《Just the Baby Momma》3.5
Ashley POV
"Alright and 5,6,7,8.." the pole instructor says as the music blares through the studio. I do the simple routine as I start to feel myself. I bend over and begin to twerk before the music comes to a halt.
"Good job ladies" she says as I collapse to the ground. That's shit is tiring.
" the way you was moving you should've been cane with me" Bri says before grabbing my hand to help me up.
"Ion see how you do it girl" I say walking to my bag before pulling out my sweat pants
"The more you keep doing it the easier it gets" Bri says taking a seat beside me. " so how was your date the other night" she asks taking out her water bottle. By this time it was only us two left in the studio.
" girl I had a great time." I say as I begin to tell her about the night. " but when I got home Israel was there with an attitude" I say as she raises her eyebrow. " so we ended up getting into it... which led to both of us expressing how we felt" I say before taking out my water bottle.
" and what happened" she says as my eyes widen before looking away. "NO..." she says wide eyed before hitting my thigh. " Oh my god...y'all had sex" she says shocked.
" no we did not..." I reassure " well almost but I stopped it"
" bitch why" she says
" I just felt that would complicate things even more... and I'm just confused right now. It's like I want him but at the same time I don't know what he wants ya know. And then theres Michael... he's just ... perfect to be honest." I look down at my nails.
" well girl, you know I can't make the decision for you so you have to do what you feel is best. And by the way you said things went the other night Izzy obviously feels the same way. So just analyze all the factors. You don't have to rush into anything. Like how Michael May seem perfect, but from what you've told me he comes with baggage. Would you want to put up with his crazy gold digging baby momma and the other shit you have to find out. And would you want to put up with Izzy and his groupies on the road. It's all up to you girl don't stress yourself out about it." She reaches over and grabs my hand. This is why I love Bri she is always there for me.
We wrap up and grab our stuff before we head outside to our cars. We say our departures before heading our separate ways. I make it to my apartment with just a bad vibe lingering so I quickly take in my surroundings before hurrying to my door. As I open it up I smell some food being cooked. I wall in to see Izzy standing over the stove stirring something in a pot while holding Aiden.
"Wow look who it is" I say sarcastically. After the other night Izzy has been going to the studio so I haven't really seen him.
"Surprised?" He asked looking back with a smile
"I am" I say before going into my room to take a shower. I allow the shower to warm up as undress and pull out some night clothes for me to wear. After a quick shower, I apply some baby oil and lotion before putting on the silk shorts and top set.
I walk out of the room just in time to Izzy placing two plates on the counter.
" hi bubby" I say to Aiden as I grab him from Izzys arms before heading to the island chairs. I take in the baked chicken, cabbage and yellow rice before picking up my fork.
"i didn't know you could cook" i say taking a bite.
"i can't... my momma brought this by" he says before putting some hot sauce on his food. We eat in silence for a bit as i remember the conversation i had with Bri.
"Ashley" Izzy says breaking me out of my thoughts
"my bad" i say to him
"you good? You was zoned out" he says looking at me
"yeah im fine im just tired from that class i went to" i lie
"for work?" he asks me
"No... it was for dance" i explain before getting up to place Aiden in his bouncer.
"i didn't know you danced ma" Izzy says before eating a piece of chicken.
"oh, i dont. I was just trying pole out" i say getting another napkin before heading back to my seat.
"pole?" Izzy looks at me
"yeah...that shit aint as easy as it looks" i tell him with a slight chuckle. He then clears his throat before drinking some of the water placed in front of him. "you good?" i ask him placing my hand over his back, in case he is choking.
"yeah... im fine" he says looking me directly into my eyes. I break eye contact after a few seconds and begin eating again.
"so how was the studio?" i ask trying to change the subject
"it was straight i think ima put out some new music after while... im supposed to start doing shows again like next month" Izzy says. I didn't know he would be going back to work so soon. After our short conversation i begin to do the dishes as Israel puts the left over food away. I finish the dishes and grab my tired baby as well as a warm bottle.
