《Beach Baby》chapter 38 | fight




I'm nervous because of what Kai's dad has said to Kai.

I'm also nervous to see what the rest of the night holds for Kai, Laila and I.

We step further inside after what Kai's dad said.

I adjust Laila on my hip and hold her tighter to me as we make our way to the couch to sit down.

I sit down and put Laila on my lap as Kai sits next to me and clutches my hand tightly.

Charlotte comes into the room and sits on the couch opposite to us.

Then Kai's dad comes.

He sits on the chair by the couches.

"So, I see you have lived out to the disappointment I always knew you would be," Kai's dad says as he glares at me.

"Warmest welcome to you Matt," Kai says bitterly.

"Don't get smart with me boy," Matt says as he clenches his fist.

I just roll my eyes at him.

He catches the movement as he turns to look at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me when your just some common whore my son got pregnant and now he is stuck with you," Matt says as he glares at me.

"Don't speak to her like that," Kai says as his nails dig into the palm of his hand.

Laila starts to squirm closer to me as she wraps her arms around my neck.

I put my arms around her and hug her to me.

"Am I wrong? You fuck anything that move as I've heard. Who's to say she isn't the only one you got pregnant," Matt says.

"I don't do that anymore and I stopped a little over a year ago. I didn't get Aulora pregnant," he says and his dad stares at him.

"You mean to tell me you are trying to be a hero so you date someone who already has a kid. Are your stupid? It's not even your fucking baby," he asks Kai and Kai glares at him.

"She is my baby," Kai says dismissively and it warms my heart.

"No she's not. Does she even know who the father of her baby is?," Matt says as he stands up.

"She's probably a fucking whore who spreads her legs for anyone and doesn't even know the father of her child. She couldn't even wait til she wasn't a teenager to have kids," Matt continues.

Kai just stares at him as his eyes are filled with rage.

"I need to go get some water," Kai says and walks out of the room.

I look to Charlotte and see her giving me a sympathetic look.

"You won't even defend yourself," he says as he stares at me.

I just sit there holding Laila as she clings onto me and try's to get closer to me.

"There is no point when you've already made up your mind about me," I say gently.

He shakes his head.

"You are just a slut like Kai's mother," he says as gets spinned around by Kai and punched in the face.

Charlotte slaps her hand over her mouth and stands up to try and break them up.

Laila just starts crying as she sees Kai punching his dad as Matt is on the floor.


I just sit there in shock as I hold onto Laila.

I don't know how to break this up...

"KAI GET OFF HIM," Charlotte yells as she stands by the couch.

Kai ignores her and continues to punch him as blood drops down Matt's face.

Matt groans in pain as his head whips to the side my an aggressive blow Kai delivered to his face.

"SERIOUSLY BOYS STOP THIS NOW," Charlotte yells and no one listens to her again.

By now Charlotte is yelling at them to stop as Kai yells at his dad.

I am standing away from them as Laila cries loudly.

I almost thought Kai would have killed Matt if Laila didn't scream.

"DADA," Laila yells and Kai's eyes widen and he turns to her and sees her crying.

His face immediately fills with regret and sadness.

He gets off of Matt and stands up and walks over to me and Laila.

He puts his hands out to hold Laila and I pull her away from him so he can't hold her.

His eyes flick to mine as they fill with sadness and hurt.

"Wash your hands first. I don't want blood all over our baby," I say.

I grab Laila's pacifier and put it into her mouth to stop her from crying before I grab Kai by the collar of his shirt and pull him behind me.

I take him to the bathroom and sit him on the toilet with the lid down.

I grab the first aid kit and make sure that I have Laila secure on my hip before walking back to him.

I put the kit on the counter and grab alcohol wipes.

"You are stupid for fighting him right now," I say as I wipe off his knuckles.

"Well I wasn't going to let him talk to you like that. I told you before I'll defend you when you don't defend yourself," he says to me as he stares at me.

The corners of my mouth lift a little.

I can't take anything serious when I hear Laila whine every once in a while.

I add some cream to his hand and bandage it up and making him annoyed because he thinks he doesn't need the bandages.

He stands up and reaches for Laila as she happily leans towards him.

When she's in his arms she lays her head on his shoulder and holds onto him tightly.

We walk back into the living room to see Matt still laying on the floor as Charlotte sits on the couch sipping her tea.

I grab some alcohol wipes and throw them on his face before sitting back down.

I sit down on the couch and Kai sits next to me with a very clingy Laila.

"So, for dinner I was thinking chicken Alfredo or something. What do you guys think?," Charlotte asks as Matt coughs on blood.

"That sounds great, guess what Laila did today," I say happily to Charlotte.

"What did she do?," Charlotte says happily.

