《Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)》6


The man and his daughter bursted out of the door, carrying trays of delicious looking, and smelling, food and placing them on the large table that sat in the center of the roof's platform. I felt my mouth water as I stared at it, inhaling the intoxicating smell of the home-cooked meal. Safe to say, it looked delicious.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Diane asked, staring at the food with the same hungry expression that I had.

The doctor nodded happily, guesturing to all of the plates and bowls of food. "Of course! Have as much as you want, don't be shy!"

I jumped down from the roof, grabbing a very appetizing-looking portion of (f/f). I took a large bite, humming in the delight as the wonderful flavor glided across my tongue, satisfying my taste buds in a beautiful way. It had been a long time since I tasted something so good. The doctor and Diane began casually chatting, the conversation beginning with him apologizing that she had to stand while eating.

The rest of the night was somewhat of a blur. The amount of ale I had consumed was preposterous, resulting in a very drunken high. I remember riding on a Hawk a few times with Ban, feeding Elizabeth every once in a while, and laughing at the most ridiculous of things. One event that I remember very clearly was Diane had accidentally attempted to eat Meli. It was quite entertaining.

The end of the night was more clear than the rest, still somewhat fuzzy, but I could remember it better. I had gotten off the roller coaster the alcohol had brought, and had calmed myself down slightly.

Ban was hanging off of Hawk's hind quarters, holding an empty pint and muttering drunken slurs. Things like 'keep going master' and 'you're amazing..!'. Poor Hawk, he had carried Ban around almost the entire time- and whenever he wasn't, he had been carrying me. The pig's legs were shaking furiously as he begged for someone to get the drunken Sin off of him. "Someone get this drunk freak offa me!"


I was sitting on a barrel next to Elizabeth's bed, since I had been the one to most recently feed her. I definitely did not throw grapes at her and try to land them into her mouth.... definitely not....

"It's been a while since I've had fun like this," she smiled, causing me to turn towards her. I smiled back, popping one of the few strawberries that remained from the meal into my mouth.

"Yeah," I said lightly, smiling at Meli, Ban, and Hawk, who were arguing and laughing. "Me too."

She the frowned, and I raised an eyebrow. She looked up at the sky, her eyes twinkling under the moonlight. "But it just reminds me how frighteningly powerful the Holy Knights are getting.... and how you Sins are the only ones who can stop them...."

I paused for a moment, before turning to her. "Princess. I don't know much about people; I'm not very social, and I'm not the best when it comes to following customs or traditions... but..."

"But?" She asked, a quizzical frown dancing across her features.

"But you're an exception," I smiled, staring down at my palms. "I don't say this to many people, but I don't think I'd mind fighting for you. I've only known you for a little while, and my perception of the royal family isn't the greatest at the moment." I chuckled lightly, turning to face her with a smile as I scratched the back of my neck. "But you're different. From all that I've seen up until today, you're one of the greatest people I've ever met. You're a fighter- like all of us. You've got a kind and selfless heart. It's unusual with humans- or with any race."

"But I didn't do anything!" She replied loudly, sitting up. I nearly fell off of the barrel I was sitting on, I was so surprised. I recovered before I could fall all the way, and reached out toward her, a panicked look on my face.


"Don't push yourself! You're still injured!"

"No," she sighed, staring into her lap. She clenched her fists lightly, gripping the sheets of the bed she was on. "I'm not strong, like you say. I'm not different. I don't have any powers, and I can't fight like you or Lord Me-"

"That's not true," I interupted, staring at her with a smile. She looked up at me. "You do have a power. A pretty cool one, in fact. You set out to find us so that you could take down the corrupted Holy Knights. You have the power to bring people together. You found Meli and Diane, then you found me and Ban. I wouldn't've been able to do that... I doubt any of us would have."

She looked down at her lap again, smiling lightly. I grinned, remembering my agenda from earlier in the day.

"Hey, Princess?"


"Do you mind if I call you by a nickname?" I asked, flushing slightly at the awkward question. "Like Ellie, or Beth? Or maybe Li-" I stopped dead, glancing in Meli's direction. I chuckled nervously. "Uhm, never mind that last one."

"Of course, Lady (y/n)!" she beamed, "My older sister Veronica calls me Ellie, so that would definitely be the more preferable of the two."

"Alright, then you can't call me 'Lady (y/n)' anymore," I smiled, staring at her. "Just call me (y/n). If you're feeling edgy, you can call me (n/n)."

We both laughed, giggling at the stupidity of my statement. It was probably the alcohol that was partially affecting my attitude, but I still enjoying talking to Ellie. She was cool- a lot cooler than most of the people I had ever met.

"Father...! Look at the stars!" Cennette exclaimed loudly, drawing both my and Ellie's attention to her. Everyone turned their heads as well. She was pointing upward, where a series of wondrous shooting stars were forming a large cross.

"This..." Dr. Dana muttered, "this is like that stanza from the ancient writings of Britannia...

When the night sky is filled with crossing shooting stars...

Britannia will be visited by an immense menace....

It is an omen

Of the beginning of a trial of ancient origins...

A Holy War

Between the guiding hand of the light

And the Bloodline of the darkness..."


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