《Beach Baby》chapter 37 | snowboarding




I am excited to go snowboarding.

I actually am really good at and and enjoy doing it.

I used to go snowboarding as a kid a lot and it was always my favorite thing to do.

I think I can take Laila with me and hold her while I move around.

I walk back to the room to get ready in the big snow suit thingy i don't know what it's called.

The suit:

(Choose what you want!)

I quickly dress laila into her little snow suit.

Laila's outfit:

I come back into the living room and see that everyone else is dressed.

Kai is in the bathroom.

I adjust Laila on my hip so she doesn't fall and go to sit on the couch as we wait for him.

Me and Laila are matching in black suits.

I look to the door and see Kai come out in a matching black suit too.

He walks over to the couch and sits next to me and Laila.

"Can you snowboard?," I ask him and he scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure," he says nervously.

He can't.

"Greyson, I always leave you with Laila I'm sorry but can you snowboard with her while I help kai?," I ask him and he happily nods.

I hand him Laila and he puts her on his hip then grabs sams hand and walks out of the cabin.

Everyone else makes their way out until it's just me and Kai.

I grab his hand and walk out of the cabin.

Once we get our I grab two snowboards.

One for him and one for me, then we put them on.

He stands up and starts to wobble as I stand up and grab his hands.

"You need to focus on your feet not me, okay?," I ask him and he nods.

"It's very hard when your so beautiful, sunshine," he says teasingly.

"Shut up," I say and roll my eyes.

"Yes ma'am," he says.

"Anyways I'm just gonna snowboard and you hold into me and mirror what I'm doing," I say and he nods his head.

I hold both his hands and start to snowboard quickly.

He looks at me feet the whole time and mirrors the movements.

After a few minutes I let go so he can do it himself and he falls face first on the snow.

He just lays there face buried in the snow.

"Get up," I say and he stays there.

"What is it going to take you get you to get up?," I ask him angrily.

"Well being inside of you is a start," he says and I roll my eyes.

"You already were today so no," i says and he groans before slowly getting up.

I grab both of his hands to help him up but apparently I pull him to far as he topples over on me and I smack onto the floor.

He lands on top of me.

He is very heavy.

"Get your fat ass off of me," I say amusingly.


"You're so comfy," he says and pushes himself further on me.

"I can't breathe," I say.

"Lemme teach you okay? In through the nose and our through the mouth," he says teasingly.

"You won't wake up tomorrow if you don't get off of me right now and that is a promise," I say.

"Since you're having a attitude your not getting any dick for the rest of the month," he says and gets up.

"That's a fat lie. You're the one who attacks me viciously like a animal," I say being dramatic.

"Last time I checked you begged for me to be inside of you," he says and I clamp my mouth shut.

"You got me there," I say with a laugh.

I smile sweetly at him before pushing him as he falls on his back in the snow.

"Learn how to skate back to the house since you don't know how to take off the snowboard," I say and board away.

"OKAY BABY IM SORRY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME," I hear him yell from a few feet away as I just ride away.

I feel bad for leaving him there.

I skate back to him and see he's still laying there.

I look at him and he looks at me.

"You came back?," he asks and I nod my head.

I kneel down next to him help him take off his snowboard.

He gets up and dusts himself off.

"Let's go, you're a big baby. You can't even snowboard," I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Sorry miss Olympic snowboarder," he says and I smile.

"What if I were to tell you that my boobs are currently leaking into my shirt," I say amusingly.

"Then I would tell you to go get your specimen and feed her," he says and i nod my head.

"I could pump instead," I shrug as we walk back to the cabin.

"What are we doing now?," he asks me and I laugh.

"I want to build a snowman with Laila," I say.

"Okay that could be fun. But can I toss Laila on the snow?," he asks me and I stare at him.

"If it doesn't hurt her then go for it," I say and he nods his head.

We make our way back to the cabin to get stuff to make the snowman.

I pump quickly and then get the stuff that I need.

I grab the carrot and a hat and a scarf and then walk back outside.

I walk outside and see that Kai is holding Laila as he waits for me to come back.

He then picks her up and throws her in the snow as she starts to laugh loudly.

I just smile at them.

He picks her up again and keeps throwing her in the snow as she keeps laughing so loudly.

