《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 31




I wake up still wrapped in Mason's arms. I don't move, I want to stay here as long as possible. I settle my head back on his chest and he lets out a content sigh making my stomach tighten. This is the feeling I yearn for and yet the moment he opens his eyes he'll tell me this is wrong or that he's done.

I don't get to dwell on my sad realization for long because only moments later the zipper to our tent sounds and I try to spring away from Mason who groans tightening his hand on my waist.

"What the fuc.."

"What the heck?!"

Mason groans and opens his eyes glaring at Hank who is staring at us.

"Good fucking timing asshole"

Since Mason is awake I move away from him and just in time because Gage comes up behind Hank.

"Are you two ever getting up?! We're all getting kind of bored"

Mason shoots Gage the finger and stands pulling his shirt over his head.

"if you could all piss off I'll get dressed"

I can't help the way I stare and my eyes fall to his chest and abs watching as he moves to his bag and his muscles flex as he digs through it for a clean shirt.

Hank coughs and Mason looks up his eyes meeting mine and his face darkening.

Gage rolls his eyes "earth to Will don't zone out like that I'm losing my mind out here with just Hank and the parentals can we go please"

I force my gaze away from Mason's my cheeks blushing and follow Hank out of the tent. I move toward the fire and sit in a camping chair trying to wake up slowly.

My dad grins "good morning sleeping beauty, must have gotten used to the air mattress then?"

I shrug "I guess so"

Mason comes out of the tent and scoffs next to me just quiet enough for me to hear before turning to my dad "good morning Adam"

I stand and let them have their conversation moving to the tent and taking my opportunity to change. When I come out Mason and the others are getting ready and I cross my arms.

"I'm not going on another hike, I will die"

My mom laughs "oh don't be dramatic Will, besides we're not going on a hike"

I narrow my eyes not convinced "what are we doing then?"

My dad shrugs "Frank invited us to go to brunch with them at the diner in town"

I grimace social interaction; no thank you.


My mom reads my expression and shakes her head "it will be nice and then you can come back and do whatever you want"

I grumble out a "fine" and she smiles directing everyone to get in the car.

Hank sits next to me and whispers "you good?"

I shrug "why?"

He gives me a knowing look "you just seem off"

Gage must have overheard Hank because he turns and gives me a look. I bite my lip and turn to Hank


"I'm fine Hank"

He doesn't look convinced, but glances at Mason and Gage and doesn't push. It isn't long after when my mom announces we've made it to the diner. I get out and follow everyone inside, when we see Frank and his family I'm surprised to find his son looks to only be about 10 and there's a girl with them as well.

She seems about 15 and stares at me as we walk to the table making me shuffle uncomfortably. Gage knocks his elbow into my side and wiggles his eyebrows at me

"that girls got her eyes on you"

Mason grunts hissing under his breath "he's gay remember"

Gage shrugs "she doesn't know that"

That doesn't seem to make Mason feel any better, but for some reason despite my usual annoyance with Mason's jealousy I find the way he's watching me enticing.

My cheeks heat with colour and I drop my gaze from Mason's intense one wishing the floor would swallow me whole, it doesn't.

Instead I end up sitting next to Mason across from Katrina, Frank's daughter. She smiles at me a few times each time dropping her eyes to the table afterwards and each time Mason's face seems to grow more and more miserable.

Frank and my dad talk about golf, camping, and their lives for most of the meal where as my mom and Shannon talk about us kids, books they've recently read, and Sammy's soccer tournament.

"Katrina is a bright girl, just easily distracted"

Katrina blushes at her dads words and mumbles a quick "no I'm not"

Her mom however joins her dad in giving us the run down of Katrina's "boy crazed" phase.

Although I feel bad for Katrina the way she's been making goo goo eyes at me all morning only proves their point.

Mason on the other hand smirks as they talk looking too smug for my liking and I roll my eyes and focusing my attention back on my food. I stand a couple minutes later when Katrina doesn't stop staring at me and excuse myself to the bathroom.

Not only was Katrina making me uncomfortable, but Mason's jealousy was radiating off him in waves and today I find it oddly arousing. Point being I couldn't stay at that table any longer.

The moment I step inside the bathroom I'm happy no one else is there and lean against the counter, but before I can even take a breath Mason barges in after me.

I blink "w what are you doing?"

He licks his lips, but his face stays hard "nothing...why are you trying to make this harder for me Will?"

I'm utterly confused, but also incredibly distracted by the way Mason's shirt strains against his arms.

"W what?"

Mason glares and I finally draw my attention away from his body.

"That. You've been looking at me like that all day"

I bite my lip because I hadn't noticed how close to me he'd come.


