《Dear Mr.CEO {COMPLETED}》Mixing Business With Pleasure


Chapter 18:

"Where we headed?" I asked, sparking up a conversation.

"To Singletons headquarters, I have a meeting with him."

"So how many times have you been to New York?"

"This will make my 7th time today, you?"

"It's my first time."

"Have you ever travelled anywhere else?" I asked, my eyes following the towers before I couldn't anymore.

"Yes I have." Damn did he not talk much.

I then grow curious. "So a few days ago when we were in your office..." I start off soon pausing after. Maybe I shouldn't ask, he was probably going to shut down from talking to me.

"Yes?" He pressed for me to continue.

So I just went for it. "Who was that lady? I mean I know she is your mom and all. But what happened?" If that was his mother, why was he talking to her like that?

"That's a long story preferably for another time." He dismissed it as he shifted a little in his seat; must be a sensitive topic. The air seemed tense after that, the air conditioning was working just fine but I felt as if was sitting in a sauna with no way to get out.

"Oh Landon.." I remembered I didn't bring any supplies with me. "I know this may sound bad and all but I kind of.. left my stuff back at the office- Well I mean your office- and I wanted to let you know beforehand-"

"Embre, there's supplies in the building. Stop worrying so much."

"Me worrying? Never." I took a deep breath, sitting back, so I was good to go then.

The conversation died away after that and I was grateful that he had turned on some music to keep us company and speaking of which...

"I don't need no problems with nobody, I know how to get that, I don't follow me I just need a moment fuck and leave.. you can say you had it all, no strings." Tinashe sung and my eyes widen before turning to see Landon's facial expression.

"Who would have thought." He laughed before turning the radio station. "Not a fan?"

"Oh no I am, my favorite song is Party Favors and.." Why did I just say that.

"Oh?" He was stunned before he showed his pearly white teeth. "Maybe we should listen to it."

"Maybe we shouldn't." My hand caught his, seeing he wanted to connect with the Bluetooth.

"Why?" He didn't move his hand, instead he took ahold of my hand resting it between the armrest.

"It's just not the typical song you would listen to."

"I listen to all different types of genres, you'll be surprised."


"That's not what you're into right?" He shoot me a side eye before focusing back on the road.

"No, it doesn't float my boat."

"And what does float your boat?"

"Hip Hop, R&B, a little bit of rap here and there and soul."

"Seems like you were made just for me." He let the words flow out of his mouth like water.

"Yeah just maybe." I took the chance and I must have did something right, feeling his hand grip mine once before he let go.

We arrived fifteen minutes later. "You're not cold?" He asked once we stepped out and I could see the smoke coming out of his mouth from it.


"A little cold never hurt anybody." I walked side by side with him. "Why you don't like it?"

"It's in the middle of February, spring is near."

"Is that your favorite season?"

"No, fall." He lowered himself down once we reached the door, pulling it open. "You might want to lower your skirt Miss Daniels." He murmured into my ear and my face heated up right on time.

Using my left hand, I brought my pencil skirt back to normal. "So what will this meeting be about?"

"Business deal of course, a negotiation of course." His demeanor seemed to change as we entered the building, he was the boss after all.

We approach a reception lady, but Landon didn't stop walking. "Landon Hale, meeting with James Singleton." He told her, cutting right to the chase.

I smiled apologetic to her as I quickly tried to follow after him. But with his strides he was already at the elevator.

He seemed to relax when we stepped in. Classic music started to play as soon as he pressed the button. It was silent for only five seconds. "This brings back a memory."

"Don't you dare." And just like that, the elevator felt charged up again like a a positive and negative battery found each other.

"Don't I dare do what?" He taunts me, he buttoned up his suit jacket before taking a step close to me. "Kiss you?"

"That can't happen again, and besides you barely know me." I reminded him.

"But you want it to happen again, don't you?" Why does he make everything so difficult.

I give an honest opinion. "I don't know." I looked to the number, remembering how I wanted him to kiss me earlier. The left side of me was pushed and I began to protest. "Hey!" He backed me up against the wall, his hands on the opposite sides of my face.

I turned my head away. "Embre my eyes are up here." It was a mere whisper but from how close he was, someone would think I was deer getting caught by a lion.

"Shh." I brought my forefinger to touch his lips before snatching it back once feeling his tongue trace over it. "I don't need everyone knowing my name."

The moment was ruined after hearing the ding before the elevator doors released us, slowly bringing his hands down, he exited and two people walked in eyeing me and I left in a rush after him.

"Mr. Hale."

"What room?"


"Thank you."

The old Landon was back, and in full action like what just happened was nothing. We approach the door and he pushed it open like he owned the place.

We were met by four businessmen- one I'm assuming was Mr Singleton.

"Landon nice of you to join us." A man jokes, he looks to be close to his thirties, tan skin with blue eyes, his hair kemp not that all appealing to look at.

"Let's talk business James." He unbuttoned his suit jacket before taking a seat. "This is Embre Daniels, my new personal assistant."

"What happened to Miss Jones?"

"Does it matter?" He snapped. "But if you must know I gave her a better position." He scooted his chair back before standing back up. "Where is paper around here?"