I start to roll the snow and make it into a ball for the base of the snowman.

No one is even helping me...


I take more of the snow and add it on top of the ball to make it bigger.

I then make the second one but make it slightly smaller then the first one.

I then take another one and make it even smaller for the head.

I grab some rocks and make a smile and eyes.

I grab Laila as kai hands her to me and I give her the carrot.

She moves forward and puts the carrot in the face and smiles.

I sit her back down onto the snow and put the hat and the scarf on the snowman.

I then add sticks for the arms.

"He looks very beautiful," kai says as he comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Yeah because I made it. You didn't even help me at all," I say and roll my eyes at him.

"I was playing with baby sunshine," he says and pulls my tighter to him.

"Whatever," I say and turn around.

I peck him on the tip of his nose before picking up Laila and taking her inside.

Once we get inside I get her out of her snow suit and set her on the ground.


It's the next day and we are loading our stuff into the cars so that we can come back home.

We are in the same cars as last time with Oliver and Lorenzo behind us.

Me and Kai and Laila are in the middle.

Greyson and Sam are in the front while Greyson is driving.

We start to drive back home.

Laila is asleep in her car seat and I'm in the middle again sitting next to Kai.

I told him my hands were to sweaty to hold them so he's holding my wrist.

"Why do you need to hold a part of my body when I'm right next to you?," I ask him.

"Because I want to and it's brings me comfort," he says and I just smile at him.

"I'll keep that in mind," I say and give him my hand.

He doesn't take my hand he just pulls me onto his lap.

I never get personally space with a clingy boyfriend and baby.

I am sitting to where I'm straddling his lap as he wraps his arms around me tightly.

I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes to fall asleep as he rubs circles on my back with his thumb.

I slowly fall asleep.


I wake up to Kai carrying me into my apartment.

I open my eyes and look up at him.

"Are you staying the night tonight?," I ask him as he sets me done on the bed.

"Umm, I was hoping you would come with me to see my dad at my moms house. Have someone watch Laila because I don't want him to be around her," he says and looks anxious.

"Of course I can come with you. I hate leaving Laila with Greyson all the time but if it's better I can," I say to him and he nods.

"I think you could take her. I don't think he'll act stupid in front of a baby," he says and I nod my head silently.

I pick Laila up from the bed and take her to her closet to get her dressed to go.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

I got her dressed in a skirt and little jacket with her little air forces.

I then got myself dressed.

(Choose as you wish!)

I got myself into a hoodie and jeans and white air forces because I want to not look so bad to meet his other parent.

The airforces:

(Choose what you want!)

I put Laila on my hip and walked back into my room and to Kai.

"We're ready, are you?" I ask him and he nods his head and kisses my temple before grabbing my hand and walking to the car.

I strap Laila in and then we both get in before we drive to his moms house.

His mom is letting him meet us there because she doesn't want to go in public with him or to his house.

I love Charlotte.

It doesn't take long before we make it to the house.

I don't have to feed Laila because I fed her before I got dressed and I changed her diaper.

It's time to meet his dad.

We all walk up to the door as Kai holds my hand tightly and I have Laila rested on my hip.

Kai knocks on the door and Charlotte answers with a smile on my face when she sees me and Laila.

Her smile grows wider when she sees Kai.

I love Charlotte so much I could kiss her face so many times.

"Hi darlings," she says and hugs me and Laila tightly to her.

"Hi, son," she says happily and hugs him too.

"Come in," she says and we both walk inside.

I get a look at Kai's dad and see he looks a little like Kai with the same black hair.

I think Kai got his looks more from his mother.

"Ahhh, my son is here and with another whore. Did you knock up this one?," he asks as he laughs at Kai.

Here we go...


Here's chapter 37!!!

I was forced to slut myself out to tatum and she didn't even pay cancel her.

tatumsprings explain yourself now!!!

Apparently I made a whole trend with my tik tok of the picture "it's literally my baby" "but I want it" and I got absolutely no fucking credit and people got more likes then me. I shedded a tear bc it's so upsetting! I shedded more then one tear.😀

Also on this lovely day womens rights decide to say goodbye! So cute love it thank you! I am deeply disappointed.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for everything and for reading! See you next time, I love you! -addyson <333

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