"Uh..like what?"

He chuckles, but it's deep and humourless.

"Like you want me to bend you over this counter and have my way with you"

I freeze processing his words my body heats up and I swallow stiffly my mouth dropping open.

"O oh"

He scoffs and turns looking away from me.

"Fuck. That face don't look at me with that face Will, it's already hard enough"

I blink and try to force myself out of the cloudy haze that is Mason Moore's raw sex appeal.

"W what's hard?"

I cringe and my cheeks heat up the minute the words leave my mouth; that's not what I meant.

Mason chuckles a real chuckle the kind that makes my stomach flip and my body hum to life.

"You know what's hard..." he pauses and gets serious again "I know I deserve it, but don't make this difficult for me Will"

He steps forward and much to my surprise drops his mouth down onto the top of my head and plants a hard kiss there before walking out of the bathroom. I'm utterly confused to say the least.

What was I making difficult? All I was doing was looking at him...well maybe it wasn't as innocent as that, but I can't control how my body reacts to him!

I shake my head and splash some water on my face hoping to clear my thoughts before I make my way back to the table.

Katrina smiles at me and my mom informs me that Frank and his family have asked us to go golfing with them tomorrow. I resist the urge to frown; golfing.

Gage laughs beside me and shakes his head "oh you'll have fun Will you've always been so fond of golf"

I give him a dramatic eye roll and shoot him a subtle finger "whatever"

Hank laughs next to me and I turn assuming he's laughing at my misery, but find he's actually in a friendly conversation with Sammy.

We wrap up the meal shortly after that and I'm happy to get in the car and head back to our site planning on taking a nice nap.

I get out of the car at our campsite and move to head toward our tent, but barely make it when Gage starts yelling "oh no definitely not!"

I turn and find Hank looking equal parts amused and unimpressed "you're kidding"

My dad walks over and frowns "well...that's no good"

I finally cave and walk over to see what happened and I'm not disappointed. Thanks to one of Gage's "mid night snack attack's" there's two rice crispy wrappers, a koolaid jammer pouch, and a box of cookies open with half a row missing.

There's also ants. Lots and lots of ants crawling around the bottom of their tent.

Hank shakes his head "that's just gross"

Gage looks traumatized "no way in hell I'm sleeping in there tonight!"

My dad shakes his head "we can get them out Gage, lend me a hand"

Hank gives him a horrified look and Gage freaks.

"you can get them out?! They're crawling everywhere as we speak! Oh fuck! My underwear!"

He jumps into the tent and begins to hop back and fourth on one leg trying to not step on ants before finally jumping back out and shaking his head.

"That's it, the ants have taken over our tent"

I bite my lip to stiffly my laugh, but it doesn't work and Gage shoots me a glare.

My dad chuckles "Don't laugh Will, he's sleeping in your tent tonight"

That's when I freeze my eyes widening Gage is sleeping in my tent tonight? My eyes instinctively seek out Mason whose sitting on the picnic table near us and shifts his jaw meeting my gaze, but I can't read his expression.

Hank shakes his head "I can't believe this, you're 18 man!"

Gage makes an exaggerated huff "and?"

Hank rolls his eyes "you don't know about ants? Or literally any other animal you could have attracted with that"

He jerks his thumb toward the tent and Gage shrugs "I didn't think about it"

At that moment he takes a granola bar out of his pocket and starts chowing down crumbs falling from his mouth. Hank only blinks at him before shaking his head and walking away mumbling "unbelievable" under his breath.

I chuckle until my mom comes out "oh no..that is a lot of Ants isn't it"

Gage nods "I've never seen so many"

Our mom shakes her head "Will all four of you boys fit in that little tent tonight?"

I grimace at the thought and want to tell her no, it's not possible, but it is. The other options aren't nearly as practical or do-able as just sharing the tent is anyway.

Gage just shrugs "it'll be fine, right Will?"

I nod "oh yeah"

With that Gage moves towards Mason and I's tent "guess I'll go make myself at home then"

I follow him slowly watching what exactly making himself at home means. He sits on the air mattress.

Before looking up at me "who sleeps on which side?"

I lift a brow "what?"

He shrugs "who sleeps on whi..."

Mason grunts behind me "Left is Will"

I jump not knowing he had come up behind me


He rolls his eyes "tonight. My side."

I tilt my head confused, but Gage yelling "I call the middle!" brings me back to attention. Mason shifts his jaw before moving away from and back towards the picnic table. My eyes land on Hank who shakes his head and has a knowing yet sad or maybe disappointed look in his eyes.

I bite my lip and look away so I don't have to meet his eyes; I wish this trip was over.



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