
To say I'm surprised is simply an understatement. I know it's stupid of me to think that that part of him will be human-like, he isn't human after all. But knowing that he has more than one...

Truthfully, I don't even know what to think.

"Tzarian males have three penises correct. Why don't we go ba—"

"Let me see."


"Let me see your penises."


"Why not? We're going to get intimate sooner or later. I'd like to know what will I be dealing with."

"I cannot."

"Why not?"

"They only function when I'm ready to get intimate, okay? I cannot just show you now, there will be nothing to show."

So what would a sane normal woman do? Jump on her husband's lap of course.

"What ar—"

"I'll try to get you ready," I say in triumph. "Now, husband lay down and let your wife to the work." I push his shoulder to the floor. Black dots dancing on his eyes and his hands grip my hips. I notice from under his ear down to the side of his neck going along his shoulder has turned color to darker, and the appearance of the skin had turned into loofah texture-like, just like when he finished his sparring workout.

"In the name of the universe, Kate, please get off of me." He says barely moving his lips.

"Why? You know I'm on a mission here." I dare him as I grab his right hand and with all of my strength, drag it to my breast. Not that I endowed generously in that particular part, but I have enough to fill his hand nicely.

At first, he keeps his hand still, but just like they say, curiosity killed the cat, or the alien, in this case.

"What are these?" He asks breathlessly as he starts to squeeze them lightly.


"Your new favorite things to hold," I tell him.

Satisfaction brings it back. I think as he moves his other hand to cup my other breast lightly. "They are... nice."

I smile in victory. "I'm happy you're pleased with my body. I want you to know I like how muscular and strong you look." I tell him, and it seems like the right thing to say because his eyes suddenly connected to mine, and I can see the black spots grow bigger, now I can barely see the sunset color in them.

"You're very strong..." I say testing the water, his hands squeezing me tighter. "You're powerful." Now I roam my hands across his chest, feeling his muscle tightened under my touch. "You're vigorous..." I lean down to kiss his face, "Unbeatable..." I kiss him along his jaw. "You're the toug—"

And... I feel it, snakes poking my behind. I jump and let out a scream, patting my ass to slap away any unwelcoming intruder.

Wait a minute... those are not snakes.

I turn to Zer only to see him already walking away towards the house. Oh no...


"Hello, how can I help you?" An older looking Tzarian greets me.

"Yes, I'd like to have some clothes made for me? Maybe some pants, and blouses, and dresses?" I ask the older Tzarian male.

"Sure, let me get you measured, this way," He walks behind the counter and I follow him. After fifteen minutes of walking around the shopping center, Zer and I finally realize I will never get new clothes from there, apparently, none of the other female races have meaty breast. So we couldn't find anything to fit me. So Zer drives me to this famous tailor or seems like a tailor shop, but he's currently staying in his vehicle as he told me he has an important call.


So here I'm, standing in front of a metal looking plate that has been flying around me for a minute.

"Okay, that is done. Do you have any preference on a particular cut?" He asks me again.

So I tell him about sundress with thin straps, some skinny high waisted pants, loose long arms button down blouse, and he seems to get the idea because he keeps saying 'yes' and 'okay'.

"Any particular color?" He asks again and hands me his tablet with a broad spectrum of colors. So I give him five different dark colors, dark green, dark blue, dark red, white, and black. I notice Zer usually wear dark or black color so I kind of want to be matchy matchy with him.

"Excellent choice. Shall we proceed to the payment?" I nod as I follow him to what looks like a cashier.

Oh wait, shit, I have no money.

"Umm, perhaps we should wait for my husband," I told him. "I don't bring any money with me," I explain to him as he looks at me puzzled.

Just in time, Zer walks in, and I beam at the sight of my walking bank whose been trying to keeping me out of his pants. "Husband! Would you be so kind as to pay for my clothes?" For a moment I regret my choice of words because both of the males freeze for a moment.

But I'm eager to please my husband—or to annoy him, depend on your point of view really.

So I tiptoe and kiss his cheek. "Would you like to see what I ordered this kind male to make for me? It will mean a lot for me to have your approv—"

"How much?" Zer cuts in.

The poor male just stands there with his mouth open, I grab Zer arm and cling on him tight. "It—I... uhh..." The poor man stutters, after a while he blurted a sum of money and Zer flashes his wrist on the counter and left.

"Why would you..." He asks as we enter the vehicle.

"Yes? Husband?" I smile at him sweetly, when he doesn't complete his sentence I just laugh at him. "I'll shower you with affection, get used to it husband."

"I don't think that's possible." He murmurs.

We stop by to buy some hygiene products, body wash, shampoo, and surprise, surprise, they don't have conditioner here, but they have a leave-in conditioner kind of thing so I guess I have to settle with that. Some makeup, which is only lipstick and eyebrows pencil, apparently all females are happy with the way they look, a bottle of perfume, and the closest thing of lady pads I can find, I honestly prefer tampons but hey! I guess I have to stick with the second best thing.

Although Zer told me it's a day off, he seems busy, his 'phone' keeps ringing, well, its basically just DAI informing him that he has an incoming call, and he is busy with whoever it is on the other side of the line.

Whenever I feel he's too involved in his phone call I will reach his hand and entwined ours to bring him back to me, I'm needy like that. It always works and I feel for a moment he forgets about his phone call as he looks at me.

I feel eyes on us every time I do this, but none of them stare for too long, as apparently they all are scared—or respect Zer so much. So here I'm dragging him in and out of stores as he's talking to whomever he's dealing things with. And I saw something unimaginable.

For a moment I feel my mouth hanging open, and when Zer realizes what stops me, his body stilled. "No," he says.

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