《Dads Best Friend》Chapter 17


"I'm good" is the first thing to come out my mouth.

"Becca." He says with a sigh

"Fine, Go ahead and say what you need to say." I sit back into the couch and tuck my feet underneath me.

He nods his head and clears his throat.

"First off I wanted to say I'm so sorry that I had to ever leave in the first place. I tried so hard to get out of the situation, but they wanted me for the job." He stops and takes a deep breath and continue.

"I wish I could have quit the FBI and found another job but I needed the money. I came from nothing, had no money, lived in a bad area, so I decided to get my law credits from school and train to become a FBI agent."

He pauses but keeps staring at the ground.

"Why didn't you call or text." I whimper out

I'm so close to crying.

Archer hears my voice quivering and snaps his head up.

In a matter of seconds Archer is beside me pulling me into his arms kissing my forehead.

"I couldn't babygirl. I can't tell you a lot because everything is still under investigation but they wanted me to move because they wanted a inside into a gang. They have been trying to take them down for years, so they told me to gain trust with the leader and become his so called second In command."

He leans forward with me still In his arms and grabs a tissue for my watering eyes.

"Thank you"

He kisses the top of my nose and continues with his story.

"It took me over 2 years for the leader to gain trust in me. The only person to actually know where I moved to was your dad. I only got in touch with him a couple of times just to report back on my mission.


"I would have loved to talk to you over the years even write to you but I didn't want to put you endanger. If something happened to you I could have never forgive myself.

"You have to know that I wished I could have been their for you over the years. I would have loved to watch you grown into this wonderful young women you have become."

I am now balling my eyes out hugging the shit out of Archer.

"I'm sorry" I whimper

"No babygirl, don't be sorry. I should have let your dad tell you what was happening but I didn't want you to worry about me, especially for four years."

"I missed you so much" I mumble clinging to him tighter.

"I missed you too baby."

I can't believe I was mad at him for leaving me when he was In that kind of position.

I thought he moved for a different job and just never said goodbye.

God I'm such a shit person.

We sit together staying in the same position that we were in until I hear a car come in the driveway.

I lift my head out from Archers neck and move onto one side of the couch while Archer stays on his side.

Seconds later the door opens and in walks mom and dad with 4 bags of battery's, flashlights, and candles.

I blink a couple of times to make sure that I'm seeing this right.

My god do they think a we aren't going to have power for a month.

"What did y'all do buy out the store?"

Archer laughs and look at the big 4 bags in their hands.

"Better to be safe than sorry." My dad says wobbling his way to the coffee table.

He dumps all the batteries and flash lights on the table while my mom places all of the candles on the other side of the table.


Me being me I of course have to sniff all of the candles.

I love candles so much

I take each one and sniff the sweet scent of the candle.

Archer takes them out of my hand once I'm done and takes a quick sniff also.

I pick my favorite one and put it beside me on the couch, so later I can go upstairs and place it in Archer and mine room.

We put all the batteries in the flashlight and place one in all of the room also with a candle.

It's around 4 so we decide since theirs nothing else to do why not play some board games.

The first game we play is "Clue".

Archer keeps trying to look at my cards to see what I got while I'm trying to do the same to mom.

I finally see the person that she had and mark out the people until I have one left.

I ding the imaginary bell and name who I think done it where and with what.

I open the black envelopes to see that I was correct.

Archer gives me a mocking narrowed eye because he knows that I cheated.

I really have no clue if mom and dad knows if we cheat or not but years ago when we had family night and Archer was their playing with use, me and him would always find some way to cheat at the games.

We play a couple more round of clue until mom and dad give up because they keep on losing.

Mom decides to go ahead and start on dinner while me and Archer continue to play.

This is the last game so who ever wins this one wins the whole.

Just when I about to draw a card from the deck the lights cut out and the air conditioning stops.

Just Great.



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