《Just the Baby Momma》3.4
OMG we have over 34 thousand reads and are ranked #91 in fiction AHHHHHH. Thank you all so much. I wanted to post this chapter last week but I had finals so y'all bare with me. Also I love reading you all comments btw🥰
Izzy POV
"Santana i know you aint just shit" i look over at my son as he looks back at me. I huff before getting up from the couch and taking him into his room so that i can change his diaper. After i placed his new diaper on i hear my phone ringing from the living room.
"ight damn who calling me" i grab Santana before heading back to the couch.
"hel-" u get cut off by my publicist Jack
"have you checked social media??!" Jack says in a panic
"no why?" i say putting him on speaker as i open the instagram app. The first thing i see is a shaderoom post of Nique.
"Zonnique made a long post on how you drove her to depression and had a baby on her and she is going to commit suicide." he starts "and now im getting notified that she has been admitted to Emory" I rub my hand over my face as i take a deep breath.
"man i dont know why that girl is doing this..." I look over all the comments and mentions i have calling me all types of abusers and how niggas aint shit.
"ill try and get this situation handled...and Izzy" he stop
"yeah man" i sigh
"dont say anything as of right now. Ill talk to the rest of the team and your lawyers to see how we can resolve this" he explains.
"i got it" i say before hanging up the phone. I lean over allowing my elbows to rest on my knees as i stare at the blank tv in front of me. I am taken out of my thoughts by Santana making noises.
" my bad" I look at him trying to put his hands on his mouth. " they tryna hoe ya daddy" I tell him before going to the pantry to find something to eat.
Ashley POV
It's a little after 2 I pull into the parking garage. My supervisor let me leave early today so I wasn't complaining. After the short journey upstairs I open the door to my apartment seeing it is quiet. I go into my bedroom to see Izzy asleep with Aiden laying on his chest. I smile a tad bit before going in my closet and placing on a regular tank top to cook in. After changing I crack the bedroom door a little and go into the kitchen. I quickly decide on some salmon, mashed potatoes and honey walnut green beans. It isn't long before I am placing the salmon in the oven and getting a call.
"Hey girl" I say to Bri through the phone
" hey bitch... how my baby momma doing" she says through the phone
" girl tired. I had a crazy day at work" I begin to explain to her everything that went on. " but I don't want to talk about that no more I actually been meaning to call you." I say to her.
" okay about what girl"
" I want to start taking some pole classes" I explain to her. I haven't been feeling myself lately and I feel like I want to start trying out new things pole being one.
" Bitch Yessss.... oh my god you know how long I've been trying to get you to come with me" she squeals. It's true she's been wanting me to come take classes with her for a while now but I just didn't budge. She lets me know that she'll let me know when the next class is and I agree to come.
" so how's my god baby" she says
" he is great and so handsome." I awe from his little features to his head full of hair I just can't get enough of him.
"That's good and Izzy" she says as I hurry and take her off of speaker.
" damn bitch a warning would be nice"
" my bad hoe" she giggles
" but he's fine..." I say stirring my vegetables.
"Umm... and what else" she says reading me like a book
" nothing else to tell we've been cool I guess. I don't know " I huff. " and speak of the devil" I say lowly as he and Aiden come out of the room.
" well call me back girl." She says before hanging up.
" you back early" he says coming near me allowing me to grab the small baby Before I shower him with kisses.
" yeah I got off early." I say before placing Aiden in his bouncer and returning to the mashed potatoes. We are in a comfortable silence and he is occupied on his phone and I check on the food.
" so I saw Zonnique today ..." I say to him not knowing if he knows but slightly wincing due to the fact I shouldn't even be telling him but nobody'll know.
"Where at"
" the hospital." I say " she was a patient" I tell him as he lets me know his publicist called him earlier.
" yours or somebody else's" he asks
"'Mine...and baby girl was not happy to see me" I explain
" whatchu mean" he asks sitting his phone down
" she kept telling me how it was my fault and shit" I say before sitting a plate of food in front of him and taking a seat beside him. I look down at my food before picking around. I honestly felt had because I didn't want to be the reason someone wanted to kill them self. I jump a little as a large hand is placed on my back.
" it's not your fault... don't let that get to you ma" Izzy says before I slowly nod my head and begin to eat.
"Oh um tomorrow I'm off but I have a doctors appointment in the morning and a date around 6." I say to him watching him freeze out the corner of my eye.
"Huh" he says
"I got a doctors-"
" Naa I heard that Ion think I heard what you said after that. " he says
" I have a date" I say into the silence. He gets ready to say something before Aiden who isn't too far from us begins to whine. " what's wrong, bubby" I say to him before picking him up and returning to the island beside Izzy who gets up and places his dishes in the sink. I watch him move from the kitchen to Aidens room closing the door. I begin to place my plate in the sink with the rest of small bit of silverware. Before wiping down the island counter top with a rag. I move into the living room and turn on the tv to watch power. Halfway through the show Izzy comes out of the room with his designer book bag placed on his back.
" Ima go home for the night... if ion get here in time in the morning yo moms said she'll keep him while you go to the doctor" i nod my head at him before giving a weak smile as he walks towards me grabbing Aiden and speaking to him. "I'll see you later Santana" he says before handing him back to me and heading towards the door.
