《Greed and Despond (Ban x Sin!Reader)》4


Meli leaned down to Elizabeth's unconscious body, whispering something indistinguishable to her. I smiled smally to myself, seeing a blossoming relationship between the two. It was quite obvious that there was a spark between them- even in the short time I had been around to witness it.

"He who strikes first wins!" Ruin shouted, swinging his weapon toward Meli as hard as he could. It was a quick, powerful move, but it wasn't anywhere near powerful enough to take on his opponent. The captain dogdged the attack with ease, moving Elizabeth to a safe distance before returning to the fight.

"To think that you would turn your back during a battle...." Ruin started, slamming his weapon down where Meli was standing. He dodged. "The Eight Deadly Sins have reached new lows!"

He slammed his weapon down on him again- dodged. He swung at him once more- miss, by a long shot. There was a distance shriek- one from the voice that had pointed out Diane's un-hypnotized state earlier. I still couldn't recognize who it was...

The Holy Knight slammed his weapon down for a final time, striking the captain head-on and forming several large cracks to web out from the ground below where Meli was. Dust sprung up from the force of the blow; I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. Looks like the captain's won... That was boring. Ruin picked him up by the head, staring at him.

"Pitiful," he spat, "To think that the kingdom was terrified by an insignificant, underpowered child."

The man then went flying without warning, his armored body soaring toward Baste Dungeon and forming a large hole in the wall of one of the large towers. The captain ran after him, reaching the Knight in a matter of seconds.

"Looks like the captain's won," I said earlier thoughts aloud, standing up from my sitting position and turning toward Elizabeth and the pig. "And now we've got to get the princess to safety."

"I wouldn't underestimate Ruin. Your Captain is as good as dead," Said a female voice. I turned in the direction from which it came, raising an eyebrow. The familiar, creepy armor that belonged to Holy Knight Fresia was clunking toward us. I rolled my eyes as she lashed her whip.

"You're annoying," Diane huffed, slamming her fist down in the Knight as she stood up. The woman groaned, twitching slightly under the conglomeration that had become of her armor.

I grinned cheekily, giving Diane a thumbs up. She smiled back, wiping her hands against one another as she looked over to Elizabeth and the pig. She frowned lightly.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth... If only I were stronger, I could've protected you." There was that voice again- the one that didn't have a body attatched to it. I looked to where it had originated, but the only thing I saw who was capable of vocalizing was the pig. But pigs can't talk. Who could have said it...?


I dismissed it for now, leaning down next to Elizabeth. Her injuries weren't too extreme- nothing that couldn't be dealt with relatively easily. She was still bleeding, though, which meant it would be preferable to get her somewhere she could get treated. I could heal her, but that'd put too much of a toll on my body- especially after I had been laying low for so long. Dr. Dana's office wasn't to far, though... I'm sure we could make it there pretty quickly.

"We should get her to safety- and hopefully to a doctor," I said to Diane, who was also bent down over the princess. As she began to lift her form the ground, the girl sputtered slightly. Her eyes fluttered open and she stared at us.

"Wait..." She said quietly, "Please... take me to- to Baste with you. Where... where Lord Meliodas... and Lord Ban are... I wish you to help you...."

I raised an eyebrow, looking up at Diane. We both stared at each other for a few moments, silently conversing what the best course of action would be. It took a while, but Diane was the one who finally broke the silence. We had been conversing through our gazes, coming to a decision.

"That's fine," She said, continuing to lift the girl up. "But you're going to stay in my bag so that you can rest up."

"And so we can deal with him," I added, cocking my head toward the adult shepherd, who had apparently been walking around with Ruin. It was extremely unlikely that he wasn't aware of who he was being accompanied by. Judging by that and his reaction to me pointing his presence out, he was well aware of what had happened- and what deep shit he was in.

"Hey!" Said that voice again. I looked down next to me, where the pig was walking toward the man. That pig surely couldn't be the one talking.... The pig started stomping its foot. No way.... "You bastard! You're a knight from Baste aren't you?"

"Wh-what?!" The so-called Shepherd exclaimed, falling backwards and staring at the pig in fear. "No! I'm just an innocent bystander! They.. they made me do this!"

"So none of this is your fault?!" The pig demanded, to which the man responded with several incoherent words and protests.

I was staring at the pig in total disbelief, pointing feebly with wide eyes. "That pig is... it's talking..."

"The location of the captured sin and the doctor's duaghter! Let's hear it!" Demanded the pig, huffing loudly as it stomped its foot harder.

"N-no! You don't understand! If I tell you they'll-they'll kill me!" The man stuttered, backing away from the pig. Diane moved forward, smiling as she slammed her fist into an open palm.

"Would you rather us kill you instead?" She asked, her tone venomously sweet. She then gestured down at Fresia, who was crushed into a pulp of steel and flesh, twitching ever so often. She let out a small groan. The man laughed nervously, glancing around rapidly, most likely looking for an escape route.


