《Dear Mr.CEO {COMPLETED}》Secrets


Chapter 23:

I wake up with a start.

Why is it so hot? I stretched my foot out to find coldness.

Hearing a groan, knowing it definitely didn't come from me, I turned my head to see Landon still asleep with his mouth sightly parted.

Not wanting to wake him, I untangled my legs from around his. Before shifting around to face him with his hand still secured around me.

Placing my hand on his chest, I visibly saw him flinch- probably from how cold it felt- before seeing his eyes twitch before he opened his eyes.

I sucked in a deep breath once seeing him awake, he didn't look grumpy at me for waking him up but almost as if it was a relief I was still here.

It was barely light outside and I wondered how much sleep did I actually get, considering that it was dawn.

"What time is it?" He asked me as I felt his hand caressing my back and I shivered from his touch.

"It's-" I stopped, realizing I didn't have my phone on me. "I don't know."

"How did you sleep?"

"Could have been better." And that exact moment I wished I didn't say that.

He removed his left hand from around me and I felt him moved down to my ankle, hooking my leg around him. "Better?"

"No." I lied. "Are we leaving today?"

"Yes we are."

I really mind leaving because the four business trips we had yesterday, I had gotten to see everything I wanted to see. "Shouldn't I go pack?"

"If you want to." He removed his hand again from me again, leaving me with the chose.

"Maybe a few more minutes." He was quite comfortable to sleep next to.

"That's what I thought." I was literally laying on top of him as he got back comfortable.

"I can still leave." I reminded him.

"Alright." He didn't like the sound of that at all, before he was calling my bluff. Closing my eyes, I rested my head on his chest and the feeling of his fingers playing in my hair made me fall back asleep.

My body woke me up again, but this time I was alone. Sitting up, I looked around his room to see if he was still present but sadly to my disappointment he was nowhere to be found.

Rubbing my eyes, I threw the cover off of me to stand up to leave but hearing the sound of the shower running I knew actually where he was.

Flushing of knowing what requires of a shower, I quickly took my leave of absence.

I retrieved my phone from Adaline's room to see that it was 10:30 in the morning before going to my room. My body was not okay with the time change and I could feel it.


It took me a minute to pack all of my things back where I had them, after that chaotic mess I made yesterday. "Well look who's up." I heard his voice. I never knew a mans voice would make my knees turn into jelly just by his sound.

"Glad you noticed." I walked into the bathroom for no particular reason. "When are we leaving?" I asked him, once I regrouped myself and I had enough courage to walk back out.

"Around 1:45." He was once again dressed in casual clothes. "I have a meeting to get to when we get back."

"It takes almost 7 hours to get back to California." Why would he go to a meeting that late? "You never stop working do you?"

"No, not really." He took his phone out to check a message he received before putting it away again in his pocket. "What's wrong?" I stood there quietly, not saying anything.

"Nothing." I was startled that he was paying attention. "It's nothing!" No it wasn't.


"Yes?" I yawned out of the blue.

"What's wrong?" He pressed this time and I really didn't want to tell him what was on my mind.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I tried to submerge the issue in cement and hoping it would dry quick enough.

He obviously didn't take the hint. "What's bothering you?" Damn was he persistent. And this little spot I found on the floor became interesting to look at.

His forefinger found my chin- titling it up- forcing me to look at him. "When someone tells me their fine, they usually aren't but this time I want to know."

"Why because it's me?"

"Exactly." He dropped his hand to his side, releasing me.

"It's stupid really." Waving it off.

"Well tell me what you think is stupid." I almost laughed out how foreign that sounded coming from his lips. "Well." He encouraged me to tell him what was on my mind and I sighed before just blurting it out.

"Once we land back in California, we won't be the same."

"I'm not following."

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you." I tried to step away from him but his hand snaked out to stop me.

"Okay, can you break it down for me? Communication is key here."

"Like us." I gestured between us. "We work together. I'm your personal assistant and you're my boss."


"Okay?" I was baffled that he wasn't understanding me.

"Okay what's the problem?"

"That's the problem."

"That I'm your boss?"

"No that we work together and whatever this is, is going to have to remain professional."

"Okay, that's not a problem for me." I eyed him.


"Well not that much."


"Embre there's nothing we can do about it."