"Well bubby it's just me and you" I'm not no dumbie and I can tell when somebody is upset of offplaced. It's times like this where he confuses me and I don't know what to think.
I push him to the back of my head and finish watch my show Before feeding Aiden again.
The next day
"Alright everything looks good... and you've decided on the iud correct?" Doctor Jackie asks me as she looks over the chart
" yes ma'am" I answer her
" I suggest we go with the 3 year just to see how it does with your body since your last form of birth control did not work" she explains to me as I nod my head in agreement. Within the next hour the iud is placed inside me and I am on my way home. My music stops playing as someone calls my phone.
" Paris!!" I yell out not taking my eyes off of the road.
"Hey babygirl what are you doing" she laughs
" nothing much leaving the doctors..." I tell her pulling onto the highway
" what you got planned for tonight I want to have a girls night"
"umm... i have a date" i say as she screams through the phone.
"with who?... omg do you have something to wear?... what about hair i can-" i cut her off
"i got it girl. Ive been on a date before and with Michael" i explain to her. She continues her rambles before i have to force her to stop
"well how did Izzy take the news" i roll my eyes
"fine i guess... he can't really feel no type of way so..." i am tired of what other people feel or think so im doing this for me. We continue our conversation until i get to my apartment and we say our goodbyes. I take the elevator to my floor where i walk down the quiet hall to get to my door. I unlock it to here a baby show playing through the living room tv. I walk in and sit my cross body ysl bag onto the counter and wash my hands.
"hey mommy" i say to her as she takes her eyes off of her game on her phone.
"hey baby how are you?" she gets up and meets me half way into a hug.
"im fine ma" i take a seat on the couch before picking up my baby and giving him a kiss.
Izzy POV
I wake up to see some light brown hair along my chest . I automatically hop up and immediately make sure i still have my clothes on (which i do). I pull back the cover and see Diamond waking up.
"aye shawty you gotta dip" i tell her as she stretches
"what's wrong baby?" she says making me look at her crazy.
"dont call me that and why you still here" i grab her stuff. After i left Ashley house last night i said fuck it and called her over. We chilled for a lil bit and i guess we fell asleep. Honestly ion really think i fuck with her like that but its whatever.
"you dont have to be rude i thought we was vibin" she says as i grab my phone seeing that it is a little after 12. "shit" i curse to myself.
"ight... you got everything cause i got somewhere to go" she nods her head before i walk her out of my room. We make it out of my room and down the stairs to see my mom walking to the stairs.
"hey ma'am , im Diamond" this knuckle headed girl says making me continue to push her towards the door. After locking it behind her i head back upstairs. I walk past my moms room where she just shakes her head at me before closing the door. I ignore it and hurry into my room before taking a shower and getting some clothes on to head over to Ashleys.
After about 45 mins i hop in my car and make the short drive to Ashley place. I use the key i have and open the door to see Ashley and her mom on the couch talking.
"well look who it" Melyssa says standing up. "you could've at least called and let somebody know who was watching the baby" she says sweetly.
"my bad... i got caught up" i say hugging her before i look at Ashley who is holding Santana. She allows my to grab him before hugging her mom who is preparing to leave. After her mom leaves the apartment Ashley returns back to the couch and begins browsing through the channels.
"ashley..." i say causing her to turn to me turning her brow upwards. "my bad how i acted last night" i apologize to her
"you good Izzy" she says before settling on hdtv before we return to silence
"what time is your date?" i ask her trying to spark some conversation
"he is picking me up at 7.. so ill start getting ready in a little bit" she explains as i nod my head taking in her appearance. She has on some medium wash jeans with slight rips, a white v neck shirt with the necklace i bought her for her birthday. Her hair is straight and slung over her shoulder. I can't help but to look at her plump breast but i quickly look away so that she doesn't catch me staring.
I look down to see a sleeping Santana in my arms. I take this time to go place him in his crib while he naps. After a few hours of watching house hunters and property brothers with Ashley she gets up and goes to get ready.
Ashley POV
"dont get mad hoe, get a bag hoe.." i sing along to Megan Thee Stallions song hot girl that is playing through my speaker as i do my simple makeup. Im actually kind of nervous. I haven't been on a date in years and i kind of like Michael so i think it'll go well.
I go into my closet and try to find something to wear. It isn't long before i decide on a nude outfit that consists of an almost see-through beige top with ruffles along the deep v cut neckline that show cases my breast and some darker beige wide legged pants. I thought this was better than a dress since it is kind of cold outside. I pair it with a pair of closed toe heels and a matching handbag before exiting the room. As i walk out i see Israel turn his head and his thick eyebrows kneed together.
"it looks bad" i ask shockingly as i turn to the mirror that is hung upon the wall.
"n-no you look fine" he says stumbling over words before picking up Aiden as he walks them towards me. As he comes closer i have to look up due to his height that towers over mine. He looks into my eyes and lick over his lips as i gulp, taking a deep breath. I break the intense eye contact as i grab Aiden from his arms and begin to shower our son with love.