"Well it wasn't today but she did eat some real food. It was Chick-fil-A and she really liked it," I say happily.

"That's good! So she can eat dinner with us?," Charlotte asks and I nod my head.

"Do you want to help me cook dinner?," Charlotte asks me and I nod.


We all walk to the kitchen and step over the sperm donor on the floor.

Kai sits on the counter with Laila in his lap and I stand by the stove waiting for his mom to tell me what to do.

"So first we're going to make the sauce," she says and tell me what I need to add to the pan to make the Alfredo sauce.

The sauce starts to cook as she stands by the stove and I stand there.

Kai grabs the belt loops of my jeans and pulls me in between his legs as my back is to his chest.

He hands me Laila and I hold onto her as he wraps his arms around my waist.

I am so in love with this man.

"So, how was your trip?," Charlotte asks me.

"It was pretty good. We both almost died but like it was pretty good," I say and she laughs.

Laila is currently asleep as I hold her to where her stomach is against my chest and her face is smushed into my chest.

I hold my arm under her butt and across her back.

I slowly rock side to side as Kai holds onto me.

Laila keeps letting out little snores. So cute.

"Okay the sauce is done but since your busy holding Laila I got the rest," Charlotte says happily.

She grabs some pasta and boils the noddles.

When the noodles finish she adds them to the sauce and serves plates for everyone including sperm donor.

I slowly walk to the table and sit down in the chair while Kai sits next to me.

Matt walks in and looks cleaned up and sits at the table.

Charlotte comes back and gives everyone their plates except Matt.

"You can serve yourself your old enough," she says to him and he rolls his eyes.

I thank Charlotte for the food and she says we can eat without Matt being at the table.

I take a bite at the food and hood back a moan because Charlotte is such a good cook.

When Laila hears the sound of plates she wakes up and looks around.

When she sees the food on my plate she smiles before bouncing up and down in my lap.

I take a little noodle and put it in her mouth as she chews on it happily.

She starts to growl for more as she has the noodle in her mouth like she's starving.

I take a quick bite before giving her one.

It goes like that until the dinner is over.

We all engaged in conversation besides Matt who sat silent because no one wants to talk to him.

By the end of the dinner I just want to be home with Laila and Kai.

"Bye Charlotte thank you for dinner. Matt, I hope I never see you again," i says and walk out the house.

I strap Laila in her seat and get into the car.

Kai comes back and gets in quickly.

I drive home in silence because I truly believe that we are just stunned into silence.

We make it to Kai's apartment and we all get out.

We walk into his apartment that smells like cherries and it smells clean.

He walks to the fridge and gets me a water before kissing my head.

"Want to stay the night here?," he asks me and I nod my head happily.

"I have a big shirt you can wear because it will get to hot to wear sweatpants and stuff," he says.

He leads me to his room and grabs a big shirt for me to wear and takes Laila to the room and sits her onto her bed.

I strip to my underwear as Kai watches me lustfully ad I slip the shirt on.

I walk back to the bed and sit down next to him before he starts talking.

"I want to go on a date tomorrow since we haven't been on one in a while," he says and I smile.

"Okay, to where?," I ask him and he shakes his head.

"It's a surprise," he says.

"Okay whatever that is fine but is it like something fancy?," I ask curiously.

"I mean you can wear a dress if you want but it's up to you but we are going to a fancy dinner," he says and I nod my head.

"Are you ready to go to bed tonight. I'm tired and I never want to see my father again," he says to me and I nod.

"I'm tired," I say with a yawn.

"Where can Laila sleep?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"She can sleep on the bed with us," I say to him and he smiles.

He lays on his side and puts Laila infront of his chest and holds onto her.

I just lay by myself on the side of the bed because Kai isn't touching me at all.

Kai and Laila fall asleep quickly and I stay awake.

I can't fall asleep unless he cuddles with me and he currently isn't.

It's currently 3 am and I keep tossing and turning.

"Why are you still awake baby?," he asks me and I just shake my head.

I would feel embarrassed telling the real reason.

"Just can't sleep," I say timidly.

"I know when your lying," he says as he stares at me.

"I can't sleep because your not cuddling with me," I say as I blush and he nods his head.

He moved Laila infront of my chest and pulls me back to where my back is against his chest.

He nuzzles his face into my neck and falls back asleep.

Then I fall asleep right after.


Here's chapter 38!

Not tik tok banning my pfp because It said tatum is my slut. Get it ig?

Thank you so much for 270k reads on here I really appreciate it so much!

Me waking up to the most violent stomach ache and people talking to me that I can't hear because I was dead asleep only for them to say they got me a burrito.

Thank you for 1.25k followers here and 2.4K on tik tok and tagging me in videos about my book those are my favorite notifications.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter see you next time! Thank you for reading! I love you -addyson <33

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