"its okay bubby.." i kiss his forehead as his eyes slowly close as he falls asleep. After a few minutes i place him inside of his crib before slowly walking out of the room and going to my room. I walk in to see Israel sitting up on my bed looking at his phone.
"Sleeping in here huh?" i joke as i pull the decorative pillows off of my bed so that i can be comfortable.
"you got me fucked up to think im sleeping on that hard ass couch" he says running his tongue over his lip.
"you funny" i say as i pull back the comforter to get under the sheets. I turn off my lamp before laying down with my back towards Izzy. If i was facing him i wouldn't be able to control myself. I feel him get under the sheets and hear the lamp being turned off.
"come here" he says before pulling my waist towards him causing my back to collide with his toned chest. I feel his tongue attach to my neck as he wraps his arms around my frame.
"israel" i say firmly making him stop. "what are we doing?" i ask him turning around to face him
"what you mean" he asks me
"you know what i mean... what are we doing? Like the other night we basically just admitted our feelings to one another and i just want to know where we go from that." i tell him honestly.
"i mean you know how i feel...i want you. So its up to you really since you seem hesitant about it" i bite the side of my cheek as i think as to what to do. I really want Israel but i dont want to hurt Michael. He has been nothing but a good person to me.
"i-i dont want to rush this." i begin. "there's still a lot i dont know about you like a lot you dont know about me. We've never even been on a real date. I dont know if that matters since we have a whole child together but still" i ramble
"ight ma. We aint gotta rush nothing. If you want a date, we'll go on ten before you make your decision." i chuckle at his dramatics. "now give me a kiss" he says as i lean in slowly with him meeting me halfway. The kiss was slow, tender - it was caring yet passionate. Pulling away, he places a kiss on my forehead before i lie down on his chest.
God i hope im making the right decision.
I wake up to an empty bed and the sun barely up. I see Izzy on the balcony through the glass door. I put on my short silk robe before going to check on Aiden. I see that he is still asleep before walking out onto the balcony. As i close the door i see Izzy sitting in the chair i have out there looking directly at me as he smokes. I couldve passed out. I put on my big girl pants and take the only seat available; His lap. I then grab the perfectly rolled blunt out of his hand before taking a puff. As i blow the smoke out i feel a hand going up my thigh.
"Izzy..." i say sternly before passing back the blunt.
"aint nobody finna do nothing to you Ash" he says before hitting the blunt. We sit like that for the remainder of the smoke session in comfortable silence. I haven't smoked in so long i already know i was going to be HIGH.
"dont get too high ashley" Israel says chuckling.
"im a grown woman Israel" i say before hitting it again
"ight" he sighs leaving me alone. I then hear a faint whine as i pull away. I sigh before hopping off of his lap adjusting my rob back into place before going back in to check on Aiden. I turn on his room lamp to see him making a cranky face.
"what's wrong bubby" i say before i smell something foul and scrunch up my face. I pick up my son before placing him on his changing table. After changing him i decide to take him back in the room with me since he was already up.
I walk i seeing Izzy watching cartoons like a child before hopping on the bed. Izzy then grabs Aiden out of my arms which i am grateful for because my body i sore and i am tired. Im glad i dont work tomorrow.
Izzy POV
"Ashley" I shake her for the third time.
"Mhm" she says rubbing her eyes
" get up and go get dressed" I tell her. I'm trying to take her to get some breakfast but by the time she'll wake up it'll be lunch.
" where we going" she sounds out almost in a moan
" just come on ma" I say. As she throws her legs over the side of the bed her breast falls out of her shirt. I take a deep breath before I turn around and leave the room. I go sit on the couch with Santana who is in his car seat whole we wait on Ashley. After about 20 minutes she comes out dressed in a grey jogging suit with her hair pulled up above her head and large black shades on her eyes.
" you ready ?" I ask her as she places some lip gloss on her lips
"Yeah lets go" she says placing her phone in the large Chanel bag I bought her. I grab the car seat before going around her to open the door and walk out onto the hall. As soon as we get to the elevator we see Ashley's ex and his girlfriend or whatever standing there waiting.
