《Dangerous Love》Chapter 24- Bloody Ball
This chapter contains violence, Rape, Sexual assault, suicidal thoughts, and a brake down.
I land on my back and see Mason on top of me. Shielding me with his body. I look around the ballroom and to seeing guests running and screaming but almost everyone who was here tonight knows what to do in this situation.
I look for Emery, Riley, and Anna and see them behind a turned-over table with Zach and Sam keeping them safe. I look around and my eyes catch on my father on his back with a bullet wound on his shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Mason asks me looking over my body.
"Where's Santino?" I ask looking around for my 5-year-old brother.
"Who?" he asks looking down at me.
"My Br-" I began but get interrupted by a scream.
"Brooke," Santino screams.
I push Mason off of me and he lands on his back. I quickly get up and grab the two guns that are strapped to my thighs. I walk towards the man holding my brother captive. I poi not one of the guns to his head and shoot him. Santino runs to me with open arms. He hugs my legs while I look around the ballroom.
"Santino, go with Rose she will get you out of here," I tell him.
"But you will die," I ignore him.
"GO with her," I order him before leaving him with Rose. I shoot down five people that have are not aware of my presence.
A man with a big beer belly starts running towards me and I shoot him in both his shoulders. Another man starts running towards me and I swerve out of their way but not before sticking my foot out. He tumbles down and I shoot him in the back of his head.
Blood shoots up and splatters my face but that makes me want more blood for these bastards. I drop the half unloaded guns to the floor before ripping my dress into two slits for my legs.
I kick a gun out of someone's hands and punch him in the face. There is a sickening crack in his nose. He falls to the floor holding his bleeding nose.
I put my heel against his neck and it slides into his flesh. Blood begins to pour out covering the gold of my heel. I slide it out and blood drips down the heel. I take the shoe off and throw it at someone about to tackle Mia. He falls to the floor dead.
I take off my other and throw it at the back of a boy's head. It slides through and stays there. He drops like a sack of beans with life-less eyes. A girl around 20 starts rushing towards me with a knife. Before she can even get near me I give her a roundhouse kick to her face. Blood and teeth fly out of her mouth before she collapses to the ground. She tries to get up but I pick up her knife and grab a fist full of her hair.
"Say, hello to the devil," I say and cut her throat. Blood oozes out but I let her body drop to the ground.
I look around and see my friends shocked expressions and Mason still standing where I left him. I am knocked out of looking around when I bullet grazes my arm but it just feels numb. I look to the dumb fuck who tried shooting me down.
I drop the knife and run at him. I launch off the ground and flip into the air. I shoot him in between his eyes and shoot five of his comrades. I land crouched but immediately swing my legs under my next victim he halls to the ground and I grab the baton he was holding.
Five assassins who I know personally circle me. I click the button in the middle of the baton as the assassins take their katanas out. The baton extends to the ground making a clinking noise on the marble floor.
I flip it around in a circle with a smirk forming on my lips. Livie a close friend and her twin brother Ezeri comes at me. I swing for their feet and Livie trips but her brother does not. He jumps over it but before he can attack I send a blow to his head that makes him pass out.
I walk around the three other assassins. Adrian a guy who I used to date before Declan comes at me swinging his katana. I meet his attack by angling the baton in between the katana and my face.
"Adrian, I am so happy you are here," I say with a smile before I swing my knee into his balls. He topples over but not before his face meets my other knee. I smile down at him before shoving one of the sharp ends of the baton into his heart.
I take it out slowly and his scream pierces the air and my smile grows. I feel a presence behind me and I swing the baton into my assailant's gut.
Four down one to go.
The last attacker swings his katana around in the air like he is on a stage performing for an audience. I roll my eyes at his dramatics before grabbing a knife out of my cleavage and throwing it into his dick. He pulls the knife out whimpering like a dog and tries to throw it at me but misses by five feet.
"Tsk, Tsk," I say wiggling my finger in front of his face. I push him down but my foot and he falls back. I grab a gun from the ground and shoot him in both of his knee cups. He screams in agony before I shoot him in his heart instantly killing him.
"Brooke, you bitch," Livie shouts at me in pure anger. I turn around and find her pointing a knife at me.
"My father will kill you," she shouts at me but I give her a smirk.
She then does something I was not expecting. She throws the knife straight between my eyes.
My life flashes a little bit but I focus it on the situation. It nicks my skin but I catch it by the hilt before it can sink into my skin and kills me. A little blood drops from my forehead. I throw the knife down and it lands in a dead man's chest.