"I could ignored you."

"How when we work together? And besides I know you won't."

"Shouldn't you go pack?"

"I should." He shrugged and I bounced lightly on my toes.

"Are you going to go... you know pack?" I ask him, awkwardly gesturing my hand to the door.

"You're trying to get rid of me."

"No! I mean- that's not..."

"You think too much."

"I know." I say, guilty for having that trait.

"Thank you." I raised my eyebrows up at his sudden courtesy. "For staying."

I knew there was a double meaning behind what he said a couple of hours ago. "No problem." Hearing his phone ring, he cursed under his breath.

"Yes?" He answered his phone and he took his leave of absence and I left to go see what Adaline was doing.

"You know its too early in the morning to be dancing around." I tell her once seeing her dancing around. She jumps at the sound of my voice she grabs the remote turning down the music.

"Maybe I'm a morning person.." I cocked my head to the side, folding my arms in the presence. "I just totally lied."

"You know we are leaving soon right?"

"Yeah I know, Mr Hale came and told me."

He did?

"Are you almost done?"

"Barely." She says, slouching her shoulders.

"You need help?" I offer.

"Sure." She perks up at my words. I didn't really believe she was going to say yes, but knowing I couldn't take back my words back I helped with the rest of her things.

"You packed a lot."

"It's not that much, besides you brought two suitcases."

"Do you want to go grab breakfast?" I ask, once seeing that we had enough time to eat.


Going downstairs and into the kitchen and I open the fridge, looking at the items. He must have had this placed stocked with food. Grabbing the food I thought would be good enough to cook. "Is eggs, toast, pancakes, and bacon, good?" I ask Adaline.

"Yeah, I'll make the toast and bacon, after all my diner skills should come back to me."

Leaving me with the eggs and pancakes, we went around the kitchen- her standing by the toaster most of the time- it didn't take long to finish.

"Morning ladies." I heard Landon entering the kitchen, while I slide the last of the eggs on to a plate.

"Are you hungry?" I ask him, trying to make some conversation.

"Yes." Turning my head, I saw him sitting on the stool while eyeing me up and down and I realized I was still in my sleeping clothes.. just great.

"I'll be right back I want to call Josh."

"Are you done making the food?" Hinting at her to stay.

"Yep," She grins before skipping off, leaving me with Landon. She either got the hint or she didn't know.

Turning back to the stove, I didn't hear any movement or a sound from behind me and I was wondering did he leave as well. So nobody was going to appreciate the food?

I saw him before I felt him, when seeing his hands either side of my body. "Landon." I squealed.

"I didn't know you could cook."

"I'm not the best at it." I had to tell him the truth so he wouldn't be expecting gourmet dishes all the time. I slipped at out of his embrace.

Adaline walks back in the kitchen with a bright smile on her face, she ignored me and Landon as she went and grabbed a slice of bacon she cooked. "Alright lovebirds, can we eat?" She asked and my eyes widen at her like saucers.

You've got to be kidding me.

It was silent from then on and Landon took his leave of absence first after helping clean- which shocked the hell out of me- to answer another phone call.

"We should go get our stuff." And we left to go just that.

I stopped in my tracks after hearing his laughter fill the hallway and Adaline continued on to her room.

"I can book us a place to meet up." He added, he chuckled again before adding. "I miss you too."

He missed someone?

So many other questions popped up into my head. "That's what you get." I mumbled to myself, clearly already thinking the worse- he was Landon Hale for Christ sake.

Changing into my jean shorts and my red hoodie I slipped on my converse before zipping the suitcase I opened to change my clothes. I carried both my suitcases by the handle out into the hallway, I gave a quick glance back to see if I left anything.

Turning back, I saw Landon exiting his room. And heaving a sigh I tried pretending as if I didn't see him. "Hey." I heard him call out to me and I grimaced before turning to face him.

"Yes?" I didn't mean for it to come out sounding like I was irritated but it above me now to change my tone of voice.

"Okay and what did I do?" It wasn't hard to detect a pissed off women.

"Nothing." Absolutely nothing. He stepped in front of me once seeing me retreating away from him. "Please move." I was not the the mood for all of this right now.

"Later." There won't be a later.

With an exaggerated pull on my suitcases, I walked downstairs and outside to the car ready to go back home.

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