hair, blue eyes. And her small dress fit perfectly over her. "Who is this Jax?" I asked. "Four this is Clove the girl they said would be living with us for awhile" there was no way I would be able to control myself if she was living with us. She looked up at me with her adorable gorgeous face and I inwardly groaned. This would be a long year.

Clove pov

I stared at Four and he stared into my eyes. He had dirty blonde hair and his style was very unique but it fit him.

He continues to stare at me almost like he's having a war in his head. Then he finally speaks "Hello Clove Im Four" he sticks his huge hand out and we shake but unlike Jax's Fours hand is cold and huge. I pull away and down cast my eyes. Not wanting to upset either of them. "Tyson will be here soon he had a class across campus" Jax said as he walked past Four and up a pair of steps. "Your room is this way little one" I dont know what it is about that name but it makes my stomach turn into little butterfly's. "Oki" I said as I followed Jax upstairs into a nice sized room with a bathroom and a walk in closet. "Holy shit this is huge" "Language little Clove"


He is mad he is going to hurt you

No but i didn't mean anything he can't hurt me

"Ok Im sorry" "No it's okay Clove. Your mouth is too pretty to be speaking words like that ok?" he said looking into my eyes with a little smile on his face. I just lightly nodded my head.

"Get settled in we'll be downstairs if you need anything" he then walked out and I got to work on my room. After a couple of hours I was finally done.

I walked downstairs to hear Four and Jax whispering. And I feel like I wasn't supposed to listen but I wanted to know what they were talking about. "She's fucking gorgeous I won't be able to control myself Jax neither will Tyson."

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