"Livie, you know better than to try to kill me," I smirk at her while whipping the drop of blood off my skin and putting my bloody finger in my mouth sucking at the coppery taste.
She screams in pure frustration before running at me. She forgot that I have a weapon and she has only her hands. I raise the baton up and she runs straight into it. She chokes on her blood while I am pushing her into the wall behind her.
"You will pay," she chokes.
"I think I have paid over countless crimes already. Death would be a welcome relief," I tell her before pushing the baton into the wall while she takes her last breath.
She hangs there with her feet hovering above the ground. I turn around and ignore the people staring. I grab a gun lying on the floor and shoot her brother 4 times. One to the neck, one to the chest, and two to both of his feet.
I come out of my dark dark state of mind when someone grabs me by my hand, pulling me out of the bloody ballroom.
"We need to leave before reinforcements come," Mason tells me looking into my blue eyes worriedly. I do not respond and follow him out.
We get into a back hall. I see blood dripping down the walls and bodies littering the floor. Most of them are guards my father had as protection around the hotel.
We stop and Mason pushes me up against a wall. "What are you doing?" I ask tiredly.
"Checking for injuries," he says looking my body over. He sees the bloody gash on my arm and rips a part of my dress and wraps it around my arm.
His body is so close to mine I can feel the warmth of his radiating from him. He gently cups my face looking into my eyes. His eyes dart down to my chapped lips and back up.
"Fuck it," he grumbles before I can respond his lips are on mine. The kiss is filled with hunger and lust. It is a bruising kiss.
I wrap my legs around his waist and run my fingers through his soft hair. He pushes his pelvis into my body with his hands traveling to my waist.
He sucks and bites my neck before kissing me again in a much more brutal kiss. He pushes his tung against my lips for access and immediately opens my mouth for him. Our tungs fight for dominance but I give up and let him invade my mouth.
A lust-filled moan erupts from the back of his throat that makes heat go straight to my already wet pussy. I know where this will lead if I do not stop it. I push him off of me while placing my feet onto the ground.
We are both breathing heavily looking into each other's eyes. We both want more but we need to snap out of it before we get killed by more men invading this damm hotel but I know I am going to get more of Mason Russo.
"We need to leave," I say walking away from him.
We walk down the hallway in silence. After 5 minutes find an exit and walk into the cool night air. A car waits for us and Andy steps out.
"Miss, your father is injured. All the important guests are at your house," he says.
"Thank you," I say and hop into the back with Mason following. He sits next to me with our thighs touching.
I look at myself in the review mirror. I look horrendous. Blood soaked into my hair, dried on my chest, and my exposed legs. My heels are damp with blood and my face is coated with my blood and others.
"We never talk about what happened between us tonight," I say not bothering to look at Mason but Andy looks between the both of us.
"Agreed," he says looking out the opposite window. With those words my heart clenches and I do not know entirely why.
We arrive at my house and cars are parked on the grass and in front of the house. I step out of the car after a few minutes of breathing to bring down the adrenalin.
I enter the house and people are standing around in the hall and look at me when I enter but I ignore them and go to my room.
I step into the shower after unzipping the ruined dress. After several scrubs and multiple rounds of shampoo and conditioner. I am clean and smooth.
I get into a pair of sweats and dry my hair before putting my hair into a messy bun. I put on a pair of white airforces and exit my room.
I walk towards the living room to see my parents, two adults who I assume are Mason's parents, Mason's siblings, Mason, Sam, Zach, Brian, Will, Riley, Anna, and Rose are all sitting or standing around the living room. My father sits with a bandage wrapped around his shoulder with my mother next to him holding his hand.
"Do we know who did this?" Mason asks taking a sip of amber liquid.
"Yes we do," His father says with a scowl.
"It is the leader of La mafia de la Muerte. Declan Blue Diaz," My father says.
As soon as his name passes my father's lips, I sway on unstable footing. Memories I have tried to suppress rush to the surface of my mind. I try and push them back.
"No," I whisper which catches the attention of the whole room. Rose looks at me with worry. I grab my head trying to stop the memories but it is no use.
"You will do as I say, Mi Estrella," he tells me squatting down to my level on the concrete floor. I whimper at seeing his devilish face. My captor. The one who I trusted with my secrets and my heart.
"You are my princess," he tells me. I flinch when he touches my face. "Such a pretty face and a kind heart."
He trails his fingers down my face and in between my exposed breasts to my clit. "Such a divine pussy," he says and inserts two fingers. I groan in pain when he starts moving his fingers in and out. It hurts so damm much but after the multiple times, he has done this it still hurts more and more every time he does it.