"Nia, can you go fetch that for me?" There was another girl in the room? I could have been struck by lightning seeing a male claim the name.


He handed Landon a pad and pencil and he came back over to were I was sitting. "Thanks."

Landon clears his voice snapping everyone out of their thoughts and I looked to see them eyeing me like I was the last piece of meat left at a hamburger joint. "Business gentlemen." They looked away ashamed.

"Right." Mr. Singleton clicked his tongues before grabbing the remote that was in front of him.

"If we partner up, we can spilt it 50/50 of course." He sat the remote down and we watched the PowerPoint slide and my eyes roamed trying to catch every little detail- it was the small details that mattered according to Miss Jones, there was always something fishy with the words that weren't in bold.

It was a car dealership and it made me proud seeing he was branching out and doing other things instead of just one, it was a good investment to me and a easy way to make money. "Mr Hale." I tugged on his jacket and he turned his head only a degree not wanting to miss anything but I had him covered. "I think you should do it."

My input didn't matter so I don't know why I gave it but with a nod of his head, he turned back. "Go back to the last slide."

And from the corner of my eye I see one of the businessmen slump in his seat but not before he had swallowed hard, what was he going on about?

"No deal." Landon interrupted against my better judgement. "It was a pleasure doing business with you gentlemen for all of ten minutes of a waste of my time- I came all the way out here to sign bullshit papers when they could have been mailed to my building."

"But Landon-"

"I am not your friend, my last name is Hale. You can use it." He sized Mr Singleton up, before scoffing. "Let's go." He directed that at me before turning back to the men. "Please don't waste my time again."

Taking the pad away from me, he tore off the page I was using before ripping it to shreds. "We won't be needing this anymore."

But all the hard work I just did-

"Mr Hale." Mr Singleton called out to him, hoping he would stop. "Wait, that was a misunderstanding that can be fixed it's absurd-"

"No." He ushered me out of the office before turning back to them. "It's absurd that you give gentlemen are walking snakes, and you my friend are working with the best, I hope you enjoyed writing in ink."

And with that we took our leave. "What happened? I thought it was going well."

"There's much for you to learn." He pressed the elevator button. "You ever wondered why there were different fonts to write in?"

"Yeah but I didn't-"

"Because you weren't paying attention, it's not your fault but it was mine for not catching it sooner." Oh.. I had distracted him.

"What was it that made you not want to?" I asked, our body's jointed a little as we descended down the elevator.

"35%? I must have worn a clown outfit today." He rolled his eyes. "Bastard."

"Oh so it was a sell out."

"Yes ma'am."

"Please don't call me that."

"What should I call you then?" He caught my slip up and I knew he did it on purpose to get a direct answer from me.

Formal or our names.

The elevator doors open. "I'm good with Embre if you are." I stepped out.

"I am."

"Good, then I'm giving you permission to use it."

"Are you giving me permission to something else?" He flirted and I couldn't stop myself from flicking him off.

"I will soon."

I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.


"So how did it go?" Adaline asks, a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, she reminded me of Regina.

After three more meetings that we had to attend together it was finally 3 in the afternoon.

Landon goes into his room, taking off his suit jacket along the way. "I think it went great, but I can't confirm anything yet." I answered Adaline, slipping out of my heels to hold them in one of my hands.

"You wanna go swimming?" Adaline asked out of the blue. Right now?

"There's a pool?"

"Yeah, I checked the place out."

"Didn't you just have ice cream?" I asked her, stating the obvious of what she is eating.

"Oh boo who, I will take the risk of getting 'cramps'." She was more open and her personality taken me aback.

"Okay your funeral."

"So is that a yes? I have been dying to try on this cute set I bought, please?" She pleads, trying to give her best puppy dog face.

"Okay, Okay" I say, holding one of hands up in surrender.

"Okay lets go." Rubbing my eyes from feeling drained, I followed after her to her room.

"What are you doing? Go get dressed."

"Right..." I turned already embarrassed. "I knew that." Searching for my bikinis in my suitcase- one of them was black with lace hanging from the top and bottom, and the other one a covered in yellow and gold flowers, I decided to go with the second one after all I was in a good mood today. Grabbing my coverall and slipping on some shorts I was good to go.

Wait no I wasn't.

Grabbing my sunscreen and the sunglasses Landon gave me and slipping on my sandals I was set.

"Adaline are you ready?!" Calling out to her.


"Okay!" My phone then became interesting to me even though no one texted me besides Regina.. and speaking of her I looked to see she left me on read..

"Okay. I'm ready."

"Where are you two going?" I heard his voice from behind me, it wasn't becoming a shock to me anymore.

"Swimming?" I said it more like a question as I turned to face him.

"Okay, have fun."

"Would you like to join?" I ask, hoping he would take a break.

"I would, but I can't." I look at him with confusion written all over my face.

"I have work."

"Well can work wait?"

"Sadly no, I have money to make."

"Yeah okay mr. millionaire."

Walking down the stairs and away from him I saw Adaline in the most biggest hat. "Let's go soak up some sun." Adaline shrugs her shoulders up and down with doing a little dance move, causing me to snicker at her.

Linking arms we walk out to go soak up some sun.

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