《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 30




Will's right, he seems to always be right or maybe I'm always wrong. I shouldn't be jealous. Not when I'm choosing to let him go. I just can't help it.

Not sleeping with Will and having to wonder if he did anything with Kade makes me on edge. It makes me want to tear myself apart, but I have to keep it together. This isn't about me. In what may seem a twisted way it's about Will.

I sit down in a camping chair by the fire and Adam smiles at me.

"How'd you sleep?"

I shrug "not to good"

He shakes his head "you boys, Will said the same you're both looking a little rough I must say"

I chuckle "thanks Adam"

He grins "hey at least I'm honest"

I shake my head giving him the smile he's expecting before leaning back in my chair.

Will comes out of the tent and Adam points to the kettle sitting atop the fire "waters hot if you want that coffee now"

Will gives him a nod and moves to the picnic table grabbing a cup before walking back to the fire and lifting the pot and filling his cup. I can't help the way I watch his movements as he walks back to the picnic table and mixes his coffee. My eyes drink him in and it's not until Hank drops down into the chair next to me that I look away.

I lift a brow "morning?"

Hank grumbles next to me "shh"

I lift a brow as Gage follows him from the tent "wow that sleep wasn't half bad"

He stretches his arms over his head and Hank narrows his eyes "happy to hear one of us had a good night"

Gage pauses lifting a brow and Hank rolls his eyes "you snore like a freaking freight train!"

Gage shrugs "oops sorry"

Hank makes a face and turns back to the fire, but Adam laughs turning to their mom whose just coming out of the tent "sounds like we might have a crabby bunch today Sandy"

Sandy crosses her arms "oh I hope not we have so much fun planned!"

Will's head swings up at that "fun?"

Sandy grins nodding eagerly "yup! Hiking and then we'll visit the beach, but unfortunately with this weather we won't be able to swim"

Will looks horrified "um that's not what I signed up for...we never do that stuff"

His dad laughs "Will, you never do that stuff, we usually do, but we figure with Hank and Mason here we should do things all together"

Will doesn't look like he likes that idea, but nods slowly "right"

His mom smiles "oh Will you'll have fun it's only supposed to take 2 hours to complete the hike"

Wills eyes widen "two hours?!"

Hank laughs at that "jeez Will, what's so bad about hiking?"

Will looks down at himself "I'm not made for hiking"

Gage chuckles "yeah you're made for having your head in a book"

Will grimaces "yeah"

Sandy shakes her head "oh well this weekend you're made for hiking!"

Will sinks lower in his chair, but the conversation changes topics. Sandy starts to make eggs and bacon for breakfast and thankfully I can keep myself focused on the conversation at hand for the most part.


After breakfast Sandy instructs us to get our hiking shoes on and get ready for a fun 2 hour hike on rough terrain.

When we regroup I look at Will and tense he looks uncomfortable and unexcited. I want to go near him and comfort him, but I won't. Instead I squish into the car next to Gage and let him tell me all about his "killer hiking boots" while we drive the short distance to the trail.

We pull up and Hank bursts from the car "yes! This is going to be awesome!"

Will gets out after him, but doesn't share his excitement instead he makes a face and moves to the side just waiting. Gage and I climb out and Sandy smiles

"Okay everyone lets start this adventure shall we!"

Gage makes a face and smiles sarcastically giving a "oh yeah" in response.

Sandy and Adam take up the lead with Hank hot on their tail while Gage and I follow him and Will follows behind us.

For the first half hour of the walk I find it hard to focus on Gage because I want to check on Will, but having to look behind me makes it obvious. Thankfully Adam keeps everyone in check with a "fun" roll call.

"We come as a group..?!"

I groan, but reluctantly respond with the rest of the chant "we go as a group!"

Sandy starts the roll call by calling out her number "one!"

Adam follows with "two"

Hank with "three" and so on.

I always find myself listening intently when we get to lucky number six. Hearing Will's voice mumble out "six" keeps me sane.

About an hour into the walk Gage has given up on keeping conversation because all his energy is being put into this hike. I have to admit I'm tired as well not to mention sweaty and yet there's still another hour back to the car.

Will huffs and puffs behind us before groaning "I mom...I have to" he sucks in a breath before dropping to the ground "I need a minute"

Sandy turns "what was that honey?"

Gage laughs "well Will's dead"

Hanks comes over and shakes his head "Catboy are you gonna make it?"

Will just groans in response and Adam chuckles

"Will we've still got an hour to go"

Will falls flat on his back at that "I'm not gonna make it"

Sandy shakes her head "Aw c'mon Will we can sing some songs to get us through the next half!"

This doesn't seem to encourage Will any more and he barely grumbles a response. Sandy laughs and unzips her fanny pack pulling out granola bars and passing them around.

"Maybe a snack will do everyone good"

Will sits up at that and opens his eyes standing "a snack I can do"

Hank shakes his head half his granola bar stuffed in his mouth "wow"

Will rolls his eyes at Hank and stuffs his own mouth with his granola bar instead. Finally once everyone finishes their snack we start hiking again.