Tears flood down my face at the memory of him sticking his fingers in me without my permission. Keeping me trapped in an underground cell with no light or sound to penetrate the walls.
"No," I cry out in so much pain at the memories. I hear people trying to calm me down but it is no use the nightmares I have tried to suppress for so long are drowning me.
"Please," I cry as soon as the crack of the whip is heard through the hall.
Not even a second later hot searing pain is felt on my back. I scream. They do this over and over again for I do not know how long. The whip hits my skin after the thousandth time but I start to feel numb and my body goes weak.
I lay on the floor weak and bloody. The mettle doors to my prison cell open up to the nightmare I thought was my friend and lover. He comes strolling in with a happy smile that I used to love so much but now has come to hate.
"Mi Estrella," he greets and squats down and kisses my cheek. He looks at me and frowns at my expressionless face. "I guess it is time to have a go." my face scrunches in confusion until I see him undoing his belt.
I squirm trying to get away but it is no use my body is useless. I watch in horror as he unzips his pants and pulls down both his pants and boxers. He holds my hands above my head in a painful hold while his cock enters me. I scream in pain. The tears pour down my face in agony and horor.
He moves and it's like the pain gets worse the more he moves. He pounds harder and faster into me while my screams of agony and his moans of ecstasy bounce off the walls.
His dick pulses and then he releases into me. At this point, I am a crying mess but my screams have turned into whimpers.
"That was the best sex of my life," he says pulling himself out. I whimper at the pain He pulls his pants on and I am too weak to move. I have just been raped. My virginity lost to a man I hate.
"Now mi Estrella you can never leave," he tells me and kisses my lips before leaving the way he came.
I curl up into a ball and cry. I need to get out and I promise I will. I realize hours later that I can not feel pity or any emotions at all I need to survive for my brother and for my friends that are still alive.
I will punish all the men who have ever touched a woman as Declan has done to me. Soon the darkness, my new friend in this hellish world comes and I welcome it because I do not want to feel the pain anymore
I am a whimpering mess after that memory resurfaces. That was the day I started planning my escape. That day the kind, innocent, nice Brooklyn died. I became the ruthless cold Brooklyn that I am today. Emotions were lost on me and now they have found me.
I hear people call my name in worried shouts. I sit up and wipe my eyes quickly. The pathetic person I was just was should not be presented to a whole room of people.
I lost control and now people know I am a broken girl. Which they are not wrong. I am broken and I do not think I will ever be healed.
The tears dry up and my eyes go from pain endured to emotionless. I stare at the wall thinking about the time he broke me and made me a monster like him. Anger surges through my body at the thought of him.
I stand up ignoring everyone's questions. I go to the bar in the corner of the room and grab tequila. I chug the bottle trying to run away from the anger or maybe I am trying to fuel it.
I chug half the bottle until it is snatched away from me by a concerned Rose. I glare at her.
"Drinking is not going to stop the memories," she tells me screwing the lid back onto the bottle and putting it back where it belongs.
"Then maybe a bullet or killing the bastard will take my problems away," I say with an emotionless voice.
"So you would kill yourself when you have friends here to help you through it?" she questions. She has been trying to help but she does not know how I am dead inside. I will never be the person I was and as soon as he dies I will be a dead woman. Nothing to live for after that.
"Rose don't you get it I am dead already," I laugh humorlessly while looking at the wall behind the bar. "I died the day he touched me the day I lost the strength to fight him. The day I lost everything. That day I was a goner and he knows it,"
"Then get revenge," she says simply.
I turn toward her and chuckle. "Rose, revenge is not my answer because as soon as I get it I will die," I tell her with cold eyes.
"Dead?" my mother buts in with worried eyes.
"Ladybug, do you know Declan Blue Diaz," my father questions.
I chuckle again and squeeze my fists until they turn white.
"Rose tell them. Tell them how you introduced us and he ended up fucking my life. Tell them how you helped me escape that bastard and now he haunts my nights. Tell them all the shit I went through with him and no one helped me until I was 16 but I do not want to be here so I will be drinking my fucking heart out in my room," I say before grabbing the half-empty tequila and a jug of scotch before walking out.
As soon as I close my bedroom door I slide to the floor and open the bottle of scotch and chug. Memories sweep through me and I let them come. I do not push them away I accept them while chugging the bottle.
I am a broken woman and I can never be healed. Are my last thoughts before I welcome the darkness.
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