《Beach Baby》chapter 24 | bowling




I love bowling. It's something I do for fun.

I decided I'm going to invite the group to go bowling with me today because I'm bored.

I pick up my phone to text the group chat.

I see I got a text from Greyson.

Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

I need a favor...


Okay, what?

Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

Can you do something with Aulora?


Yeah, why?

Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

She hasn't stopped crying since you left yesterday because Laila doesn't want any thing to do with her.


That's strange. Sure, I was gonna invite everyone to go bowling so I'm gonna text the gc and then come over and get Aulora ready.

Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

Thank you! Can I maybe come too? 🙂


Of course.

Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

It means a lot to me thank you.

What does he have to be thankful for it was just a invite.

Hearing that My Sunshine is sad is making me upset because Laila loves her.

I never want to see her upset.

I head to the group chat to ask everyone.

My shitheads


Bowling at 12. Anyone?

Dumbass who can't talk:



Yessss. So excited.

Elias's Keeper:

Sure. Me and Elias are coming.

Bitch boy:


Auloras cocky bestfriend:


Old man 🏃🏻‍♂️:

I already was invited. 😏

Sunshine No thank you.

Me and six others reacted 👎 to Sunshine <33


If there is Milfs then yes. Sorry to my girlfriend who read that.

Auloras cocky bestfriend:

Doghouse. Legs closed.




Be there at 12.

I close my phone before getting up to get dressed.

His outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

Nikes per usual.

I quickly get my keys and get to my car before starting my drive to Auloras house.

It doesn't take me long to make it to her house.

I park my car and go up to the door before opening it.

Greyson left it unlocked for me.

I walk in the door to see Greyson watching TV on the couch.

I walk past him and walk to Auloras room.

She's laying in her bed with the same clothes she wore yesterday.

Her eyes are puffy and she's just staring at the wall.

Laila on the other hand is in her bassinet babbling and squealing.

"Hi sunshine," I say to her and sit on the side of her bed right next to her.

"Hey," she says and lightly smiles at me.

"What's wrong?," I ask her as I brush the hair off her face and tuck it behind her ear.

"Nothing. I'm just upset about the way that Laila was yesterday and how she didn't want to be near me," she says and I frown.

"She loves you she just didn't feel good. How long has it been since she's ate?," I ask her because I don't know if she got out of the bed.

"I only get up to feed her and change her diaper so she's fine," she says to me and pulls her blanket on her.


"How long has it been since you ate?," I ask her and she looks at me.

"When I ate the cotton candy yesterday," she says and I shake my head.

"It's 11am now you didn't eat dinner or breakfast," I say in disbelief.

"I got up thought and took care of my baby. Greyson played with her too so she wasn't bored. It's fine," she says dismissively.

"It's fine for Laila but you didn't take care of yourself. She loves you and she does need you, don't let her see you like this" I say to her and she nods.

"I'm sorry," she says to me and I shake my head.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Now your going to get up and take a quick shower before coming back out and getting dressed in a outfit because your going bowling," I say to her and she nods her head.

She leaves to get in the shower.

I go to Laila and when she sees me she smiles.

"Dadada," she mumbles at me and it makes my heart mushy.

I was shocked at first when she called me Dad but then I realize I'm with Aulora and her a lot so maybe she is confused.

I pick her up and rest her on my hip.

She starts to grab my face and pull my nose as I stare at her.

I sit on the bed with her still on my hip before I stand her up on my legs.

"We need to have a talk young lady," I say to her and she stares at me.

"You need to be nice to your mama and love her a lot today. She is sad," I say to her and her bottom lip shakes.

"No don't cry. I only told you this because I'm so whipped for your mama," I say to her and she smiles.

"You know what I'm saying," I say to her and she was giggling.

Aulora comes out of the bathroom in pajamas and I stand up and hold Laila to me.

"I overshare with you a lot but I'm in so much pain," she says as she holds her boobs.

"I don't mind and why?," I ask her as she goes to her closet.

"My boobs are very engorged with milk because I didn't pump or feed Laila and it hurts. I also don't know if she will eat from me," she says and I nod my head.

"Try," I say to her and hand her Laila.

Aulora rest Laila on her hip and waits for a few minutes to see her reaction.

Laila starts to whine again.

"See she doesn't want me," she says and I shake my head.

"Just wait," I say to her and she stares at me.

A few seconds Later Laila sticks her hand in her shirt trying to pull it down.

"See I told you," I say to her and she smiles.


"Now feed her and I'll pick you a outfit," I say to her and she nods.

"Is this you new thing?," she asks as she latches Laila onto her.