"Cough it up, pipsqueak!" The pig threatened, and the man finally gave way, exclaiming in fear as the pig approached him.

"Okay, okay! I'll tell you!" He said quickly, looking toward Baste and pointing at it. "They're in the most secured area of that building, the circle building at the top of the tower on the right-end side. That's all they told me- I swear!"

He glanced between the pig and Diane, who said, "Thank you, Sir. You should probably go back to the village as fast as you can before we change our minds."

With that he sprinted away- with surprising speed for a normal human. It's crazy when fear can do to- and for- people.

"Alright, guys! We should get-" The pig started to say, but I cut him off.

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second," I said quickly, walking toward the pig and kneeling in front of him. I stared at him, seriousness and utter surprise etching my features. "You... you're a talking pig."

"Yes! I am Sir Hawk! Leader of the Knights of Scrap Disposal!" The pig exclaimed, posing dramatically, then adding with a small huff; "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sin Of Despond!"

My eyes lit up as I stared at him- bending over his back and hugging him tightly. "Oh my god! You're a talking pig! That's so cool- this is like a dream come true! I never knew there were pigs that could talk- this is amazing! Please never leave us, you are the most glorious thing that has ever graced this planet!"

I continued to hug the pig as I spouted more excited, but stupid, compliments. It was only when I heard the captain's voice that I stopped.

"Hey guys. Where's Elizabeth?" He asked nonchalantly, looking around for the girl.

Oooooooh~ I think someone liiiikes her~

"She wanted to come with us, so we decided that it would be best if we kept her in my bag for now," Diane said, guesturing toward the animal print backpack, which rested just under her neck and between her shoulder blades.

"Oh. Okay," the captain replied, then looked toward me with a cheeky grin. "By the way, welcome back, (y/n). It's been awhile."

"Thanks Meli," I grinned, finally releasing Hawk. "Too long for my liking."

He nodded, giving me a wider grin before beginning to walk along the path. Diane, Hawk, and I followed along, heading directly for the prison, where the Knights were beginning to prepare for our arrival. We continued to walk in a comfortable silence before Meli finally decided to speak.

"Did you find out where they are?" He asked simply, not bothering to look anywhere but ahead of us.

"Yeah! The shepherd guy said that they were in the 'right-end side'. The top of that tower over there," Diane replied, pointing up at the round structure on the top of the tower farthest from us.

"Guess we should try and get inside then," the captain said, smiling slightly as he looked up at Diane. However, I noticed he wasn't staring directly at her, but at the bag in which Elizabeth was resting. He must really like her.

"You'd think they'd make it harder for us," I sighed, frowning as I kicked a rock off the side of the path. "I mean, they only sent two Holy Knights after us. I would've assumed they wouldn't take our group so lightly.... We are the most wanted criminals in the kingdom, after all."

"They probably have a plan that they think is going to screw us over," replied Meli, rolling his eyes as he turned onto the large, ramp-like structure that lead to the closest entrance to the Dungeon. He was always so nonchalant about everything... it got annoying sometimes. The doorway that the ramp lead to was large enough for Diane to comfortably fit into, and completely empty.

"It's so empty here..." I muttered, looking around the deserted hallway. "You think they evacuated?"

"If they did, it's probably because their boss went flying," the captain shrugged, looking around.

"What a cowardly bunch," Hawk huffed, but stopped. He began sniffing the air, scanning the surrounding area as if he were looking for something.

"What's wrong, Lord Hawk?" I asked, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"I thought I heard something just now..." He muttered, beginning to move forward again, but still examining the room.

Hawk continued to glance around, analyzing the room around us as we walking further into the dark hallway, sniffing occasionally. Meli, Diane, and I continued to walk in silence until the passageway suddenly narrowed to a singular doorway. Diane frowned, looking at me and the captain.

"It's too narrow for me to keep going," She said, "I'll wait here while you guys-"

"HELP! Help me! Please!" Shouted a familiar voice, one that I was sure I knew... All of us turned toward the doorway, where a girl with glasses and a torn dress was sprinting. As soon as she saw us, she slowed to a stop, panting. "I'm the daughter of Dr. Dana from Dalmary. I was improisoned here.."

She started to talk, but needed a few moments to breathe.

"Who?" Diane asked, looking down at her.

I replied with, "Hey Cennette."

Meli muttered a quiet, "Then you're...!"

"That's.. that's besides the point!" She said quickly, before pointing behind her. "That legendary criminal just... he just... he killed a Holy Knight!"

"That's Ban for you..." I muttered, face-palming.

"Ban!" The captain exclaimed, and I looked up. The aforementioned man was walking down the hallway from behind the girl, hands hanging lazily by his side.

"Hey Cap'n."

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