"hey bubby... i dont know if i want to leave you" i say lowly to him turning around towards the mirror. I look up to see Izzy still looking in at me through the mirror and i can't help but to look back. I feel Aiden trying to get to my nipple that is covered at the moment as soon as my phone rings.
"here... this little boy is hungry." i hand Aiden to Izzy before picking up my phone. "hello" i answer.
"hey Ash... im here should i come up?" Michael politely asks.
"no its fine. Im on my way down now." I explain to him before hanging up. "Well im about to head out... bye bubby" i kiss the baby that is placed in Izzys arms before turning to grab my bag and heading for the door. I make my way down to Michaels car to see him standing outside of it with flowers in hand. We hug before he hands them to me and opens the car door.
"you look beautiful, ash" he says getting in as i thank him blushing
"so where are we going?" i ask him as he starts to car up.
"its a surprise, love" he starts up the vehicle.
Izzy POV
"well lil man.. its just me and you." i say to Santana as he looks up from the bottle he is drinking. As soon as i go to sit down i hear a knock on the door causing me to groan. I get up and open the door seeing a happy Alek standing there.
"hey dude what's going on" he says walking in the house.
"wassup Alek" i greet him closing the door. "ashley just left" i tell him
"oh i know. i saw her leave in a car with a man" he says picking Santana up.
"yeah she got a date" i let him know sitting down
"look at you..." he speaks to Santana "growing strong just like Uncle Alek, hm?" he makes Santana smile. "im confused" he blurts out
"about what" i ask
"i just thought you know since you've been over here so much yall were beginning to enjoy each others company and whatnot..." i look at him in confusion
"ion know what you talking about Alek" i play dumb
"come on... i see the way you look at my cousin and the way she looks at you." He laughs. "listen, you dont have to lie to me. Everyone can see it but from the looks of things Ashleys taking a hint by going on that date." he says before playing with the small baby.
"anyways i know there's food her... Ma didn't cook tonight so i figured Ashley did" he says standing up.
"she cooked earlier.. its in the Fridge" i say as he goes into the kitchen leaving me in my thoughts. I've been trying to mask the way that i feel about ashley so that they'll go away but they just get worse. Like last night, i thought having Diamond over would help but all it did was made me want her even more. I keep telling myself she deserves someone better than me ; Michael being a perfect example but i know im lying to myself. Throughout the night i keep thinking about it and i get more and more upset with myself for the way that i have been going about things.
Ashley POV
"I had a wonderful night Michael" i say as the car stops infront of my building.
"im glad you did Ashley, i hope we can do it again" he says looking into my eyes. We went a very nice restaurant which we talked mainly the whole time which i enjoyed. It was calming since i haven't really been out of the house since the baby.
Michael gets out and comes around to open my door as i grab the large bouquet of flowers he gifted me. I thank him again and i depart into my quiet building with a large smile on my face.
As i open up the door to my apartment i see Izzy and surprisingly Alek playing the game in the living room. I guess Aiden is sleeping since they both were focused.
"hey guys"i say as they look to me. Izzy looking upset in particular. I head to the kitchen to place the flowers inside of a vase as Alek grabs his things to leave. "you leaving ?" i pout
"yeah its late i should head home" he says before hugging me and heading out the door. I return to cutting the stems of the flowers as i feel eyes on me.
"you gone talk or just stare at me like a creep" i say not taking my eyes off of the scissors. Still, he does not say anything but comes into the kitchen and leans back onto the counter top crossing his arms.
"how was your date" he say lowly as i scrunch my face a little. I dont know why he has an attitude he was just fine before i left.
"It was great... we went to a very nice restaurant that was owned by a close friend of his and-" i stop looking at him "im sorry did i do something to you" i say bluntly.
"i just dont know why you're telling me about your perfect date" he says sarcastically
"nigga because you literally just asked me... the fuck" i snap at him. "you know what...im tired of this" i begin. "one day you act as if we are just cool friends and then the next you throwing me mixed signals, looking at me and acting like you want me. Then as soon as i make a move 'we can't' o-or 'lets pretend that didn't happen'.And now you have the nerve to be Jealous. Like what the fuck do you want from me im not about to keep playing these with y-" he cuts me off
"you know what ashley... maybe i am jealous. Maybe i do want you. You think i want to keep turning you down? no i dont. I be tryna keep my cool around you but that shit so damn hard Ash. You all i think about even when i leave here; that shit makes me so upset and i dont think you realize that. " he stops and i am speechless... i dont even know what to say in that moment. I needed to get that off of my chest but i didn't know he would say any of that.
We stand there looking at each other in silence. Nothing could be heard but the lowness of the television. I stare into his eyes feeling mine begin to water and my throat begin to dry.
Within what seemed to be the flash of lightening he steps over to me backing me into the counter top before placing his lips over mine hungrily. The kiss was fueled with passion and lust as he place his hand on the back of my neck to be more in control. Things move fast as i am being raised on the counter top feeling a sloppy warm kiss on the left side on my neck causing me to squirm. Izzys hand dips into the seams of my shirt and begins kneading my tender breast pinching the nipple slights as i try to hold back my moans.
"izzy" i moan out
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