"Oh my gosh" they overly ecstatic girl begins. " it's so nice to see you guys again" I try to play it off with a chuckle as I hear Ashley suck her teeth lowly and if she didn't have the shades on you'd see her roll her eyes. We all get onto the elevator. Ashley tries to occupy herself with Santana as I hold his car seat up enough so she can see him.
"Babe we should invite them over sometime you know for like drinks or something" I sigh as I rub my hand over my face. Why won't this girl shut up.
" I don't think we'll be able to you know with our hectic work schedules..." Ashley starts.
"Yeah We've both been working none stop we barely have time to sleep" I say waiting for the elevator to reach the parking deck. I'm tired of this blonde girl. It's too early for the bullshit.
"You guys sure I-" she gets cut off by the opening of the door.
" would you look at that we should go. Nice seeing you" Ashley says with a fake smile before we rush off. "God that bitch is annoying" She says before hopping into the car. I buckle Santana up before going to the drivers side and starting it up.
"When you got this" Ashley says running her hand along the dashboard of the new Tesla model x.
"You like it" i ask her
" I do... it's nice" she says sitting back looking at the windshield that goes over your head. " alright where we going I'm hungry" she says getting comfortable, pushing the seat back a little.
"Dang you can't just ride" I say as I pull out onto the road. Within fifteen minutes we are pulling up to a restaurant named flying biscuit. Ashley does a little dance in her seat before adjusting her cropped hooded jacket. I turn the electric vehicle off before going around to open her door.
"Thank you" she says softly before I close the door and allow the back door to go up so I can get Santana out. I grab the car seat before locking the car and we walk up to the door. I use my free hand to open the door for Ashley before heading in the crowded restaurant. I heard they breakfast was good but these bitches don't take reservations so we gone be in here waiting.
" welcome to flying biscuit. Just two ?" The host says referring to the amount of people.
"Yes" Ashley says
"Okay the wait time is about 10 minutes Could I get a name" she says looking directly at me like Ashley isn't the one talking to her.
"Ashley." She says before we sit down in the waiting area. It isn't long before I see random people staring. I'm used to people recognizing me but I how Ashley would feel.
" you wanna go sit in the car" i ask her in her ear
" I'm fine... it's too late now" she chuckles before she lifts the Santana car seat cover and peaking her head in checking on him.
"Ashley" a waitress calls out as we get up and follow her to a booth. Ashley takes off her large shades before she sits with Santana's car seat on the inside of her side. She then opens up the menu and turning her lip.
" so much to choose from" she says before a group of girls who can't be over 19 come over to the table.
"Umm... I'm sorry but umm could we get a picture with you" one of the girls says. I look over to Ash go make sure she straight.
"You gone make them wait like that damn Izzy" she makes the girls laugh nervously before I hop up and take the pictures quickly. When I sit back down I see Ashley ordered me a orange juice and she has a tea.
" my bad ma" I says sitting back down picking up the menu making sure I know what I want
" you good... that's your job I ain't got nothing to do with that" she says adding cream to the tea before tasting it.
"I just don't want you to be uncomfortable" I grab her hand over the table as she gives a small smile. She pulls away to check on Santana who is making small noises.
" alright are y'all ready to order?" The waitress comes over as we order. I kid you not as soon as she left two more girls come over and ask to take pictures. Of course I don't mind but it get wild when more people start coming over. I ain't even knew people really fucked with me like that. By the time I get back to the table the food it already coming.
" okay now I think we should go. You ain't gone be able to eat if this turns into a full meet and greet" Ashley says as I nod my head in agreement. We wave the waiter down for to go boxes and I pay the bill before we hurry out the restaurant.
" my bad ash, I ain't know that's how that would've turned out" I start the car
" don't apologize, you ain't know" she stays opening up the box containing her food and taking a bite of French toast.
"You mind if we go by my place" I say to her. I need to get some clothes and shit so why not.