"What?," I ask her confused as I look through her clothes.

"Picking what I wear. Is that your new thing?," she asks me and I laugh.

"Yes," I say seriously and she rolls her eyes.

Her head leans back on the headboard.

"The relief I'm feeling right now is orgasmic," she says to me and I laugh.

"I'm happy for you?," I say between laughs.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

"Here," I say to her.

"Your ass looks good in jeans so I brought you these and a oversized shirt because your bowling," I say to her and she smiles.

"Cute! Do I get no bra or panties?," she asks me and my eyes widen.

"I didn't want to go in your drawer if your uncomfortable with it," I say to her and she shakes her head.

"If it's you going through it then I don't care," she says and I smile to myself.

I look and hand her black lace underwear with a black bra.

"Here," I say to her and she nods.

"Perfect," she says before she switches Laila and lets her empty her other boob.

Laila eat a lot. As she should.

She's very chunky and squishy and I just want to squeeze her.

Aulora finishes up before changing, doing her makeup, doing her hair and now we make our way to the car.

She buckles Laila up and we sit in the front before driving to the bowling alley.

As she starts the car to drive I quickly remember something.

I haven't kissed her today...


I quickly turn over to her before grabbing her throat and pulling her face closer.

I smash my lips onto hers before we starts to move our mouths against eachother.

We kiss until we feel breathless then I pull away as I bite her bottom lip.

She try's to catch air into her lungs as I let go.

"So are you ready to go?," I ask her and she hits me in the chest before nodding.

It doesn't take long to get to the bowling alley and everyone is already there.

Laila is dead asleep in her car seat.

I unlatch her car seat and pick it up before taking the whole thing inside.

Aulora follows behind me as we walk inside.

Everyone is at a table waiting for us and they bought food.

I lightly put Laila down on the bench and make sure she's still asleep.

"Will she sleep through bowling?," I ask Aulora and she nods.

"She sleeps through anything," she says to me.

"Who's going first?," I ask them and Amelia raises her hand.

"Alright," I say and she goes she rolls the ball and gets all of them down.

"Okay me next," Oliver says and he grabs a ball and rolls it into the gutter and gets none.

He rolls another and knocks down 3.

Next is Lorenzo he knocks them all down.

Then Elias goes and knocks them all down.

Delilah goes and knocks down two then goes again and knocks down the rest.

Nalani goes and knocks them all down.

Aulora goes and knocks down four and goes against knocks down the rest.

Then greyson goes and knocks them all down.

I go and knock them all down.

We continued to play for a while before the game is over and we all sit on the bench's.

"So, are you and Nalani dating?," Oliver asks Amelia as he sits down close to Lorenzo.

"Yes. Now I need to turn her into a milf like Aulora," she says and I roll my eyes.

"So three couples in the group?," Nalani asks us and everyone nods.

"Who's dating?," Greyson says confused.

"Lorenzo and Oliver, Delilah and Elias, Nalani and Amelia," Aulora says as she rocks Laila's car seat back and fourth.

"Wow I feel lonely," Greyson says as he rests his back on the chair.

I just laugh at him.

"I'm thinking about getting my nipples pierced," Delilah says and I just stare at her.

"I have mine pierced and it was the best decision of my life," Nalani says.

Greyson chokes on his soda and starts to cough.

Poor guy couldn't have got a girl with Nipple piercings.

"I can't pierce mine while I breastfeed but I do want to some day," Aulora says as she continues to rock her baby.

"I w-want to g-g-get my d-dick pierced," Lorenzo says as he hugs Oliver to him.

"Best decision I ever made," I say and everyone looks at me.

"Your dick is pierced?," Elias asks me.

I nod my head as I sit there.

Everyone looks shocked while Aulora just blushes.

"Aulora is a lucky woman," Delilah says and Aulora chokes.

"Oh my gosh," she says as she hides her face in her hands.

When she gets flustered it's my favorite thing ever.

So cute.

We continue to talk before we leave and me and Aulora go back to her house.


Here's chapter 24! My hands are so shaky and I'm so hungry so I ended this chapter abruptly.

My Wattpad has been acting up and it's really pissing me off that it's being a cunt right now. First my email wouldn't verify so I couldn't comment but I fixed it and now everyone I click the app it closes like 8 times before it let's me in. I turned off and updated my phone and apps and idk how to fix it.

I am trying to fixing it but it needs to fix by itself so bear with me.

Sorry for late update I've been busy and annoyed with this app.

See you next time! Hope you enjoyed the chapter I love you guys! -addyson <33

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