《Dads Best Friend》Chapter 5


I don't say anything as I open my eyes and stare at him. He still has his arms wrapped around me rubbing up and down my back.

He looks down at the bed between the little space between us and clinches his jaw, I look down wondering what he's staring at then I see my blanket.


I snatch the blanket up and literally slide out of his arms and off the bed. I turn around and stuff the blanket back into my backpack.

When I turn around I see Archer inches away from me I try to walk around him to go to the bathroom but he step closer to wear my back hits the wall.

"Can I see it?" He asks

I shake my head a look to the ground.

I don't want to be friends with him again and then he leaves me.

He lifts up my chin with his fingers and makes me look him into the eyes.

He was about to say something but somebody knocks on the door.

I push him away not knowing what just happened and walk over to the door.

Archer comes in behind me and places his hand on mine that Is on the doorknob and looks over my shoulder into the peep hole before he allows me to open the door.

I open the door to see my mom and dad already ready to start the day.

"Y'all aren't ready yet?" My mom ask looking at my shorts and shirt.

"No, just woke up." I say yawning

My mom and dad come in and sit on the messed up bed waiting for us to get dressed.

Archer brushes his teeth while I get dressed in the bathtub.

Then we switched positions. My mom right at the door talking to me as we do this.


"Mom can you get my backpack?" I ask while brushing my teeth

She goes and get it already digging through and handing me my birth control and cologne.

I pop the pill in and put my mouth under the water to swallow.

The curtains to the shower opens and Archer steps out in black pants with a black shirt.

I spray the cologne on my wrist and neck trying to place it back into my bag but I feel a hand on my wrist stopping me.

Archer takes the bottle out of my hand and sprays some on his cloths and neck.

I snatch it out of his hand and put back into my bag.

"Ok" I say heading out into the room.

Every body walks out of the room and I lock the door Putting the keys card into my money pouch.

We decided to get breakfast at a little cafe around the corner from the hotel.

Mom and dad sits on one side of the booth while me and Archer sits on the other side.

We order are food which for me isn't really anything but a pancake with some strawberries and blueberries.

I never really liked breakfast.

Once we are done we walk around to shops that tourist go to.

My dad and Archer walk into a store while me and my mom walks into the one beside.

My mom looks through the cloths on the racks while I go see the little key chains that you can get a picture printed on.

"You need to stop giving him the cold shoulder." My mom says behind me.

I turn around and look at her and narrow my eyes. "What happens when I do stop giving him the cold shoulder. Everything will go back to normal until he leaves again. I won't be able to take it mom." I say walking over to a rack of cloths.


I get a cute crop top with a pair of black short shorts and a bottle of water. It was freezing this morning but has gotten pretty hot so I might have to change into this soon.

We walk out the store and see dad and Archer waiting for us.

While they decide on what store to go to next I start to walk around seeing some stairs leading down toward a river with a little sand spot.

I walk down to see some kids skipping rocks.

"Alright Becca find the flattest rock you can find."Archer says flicking his rock back and forth in his hand.

I finally found one and ran back over to Archer

"Ok it's all about the flick of you wrist." He takes my arm and teaches me how to flick my wrist and how to hold the rock.

"When you flick your wrist you let go at the end and let it skim the water." He does his while I watch then copy what he did.

My rock skipped 3 times before it sunk.

"I did it." I laugh jumping up and down.

Archer picks me up and spends me around laughing with me.

"Wow, this is so pretty." My mom says behind me breaking me out of my thoughts.

I nod my head and look back over to the kids skipping rocks and smile.

I pick up a flat rock and do as I was taught. It skips 4 times then sinks.

I turn around to my mom and see her smiling at me.

"What?" I ask

"Nothing, that was just the first smile that I've seen out of you since the trip started."


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