"I ain't got nowhere to be so I don't mind" she says pulling out her phone. After a short amount of time I am pulling in my driveway and park in the garage.
Ashley POV
Izzy opens the door for me allowing me to step into the large clean house. We walk through the living room to see Ms. Sharon watching tv.
" oh hey baby" she gets up and hugs me
"Hey Ms.Sharon" I smile.
"Where's my grand baby" she asks me
" in his car seat Ima go change him though" I explain to her. He needs a change of diaper since he went in the car. I gran Aiden from his car seat and go up the stairs to his room where I know he has diaper and such. I admire the modern room once again before placing my son down onto his changing table. As i take is onesie off I notice that his poop was going up his back.
I almost threw up.
He had never had his shit going out of his diaper before so I was shocked. I then begin to take his clothes off and debate whether to just throw them away or wash them.
I grab him and push the door on the side of his room hoping it is a bathroom which it was. I see a baby tub that can fit in the sink so I hurry and place it in there before washing him up with the stuff he had over here.
After washing him I find some clothes in his drawer and begin clothing him.
" y'all good ?" Izzy peeks in
"Yeah your son just had an accident so I had to wash him." I explain. I finish placing him in the full sleeper before going back downstairs. Ms.Sharon sees me coming and sits up before reaching out for him.
" we had a little accident" I laugh before flying to the attached kitchen looking for the food.
" he took all that food upstairs baby" she says to me. I take the chance to heat up a bottle for Aiden because I know he's hungry. After handing it to her I walk back up the stairs to Izzys room. I knock before entering to see him shirtless sitting on the bed with all the food in front of him.
" you gone eat without me... crazy" I say walking towards him. I sit down on the bed before picking up a fork to eat. Izzy put on some Netflix movie while we eat which leads to me getting sleepy.
" you know we can't leave right" he says
" why not" I say taking a sip of my water
" you just gave Santana a bath and it's getting colder outside" he says as realization hits me.
"Damn. I ain't even got nothing with me" I say face palming myself.
"Welp might as well get comfortable" he says as he begins to take the food off of the bed. I take the remainder off as he gets into the bed like he's about to go to sleep. I start to unzip my hoodie but realize I don't have anything under it.
" Izzy you got a shirt?" I ask
" damn I got to put on a shirt in my own-" I cut him off
" nigga for me" I say as he ohs before going to his closet. I peak in as he opens the door and let me tell you I am a slut for a closets and his could make me cry.
He hands the oversized shirt to me as I take off my jogging pants leaving my bike compression shorts before turning around and taking off my jacket placing the shirt on. I fold up my jogging suit on sit in on the couch that is in his huge room before hoping in the bed. I snuggle up against Izzys chest as he wraps his arms around my waist.
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~Book One~"Don't lie to us," Mr. Lincoln muttered, his voice filled with frustration as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him, "Are you alright?"I swallowed forcefully, staying quiet as I looked at him."Are you alright?" He asked with more force, the heat of his breath barely touching my lips as his grip around my jaw moved to my throat.It was like my brain forgot how to speak as I stared him in the eyes. A grin flickered onto his lips, his grip loosening around my neck. My heart was stampeding as I felt Mr. Hayes stand up from behind me, his body heat piercing mine as he let go of my wrist."Are you alright?" He whispered into my ear, his hands gripping my waist as I stood frozen. Lunar Floid - Main Character, Homosexual, Human, Submissive, BottomBook One - PossessionBook Two - CorruptionBook Three - Salvation[[ Doesn't need to really be read in any order but it would GREATLY help to understand things ]]RATINGS;#1 for LGBT --- 5/14/21#1 for BDSM --- 8/10/21#1 for MLM --- 8/21/21, 8/25-30/21#1 for WrittenWithPride --- 9/5-7/21, 10/23-28/21#1 for EatingDisorder --- 11/17/21WARNINGS; ~ Story contains Mature content such as Rape, BDSM, Etc., etc.~ Story also contains LGBT content!
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