Sandy of course begins her song "there was a great big moose!"

Hank entertains her the longest, but thankfully after about 15 minutes Adam catches everyone's attention.


"No way! That's a Badger!"

Hanks jumps rushing to find where Adams looking "woah that's so cool!"

Adam nods "I watched a documentary on badgers a couple weeks ago, fascinating creatures"

Hank listens eagerly as Adam goes on and on about badgers and all the important information he learned regarding them in his documentary.

This is what we listen to the rest of the way back, Adam going on and on about animals he's looked into or watched a documentary about. Until finally we only have the last five minutes to go my only plan is to get back to the site and spend some time away from Will.

Suddenly Will yelps and someone's knocking into me from behind. I stumble forward, but catch myself just in time to turn around just as Will hits the ground. He immediately winces and whimpers "ow"

I rush over "fuck Will" he sits up slowly and his hands hold a spot on his legs where his pants are ripped. I move his hands gently off of it and clench my jaw

"you're bleeding"

His eyes widen and meet my own big and sad making me curse "fuck it's not that bad"

I'm lying for his benefit because it is pretty bad and your average bandaid isn't going to do. At this point Gage has alerted everyone that Will tripped and they've all turned around.

"Oh no! Will are you okay sweetie?"

He looks at me before his mom and nods slowly

"Uh I tripped"

His mom nods "Mason may I? He's bleeding?"

I nod moving over "it's pretty deep"

Wills mouth drops open and he looks panicked

"You said it wasn't that bad!"

I shift my jaw "it's not, you'll be fine"

He doesn't look like he believes me and winces as his mom wipes at the cut with an alcohol wipe. He bites his lip hard and I'm sure it stings. I want to move forward and hold him, take his paint away.

I stand and walk over to Gage who shakes his head "kids so clumsy"

I force a shirt chuckle "yeah"

Gage doesn't notice anything's off and once Sandy gets Wills leg all wrapped up we head to the car. It's not a long drive back to the site and as soon as we get there Sandy and Adam get Will set up in a camping chair facing the fire. I take the opportunity to go to the tent and be left alone.

I don't come out again until Sandy starts prepping our dinner. I sit next to Gage who tells me that after we are going to walk down to the lake.

I nod "sure sounds good man"

Hank grins "if we hurry up the sun will be setting"

Gage chuckles "oooooh you want to go watch the sunset with me Hanky Panky?"

Hank glares "oh never mind I'll eat by he sunset myself gadget"

Adam rolls his eyes "okay boys eat your dinner you can make plans later"

Everyone finishes their dinner quickly after that and despite Will being otherwise incapacitated he decides to hobble his way to the beach with us.

When we get to the beach Hank is right and the sun is setting. It's actually quiet beautiful and for a couple moments even Gage is quiet all just watching the sunset and appreciating it's beauty. I can't help the few secret glances I still to check out Will.

Hank walks along the edge of the water "I wish it was summer so we could swim"

Gage nods "yeah, but it's you fucking cold right now I'd freeze my nuts off"

Hank laughs at that, but just as he does there's a splash and his face morphs into one of surprise


I turn and find Will struggling to stand up spluttering.

Gage jumps "shit!"

He runs over and helps Will out of the water

"what the fuck bro?"

Will coughs "I thought there was a f fish..."

His teeth are chattering and he doesn't look too good.

"...a fish...I fell"

Hank laughs at that "dang no wonder you don't usually do this stuff"

Will rolls his eyes looking annoyed but wraps his arms around himself "I uh I'm freeing"

Gage jumps looking down at himself "oh uh...I don't have anything let's go fast!"

I grunt and without thought unzip my sweater and take it off holding it out to Will who takes it apprehensively

"T thanks"

I nod and we turn heading back to the site. I pull up the caboose happy when we make it back to the site and Will begins to tell his parents what happened.

Adam of course laughs loudly while Sandy shakes her head and beings to respond Will why he needs to be more careful. It's not long after that when Will announces he's freezing and tired so he's heading to bed.

Like the night before I try my best to ignore that I ever heard him say he is going to our tent. I wait until everyone else has retired to their own tents for the night before I go find mine.

When I get inside I half expect Will to be asleep, but I'm also not surprised when he isn't. I try not to glance or look at him too much not wanting to tempt myself.

Instead I move to climb in my own sleeping bag and want to just fall asleep, but Wills teeth chattering stops me.

"Are you cold?"

He sucks in a breath as if not expecting me to ask

"Uh...it's fine" his words waiver with the chattering of his teeth and I cringe moving toward him.

"Move over"

He looks up confused "what?"

I grunt "move over, can't have you fucking freezing to death"

He shuffles over on the air mattress just slightly allowing his sleeping bag to drop open so I can slide my arms around him. His breath catches at the contact, but not even a second later he turns and buries his face into my chest making me pause.

Was this the right choice?

We're still nothing, We can't be anything I'm no good for him. I just wished he'd realize that. Despite my thoughts I hold Will tightly and breathe him in the rest of the night.


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